posted on May, 6 2013 @ 05:33 PM
okay......Hello, Skyder Alert.
Yep, I'm the same Stars15k that has been attempting to sign up to your website. I wanted to be able to access what other people know
what I might need to research to intelligently debunk whatever silliness is being sent, at a cost to the taxpayer, to our representative. Because
that is what is going to happen...
I began debunking on YouTube, also as Stars15k, because there were people who were calling clouds "chemtrails." Specifically, altocumulus
undulates...which are high, kind of puffy, ridged clouds. They are undulates, because they show the undulations of the energy that moves through the
atmosphere at the altitude they happen to be sitting in. They are a natural feature of clouds, and have been in the sky for as long as there has been
clouds and wind.....which is a heck of a lot longer than the "chemtrail" believers would like to think.
I was told then, I didn't know what I was talking about, and I needed to research. So I did. I believe Carnicom was one of the first sites I
researched. The first page of his....well, I know what scientific method should be like, and he wasn't using it. Taking air tests from the ground
is not going to show you what is so far over your head. Things that far don't fall to the ground. And that was just the first stupid thing I found
researching "chemtrails.".
(I hope you notice that "chemtrails" is always marked by me with "" because it's not a real word.)
I visited all over the web, saw a lot of clouds called "chemtrails", called all kinds of names, saw contrails like I have seen my entire life
looking like they do today....and boned up on my science to make sure I got the facts right.
I believe when you research, and find two opposing views of something, you need to learn as much as possible about each view before you are able to
say "this is a fact." I have yet to see anything labeled "chemtrail", any story, any picture, any video, any test, any anything that is
not easily explained with a bit of knowledge about weather, chemistry, physics, geology, or aviation. I have also yet to see a "chemtrail" believer
able to comprehend the terminal velocity of something as small as a trail particle falling, the fact that the atmosphere is not homogenous, that
planes fly in routes like roads on the ground, that contrails can persist for hours...well, not anyone who has done the research and actually LEARNED
I would have exposed myself on your website sooner than later. I have already seen pictures of normal clouds being sent to you. I would have pointed
them out as clouds, complete with verifiable name. That you found me by a post on your FB page, strikes me as funny! But right now, the problems I
have had being able to log in on you webpage has prevented me from doing so. I'll wait for your call if you still want me or not. I do know I
wouldn't be wasting someone's time with pictures of clouds and contrails, so will never buy your program. You are doing a disservice to many but
hey, $o what, huh?