posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:59 AM
There are few things i want to add to this thread.
Me, i havent got any religion so far. Well that is not 100% true. Its kind of my own religion only for myself.
I remember going to church when i was very little, as i dont even remember if i have heard what was said there.
I just remember an angel which has been drawn on the ceiling, and later trying to draw that angel on the road.
well the road is a part of which is not driven frequently, were we used to play there the most of time.
As for not beeing that religious, i do have a bit of understanding, which mostly comes from the movies.
So i have to say that this (not)belief makes me able to look at the other beliefs with a bit clearer mind than
someone who is religiously involved (grown with).
As i have had few questions so they came to me too.
They are showing me that humans do need a religion in which they should believe. but they should also live that way.
But what kind of people are, who are fighting to defend their religion ?
uh my mind is beiing filled with ideas cant write now