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Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous!

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posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:40 PM
Abandon all preconceived notions, ye who enter here. Watch the video

What if we all woke up tomorrow and government was severely weakened or gone? It seems quite likely that gangs, organized crime, and violent predators would take over. What would our society look like in the aftermath of such a scenario?

This video explains the real-world consequences of such a precarious circumstance. It's a whole 13 minutes long and watching it is pretty much a prerequisite if we are going to have any sort of a discussion on this topic. Perhaps it's not what you think.

May the fates steer us from such outcome!

+7 more 
posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:46 PM
I watched 57 seconds of this video and can already tell you this is complete BS.

Libertarianism isn't what you claim, and it's not what your video claimed in the first minute. This is misinformation and stupidity.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:49 PM
Yeah this video is wack, and the narrator is stupid and boring. I'm no political science major but I'm pretty sure there's a slight difference between libertarianism and straight up anarchy run by organized criminals.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:59 PM
Thanks for not watching the video, but somehow still managing to conjure up such strong opinions on its message.

Good show you two!

edit on 4-5-2013 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:03 AM
You could title that video, "Suppose the world ran out of milk", and it would still be just as worthless.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by METACOMET

Thanks for sharing the video. The narrator is very tongue in cheek or comedic during this video.

Alright I finished the video. It had a lot to put on the table. I can agree that even if the government would be gone one day; that wouldn't stop crime or make everything abundant like we'll live in the Garden of Eden. There would be a whole lot of problems because of how society collapsed and people would basically become survivors. I wouldn't doubt there would be various groups with their own political agendas who would want to form a new government of their own. However, places like Somalia have shown that it is a nightmarish reality.

There are a couple of things I can with libertarians. Like freedom of speech, basic rights, etc. The government is not perfect. But we're not a hive mind and we should be able to have our rights and a working government. In my opinion no government or total government wouldn't work for humanity. It's impossible!

This is just my two cents. I would love to here others opinions on the video and the subject.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:44 AM
Gangs already own the streets, the government cant stop it if it exists or not. The role of gov is to protect our constitutional rights and provide a sound economy. Education, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance is not the role of the government amongst other things. Its the invasive aspects of the gov as well that are wrong. No government doesn't mean no cops either. Ive never seen anything like it when people actually WANT to pay income tax, I just don't get it. Then they justify it by saying something stupid like "we need roads". Well idiot that's why you pay taxes on your car EVERY YEAR on the SAME THING over and over and over and over. Income tax is wrong and wasn't invented too long ago civil war time, the war is over we need to stop paying. Im a libertarian for LIMITED government not NO government, children and handicapped people need to be taken care of. WSe pay taxes on EVERYTHING we buy ,well almost everything, that should be enough .
edit on 4-5-2013 by jazztrance because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:59 AM
Um.....people? I hate to point this out. It is a spoof! It's a send up! It's sacasm! It's a video FOR Libertarianism! The violent gang IS government! Should I have given a spoiler alert first? I facepalmed myself so hard my nose is now in the back of my head!

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:09 AM
Society would become controlled by the strongest and most well armed. Instead of government we'd be run by redneck Midwestern gun wielding thugs. Oh.. that was government!

It would be like being under the Taliban in the Middle east

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:17 AM
Ahhh, the usual call to "sanity" by the State and it's minions, with the usual claims that people can't govern themselves and need to be controlled.

I am not referring to the OP)

along with the tired old accusations/projections regarding anarchists wanting to:

"wreck the world, in order to rule the ruins"

brought to you by those who are engaged precisely in bring suchwith about.

i would advise the OP to look into the idea of Resilient Communities
DISCLAIMER:[not a plug or soft sell]=>

Robb's other worthy blog, globalguerrillas:

and here:
you can also search YT for "Aquaponics" and Vertical_farming

unlike past collapses; humanity currently possesses the knowledge and tech
to not only maintain civilization in a post collapse SHTF scenario, but to literally rise above it into a finer and more just world paradigm.

these "ages of chaos" scenarios, as a result of a sudden collapse of government/current economic paradigm will result of course, but only for those parasitic consumers of consumerism, when they find that no matter how much blood they spill in sacrifice, the golden calf's teats have dried up.

resilient communities and individuals will cleanse this earth of them
when the aforementioned send their missionaries to proselytize.

arm yourselves with the requisite tools, skills and knowledge

for the day is coming.

some might take issue with the above to them i'll merely say:

Pay me no heed, as i am quite "Mad".

and continue to munch the grass/ consume, while you can

reply to post by Magister
and thus duly chastened [ as well as miffed by OP's deception] am now watching

ROFL i had thought that Metacomet had gone "sane" for a moment
star only as i'm unable to flag being a "new member"

edit on 4-5-2013 by TheMagus because: sorry, had a moment of "sanity" tthere.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:32 AM
The mafia was formed during a period of near anarchism in the country side of Italy....when the economy was transferring from feudalism to capitalism. So......

Anarcho-capitalism would never work and would be a complete hell hole to live under.

Real libertarianism (ie socialist libertarianism) could be a different story.

I didn't watch the video though.
edit on 4-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 03:02 AM
I don't understand... how would gangs take over if the Government wasn't there to fund them, run them guns or ship the drugs in from Afghanistan?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:31 AM
ok the video is obviously a spoof, and what i would dub "English Humor", dry wit that requires a little more intellectual grasp than the usual dick and fart jokes.

Whether or not it promotes or makes fun of libertarianism is up for debate, but that is a debate not really worth having, when peoples philosophies about philosophies tend to vary greatly

Something that should be pointed out here is the misuse of language. It's something i constantly see here on ATS.

Anarchy .....
and don't just read the wiki, read the authors of the philosophy itself. Self governance and Self Responsibility with no government to tell you "how to be Self governed and Self Responsible" is just NOT the same as people running through the streets with pitch forks or molotovs ..... that is called a riot. The WTO protests in Seattle '99 are a great example of a riot labeled anarchy. It wasn't any kind of Anarchy, there might have been anarchists involved in the chaos who thought they were being or practicing Self governance and Self Responsibility, and that is debateable for sure. But, the event itself was not anarchy it was a riot

Another word that is constantly misused is:
Apocalypse, Greek, which means "The lifting of a veil during a time of deceit and falsehoods". While this may be synonymous with "Epiphany" ..... it is usually, instead, thought to be synonymous with "Cataclysm", or "Conflagration", or "Disaster (bad star, greek again)". It is not.

The list of these misused words is long. I think in a time when we are so heavily debating the constitution and bill of rights, a debate which is usually boiled down to "the language" used, it should be increasingly important to use words properly and more specifically to their true meaning.
The founding fathers wrote those documents with the language in mind, and words chosen VERY deliberately (for the times), and also left it as a base line for a living document that would grow as we grow (that is not to say it should be changed or rewritten, that is an endless debate).

mods ---- feel free to move this if needs be

edit on 4-5-2013 by davznothere because: typo

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:41 AM
Libertarians don't want to get rid of the government.Libetarians want to shrink the government so they are not corrupted and go to wars and have unlimited power.We still want a military and a government that helps its people.Actually we want the government to help its own country more than they help other countries first.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:50 AM
I don't get it, I thought core libertarian beliefs were that the government should be limited to its proper role of protecting the rights of the people and providing for the common defense. Why do people always think libertarians want anarchy? I believe libertarians take the Democratic party's side on social issues but take the conservative's side when it comes to economics. Libertarians believe in a free market economy with sound money. Simply the government limited by the Constitution. Where do people get anarchy from?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by jazztrance

Income tax is wrong and wasn't invented too long ago civil war time, the war is over we need to stop paying. Im a libertarian for LIMITED government not NO government, children and handicapped people need to be taken care of. WSe pay taxes on EVERYTHING we buy ,well almost everything, that should be enough

Well one obvious solution would be for the US gov to stop spending so much on the pentagon or intel agenceis however i know these are untouchable targets even among libertarians thus most americans seem to think they are worthy of having money poured into them without questions, check or balances. This is not unique to the US though the commonwealths nations treat their military and intel agencies with the same level of unaccountability,immunity from auditing.By contrast the amount that to would go towards food stamps or welfare for the jobless would be insignificant.
edit on 4-5-2013 by Theprimordialocker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Magister
Um.....people? I hate to point this out. It is a spoof! It's a send up! It's sacasm! It's a video FOR Libertarianism! The violent gang IS government! Should I have given a spoiler alert first? I facepalmed myself so hard my nose is now in the back of my head!

Yes, the first minute or so I too thought it was a load of crap and anti-Libertarianism but I hung in there as requested by the op; glad I did.

It is a thought provoking video so I suppose that is why some may have a problem with the opening or did not watch the entire video. Amazing how people can see the same thing and come to completely different conclusions.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Magister

reply to post by 727Sky

I appreciate all the replies this thread has received, but these two especially. Thank you.

I have a totally unrelated and unambiguous question here for you folks.

I'm a farmer. On my farm I raise chickens, goats and cows, but most importantly I keep a big-old guard dog. He's a mean curmudgeon. Even though I don't have much, I feed him, treat him with respect, give him free reign. In return, I expect him to do his job by protecting my helpless stock from predators.

However, recently, when he spots the predator wolves gathering on the horizon, plotting the slaughter of my animals, he doesn't bark or growl. I have this sneaking suspicion the he is actually inviting them all in through the gate of my fence!

When I wake up in the morning I hear the wolves howling with joy out in the distance. I also find that my animals have been stolen or killed. When I attempt to confront my guard dog to find out what happened, he growls at me.

So here is my question: Do I fix the problem by crying over the nature of the wolves or do I get a new guard dog? I'm leaning towards just crying over the nature of wolves, but I don't know if that would actually accomplish anything.

This is going to be a tough decision. If only my problem wasn't so cryptic and had anything at all to do with the video!
edit on 4-5-2013 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
I watched 57 seconds of this video and can already tell you this is complete BS.

Libertarianism isn't what you claim, and it's not what your video claimed in the first minute. This is misinformation and stupidity.

But you don't say why? Nor tell us what Libertarianism is? You tell us nothing and your post is a useless excerise in self-aggrandizement. Who are you to tell me or anyone else what is true or false?

I think (I do have that right, don't I) your post is misinformation and stupidity.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:12 PM
Libertarianism is not anarchism. They are not synonyms, and your first sentence is based on your gross misunderstanding of what Libertarianism really is.

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