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Israeli Rockets? Explosions shake Syrian capital, Damascus.

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posted on May, 5 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Josephus

ur forgetting the ps 83 war, where Israel becomes 5 times larger in size.

and the gog war isnt about destruction, but about plunder. "Have you come to take a spoil?) (Which is why i never believed Hannity despite how "Christian" he claims to be.) Although it'll certainly END in destruction with 5/6 of their army ending up dead.

the sooner ppl wake up and realize not all muslims are bad, and not all jews are good, the better off we'll all be.
And once again, if by supporting Israel ppl mean stabbing them in the back for oil (Leviathan fields) or some other political purpose, then yes the US DEFINITELY supports Israel.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 12:42 PM
Do you guys actually think prophecy is being fulfilled?

I thought with these new attacks by Israel, that we were now off course?

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by HomoSapiensSapiens
Do you guys actually think prophecy is being fulfilled?

I thought with these new attacks by Israel, that we were now off course?

We were well off course before now.

You can't delay the inevitable forever.... Whether this is going to fulfill biblical prophecies or not remains to be seen. Humanity has already been saved from a global catastrophe, anything could happen now... We're headed into unknown time/space.... Literally.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

It is not nice to bogart. You should truly share.

It has got to be some good stuff.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt sapien, k? I'll not assume that you're a troll, if you don't assume that I'm one of these christians that parrot the company motto. deal?

MOST Christians today, are in name/lip service only. I can say that b/c healthy things GROW. And the church isn't growing, it's stagnant, and it's numbers are lateral. (Meaning attendance only goes up when others leave/attend from other churches.)

I'll not bore you with my credentials, b/c I have none. All my work has been through self-study. I have no initials after my name, therefore I have no agenda. (And sadly, what is being promoted out there is nothing BUT agenda.)

I'm sure you've heard (at least in part) of the whole Gog/Magog scenario. Problem is, this isn't next on the radar, Isaiah 17 & the destruction of Damascus is, OR Ps. 83. A ten nation coalition that actually wants what Ahmadinjed has been accused of wanting, to push Israel "into the sea".

The problem with this scenario, however, is that this makes no worldly/political sense. (I know, a christian taking politics into account, whoudda thunk it?) Why would the nations that are NOT listed in Ezekiel 38-39 taking part in this "war"? The answer is obvious, b/c they were dealt with in Ps. 83, which I believe is a possible backlash of wherever this whole Damascus thing is. You can NOT have a "city of unwalled villages in Israel without some kind of peace treaty, and THAT means that the neighboring states/nations surrounding Israel MUST be dealt with first, period. (And my fellow brothers/sisters in Christ are too busy listening to what the latest/greatest pastor/prophets say, as opposed to just reading/studying scripture.

On topic, this strike is actually ingenious, from a Machiavellian POV. They know that they can't confront Iran directly, too many plans have gone public. (Wesley Clark video, the starting false flags with Iranian boats being driven by seals video, etc etc won't work. However, they also know that Iran has a defense pact with Syria, and MUST intervene. When/IF they do, they can strike Iran b/c it is "interfering" with whatever action Israel/USA is employing at the moment. Despite the fact that Iran hasn't started a war with another nation in God knows how many years/decades. (Even Sadaam started it with the Shaw in the 70's iirc) I'm not saying Iran is perfect, just (illegal stealing elections, brutal oppression of it's ppl caught on tape in '09, and the US having ZERO interest to truly help the Iranian ppl) we're not interested in "Democracy", we're interested of OUR DEFINITION OF "DEMOCRACY". So this strike in Syria could be a back door way of starting war with Iran IF she keeps her promise in helping Syria.

I know this is alot of conjecture, and this may very well die down like NK scenario does. I don't claim to have a crystal ball, but I fully believe eventually, this will go hot (or something similar) and you will have a full blown war in the ME with these nations being involved, and in this order as I described.

I also believe that when it does, the US won't be able to respond/react. Be it either fiscal collapse, EMP, or whatever reasons, b/c the US is not mentioned in bible prophecy. (But that is another thread)

I hope this answers in more detail your question.

Take care!

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ausername

Showing ppl how/why these things happen is hardly "off course."

Especially when you can show a viable political reason why for starting this war/action.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude

I didn't say the destruction was the goal of Gog/Magog, but rather that the destruction of Damascus may be the impetus for its initialization.

As for the Psalm 83 I do not believe it to be a prophecy of an event independent of Ezekiel 38-39 but rather a prayer which will be answered by the War of Ezekiel 38-39. It is written as "A psalm of Asaph" identifing its origin as being from Asaph and not as a prophecy from God through Asaph.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Josephus

But you still have to account for the phrase "a city of unwallled villages" that is mentioned in Ez. 38-39. That hasn't happened, and CAN'T happen as long as Israel receives 6K rocket attacks a year. You must adresse how these rockets stop, through either a peace treaty, or the nations surrounding Israel have been conquered/pacified.

I know most "scholars" see Ps. 83 as already being fulfilled when the Assyrians overtook the Northern Kingdom Milena ago, but since it hasn't been fully fulfilled, I see it as a future event. As do others that wonder what happened to the missing nations in Ez. 38-39.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by HomoSapiensSapiens

In all honesty it is quite impossible for us to stray from our course. God exists outside of time and true prophecy is not a prediction but rather a history written in advance. Once God has given a prophecy it is guaranteed to take place. In our world a consequence or event is predicated by certain decisions. Therefore whatever decisions we make are the ones which move us along the prophetic timeline.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by OutonaLimb

It is not nice to bogart. You should truly share.

It has got to be some good stuff.'re craazy.
but i like you.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by ausername

You shouldn't speak for most Americans. It is only the rabid christian fundamentalists that are down with Israel. That and the end of the worlders.

Educated Americans are not on Israel's side, nor are other white folk in other countries. Everyone knows what an apartheid regime it is. How they have trounced upon the rights of their neighbors. How they have stolen land and deprived the Palestinians of their human rights. Dude, no one is down with that. NO ONE. Except people like you.

And someone shouldn't speak for 'educated American's' either considering that crap.

edit on 5-5-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by penninja


Because they use the people that died in the holocaust to justify what they are doing to the Palestinians.

TRUTH: The USA killed more people in Iraq the first week... than Israel has killed or displaced Palestinians in the entire time there.. Not quite as quick but ditto...

You left out where America doesn't annex the land like Israel does.

There has not been one year in 40 years (just an example) Israelis killed more Palestinians than Black people kill white people in the USA, doesn't even come close to the death tolls of overall gun homicide in the USA.

There are 8 million in Israel and over 314 million in America if you increased Israels numbers to where it matched America then America would be in second place.

I don't even want to go on... right or wrong this is one conflict, the poverty, the death, the ability for the displaced to migrate... none of it even Comes CLOSE to so much else going on in the same time frame... This very much includes... Americas actions, The Russians Actions over the last century... it's DWARFED

When America and Russia did those things they were at war now what war is Israel in? According to Benny the war ended in 2009.

If it was about the actions of the State the USA in Iraq alone... Depleted Uranium? I mean for the love of god we gave the gift of death that will keep on giving for hundreds of years... Israel doesn't even come close...

Seeing how Israel targets children looks like they won't have the hundreds of years.

The Jews have a point... there is nothing much more than Racist Jew Hate at work.... which to a degree justifies them... because in the end... this is just ONE of many places where LOTS of people die over simply not being able to live together... in the USA the number is 10x yearly people shooting each other, in our wars will kill 100 or 1000 x as many,

Pointing out the international laws that Israel breaks isn't Jew hate. For one Zionist run Israel not Jews. Zionist just use the Jewish faith so that when they are criticized they can cry it's because we are Jews.

There is not one true point in here

Your completely full of crap and not being Honest about it...

1: The holocaust isn't used to justify what they do to palestine... or maybe once in a while some Individual when pressed uses this but the TRUTH is the Muslims are murderous by policy to any non muslim just as the Jews are murderous to them... this is an EQUAL region of racism

2: We, America killed over 1,000,000 in Iraq the Palestinian conflict would need to continue at current averages for 500 years to reach that number... The Uranium in the soil will last about that long... what do you even mean "we don't annex" lol.... we didn't ANNEX America lol... (I like my country don't get me wrong... it's just the POINT here)

3: This statement is an utter untruth, there are years more people die in gunfire in Detroit alone than in Palestine or Israel... when it's person to person NOT military...Palestinians and Israelis do better to each other than people in our ghettos do...

4: When America and Russia do these thing it's WAR..... so lol the label makes it okay? By that rationale Israel should just declare war and finish the job and then you'd like them better for some reason....

5: Blah blah blah..... WE do worse very decade, the Russians do worse... war is war your just picking a side...we break International Law every day, every superpower does actually...

In the end your just picking a side....

Frankly... imho, all the smart Jews don't even live in that dung hole region anyway, My side is picked because in the end it's Americas side and Europes side of a much larger conflict of civilizations... Siding against US and our goals for an enemy only makes you a traitor, but i'm certainly not going to sit there and try and use....the casualties of war as justification for why one side is right and the other is wrong...

The very ACT of WAR is heinous... bad awful things happen

Your picking a side, nothing more...

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by neo96

neo... the fact alone that video doesnt allow comments says a lot for its credibility. Seriously.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Yeah the middie east fighting over the same sand for over 2000 years has no 'credibility'.

Alrightie then.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by penninja

Yep, its amazing how low the death toll actually is in Israel and Palestine is.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by penninja

Muslims aren't a murderous society the have conflicts, Christian societies are the murderous ones, check your facts. Plus your flawed rationale of thinking that one atrocity is not as bad as another is just flawed, you don't compare what one person did to another and say well its not as bad. The fact is that ever since the west moved into oil rich Muslim countries death and war has followed. Its so simple, leave the Muslims alone, get out of their nations, let them sale their oil products to whoever they chose in whatever currency they choose.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Yeah the middie east fighting over the same sand for over 2000 years has no 'credibility'.

Alrightie then.

They are constantly fighting foreign invaders from Christian nations, wonder why they have issues with those foreigners?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by penninja
So as of this prior Month support for Israel is at an all time high BUT Now look at this... where is?
75% of young Americans don't know where Israel is on a map

Number one, you're comparing children aged 8-17 to 18 to 25 year old American adults. That's not even the same group; ergo, it's a red herring. Aside from that, one doesn't have to know the location of a place to have an opinion on that place.

Regardless... One group is part of a culture that by numbers and philosophy is opposed to western civilization some would say Modern civilization.

Seriously? Have you ever personally met any Palestinians? I have and they, too, were Americans who came to this country as refugees, set up businesses here, and still managed to, with all your purported backwardness, assimilate very well. .You really need to learn to comprehend the idea of extremism in any group. Now in my post, I actually changed one of the words describing some of the activities that a small group of Jewish people engaged in pre-Paris Peace talks. The source called them terrorists and I thought the word held too much taint to use. I was referring to the Jewish Lehi, which the UK, itself, deemed to be a terrorist group. Better yet, they even sided with Nazi Germany on the overthrow of European states and engaged in activities ranging from an assassination and train bombings. But the interesting thing about the activities of Lehi is that it isn't talked about at all in reference to Israel or its history. The group ended up being moved into the Israel Defense Forces after 1948 but after 4 members assassinated an UN mediator. Lehi, btw, had their own version of Jihad so if you want to compare groups in terms of extremist behavior--there was actually an extremist and similar component within the Jewish community.

TRUTH: The USA killed more people in Iraq the first week... than Israel has killed or displaced Palestinians in the entire time there.. Not quite as quick but ditto...There has not been one year in 40 years (just an example) Israelis killed more Palestinians than Black people kill white people in the USA, doesn't even come close to the death tolls of overall gun homicide in the USA.

I also did not support the war in Iraq at any time since its invasion was announced and know very darn well what went on there. According to the UN, 711,000 Palestinians had fled Israel as refugees as of 1951. That's just three years after the UN decision....three years.!Open Document" target="_blank" class="postlink">UN General Progress Report, 1951
An additional 350,000 to 400,000 Palestinians were refugees due to the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. That's over 1 million Palestinians displaced. Death/Casualty figures that have no potential bias are really hard to come by as those are calculated by Israel.

The Jews have a point... there is nothing much more than Racist Jew Hate at work.... which to a degree justifies them... because in the end... this is just ONE of many places where LOTS of people die over simply not being able to live together... in the USA the number is 10x yearly people shooting each other, in our wars will kill 100 or 1000 x as many,

So when I hear AMERICANS barking about Israel... I know the Truth, your just as racist as the other side is... there is no actual logic, your just picking sides for the same reasons the 75% of Americans that don't even know where Israel is do.... CULTURAL BIAS

So any American getting upset (comparing me to a dog? really?) is suffering from "cultural bias" alone. You can look at my post history and you will find that I am very anti-war. Wars begin and end with hate with a whole lot of suffering and death in between. You accuse me of cultural bias when I deliberately omitted a word that was rife with bias in my prior post and omitted the fact that that group also was working with Nazi Germany....Israel is acting as an aggressor to war. I was just as vocal about our own aggressive actions in regards to North Korea as of late. Cultural bias doesn't work with me as I always attempt to strip any bias from myself when looking at any political situation. What occurred in regards to the partitioning of Palestine was unfair. I hold the right to call that one out when that is not something typically taught in American schools. If you don't like it, too bad but thanks for the fish.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by OutonaLimb
i have it on good authority that nothing happened at all in libya and that the
footage seen from the main square in egypt was counterfeit as there was
works going on the ground that were not shown in any of the videos released.

Can't speak on Libya but my cousin was actually getting married in Cairo so both he, his brother and my uncle were present in Cairo when the protests erupted in Tahir Square. It was pretty scary for them and for us but they got out fine as the bride's family hired private security forces to protect them for the remainder of their stay until they were able to leave. So, going to have to call foul on the Egypt remark.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Yeah the middie east fighting over the same sand for over 2000 years has no 'credibility'.

Alrightie then.

Huge huge mistake on my part. I mixed it all up with other video I was watching regarding Israel and Palestine issues and I just made a big mess and commented the wrong video.

Sorry. About yours yea. Well... its history. You cant go wrong with it.

Again sorry for my comment.


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