posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:49 PM
hello fellow ATS-ers
I joined a few years ago but never got around to writing a post to introduce myself... and then I forgot my username and password.... And the rest is
I guess when I joined I had just started to become "awake" and was kinda intimidated by the wealth of knowledge and members that are happy to lay
into newbies LOL
BUT - i have gone away - done my research in various fields (not just internet but by reading through old books and actually talking to people!) - and
now look forward to being an active member.
i always still visited and lurked around the site and religiously read and followed threads from my favourite forums ("Ufos" and "The Grey Area")
When I talk to people about the reasons why I love ATS - I tell them that it isnt about taking everything on here as gospel truth - I read and take
everything that I read with a grain of salt.
Sure, the idea of reptillian aliens living in underground bases eating Humans and infiltrating our political systems to eventually oversee the end of
life on Earth as we know it - may seem extreme.... but it may just be so extreme and so unbelievable that in actual fact it is true...
We should always question and research and endeavour to find answers for ourselves, as we that do are becoming increasingly more few, it is a quality
that "faceless men" do not want the "cattle class" to possess.
ask me any questions, im an open book and happy to discuss my personal experiences.
I look forward to endeavouring to find the answers I seek and to help a few of you on your way as well