Originally posted by MadMax7
Aids appeared without help so mankind doesn't need to be risked further by scientists creating stuff that is downright dangerous.
Their theories about stuff are dangerous enough!
(yes, 100 comments)
Sorry, Aids is man made.
It resulted from an experiment to use Chimpanzee blood as a substitute for human blood, in blood plasma transfusions. An attempt to solve the problem
of shortage of blood in hospitals. The experiment was begun in the United States, then moved to the jungles of a South American country called Guyana.
In an area near the border between Guyana and Venezuela, a settlement called Jonestown was establish under religious pretexes to further the
experiment. When the congressman Ryan went to Guyana to investigate he was assinated, becaus he was attempted to bring back to the US some of the test
subjects, and the expreiment terminated by wiping out the entire community, using cyanide to misdirect and mask the blood tampering. The multinational
pharmaceutical corporation that funded and carried out the experiments was a German firm "IG Farben". The chief scientist on stie in Jonestown who
carried out the experiments for IG Farben was Dr. Laurence Eugene Schacht.
The Aids virus jumped the chimp-human barrier first through these blood plasma transfusion experiments, then continued to migrate through the
promiscuous sexual activity of the members. So, although Jonestown was exterminated in 1978, to prevent the spread of the disease, the disease
continued to spread by sexual contact, from all the sexual partners the Town's folk had with people outside the community. The population of Guyana
was unaffected, since all these contacts were US citizens. Jonestown was in a remote part of that south american nation, and the Jonestown members had
their own secret entrance to Guyana, which enabled them to come and go by boat without the Government of Guyana knowing. They didn't even pass
through customs and immigration. The Guyana government only discovered this just before the tragic event in 1978.
The story told about Jonestown is just the "cover story". In the cover story, Dr. Schacht is found dead lying among the Temple members. No mention
is made of the ex-military bodyguards who ran the community, and who actually assassinated congressman Ryan at the airport. They did not drink the
coolaid. It is unlikely that the body identified as Dr. Schacht was really him. No mention is made of what happened to all his notebooks. Yet, just
weeks before the mass extermination, Dr Schacht was proudly showing off his human experimental achievements to an inspection team from the local
government who came to visit the People's Temple. He showed them the Chimpanzie from which the blood was taken, and he took them into his office to
show them the blood experiments. He claimed they had found "cures" for many diseases.
It is possible that similar experiments were undertaken also in other parts of the world, like Africa. But, although there are suspicions, nothing is
as clear as the Jonestown case.
After that 1978 event, the disease began to make an appearance in the USA.
Some argued that the Chimp was really used to "transport" the virus. Since you needed a biological organism to store the virus on the long journey
into the Jungle. That the virus was manufactured in the US, trials got difficult there to conduct, so they had to move the experiment to a location
outside the USA to continue, and just needed the Chimp as the vessel. Others say the Chimp already had the virus, its a common and harmless among
Chimps, but the experiment to use Chimp blood in humans introduced the virus to a new environment, where it became hostile. So there's debate on
whether the virus was a weapon being manufactured by the military, or whether it was an accident, introduced unknowingly in the attempt to solve the
problem of using chimp blood plasma in humans.
The evidence points to Aids being an accident of the experiment. But, you can never be sure about these things, because of all the cover ups. However,
by following the "timeline" of the Aids epidemic, you can link it back to Jonestown.