Hey there Lulz,well i believe in reincarnation,so that influences my worldview,and every aspect of my life,really.So what i've told my son is:It's
impossible to die.When this flesh-suit gets too worn-out/suffers catastrophic damage, our present incarnation is over.Then we (who are
spirit+energy,invisible) we leave,we ditch the suit,and return to the astral plane/dimension where all spiritform go upon departing Here.Then
we,according to our lives we've lived:1)stay there to learn more,or 2) reincarnate here again to learn more If we want to come back here, OR we are
forced to reincarnate,to work off karma-till one day we have progressed,learnt and experienced enough to reunite with our Source.
The Source of all soul/spirit,the true "God" if you will,whence we came.That to leave here,Does mean seperation,which can be very sad,but that it's
only temporary-when we are in spiritform,our natural state,we eventually can reunite with beloved fellow souls,when they too,ditch the
fleshsuit/practical physical conveyance for This specific world,when their tours here are done.
I also tell him of the consequences of building up much bad karma in any given incarnation-because of how it limits your choices when you leave
here.(I believe some one who chose to wilfully commit evil acts,and never felt remorse or desire for atonement while here,do not get a choice in
whether to reincarnate,and most likely Here,though there could be worse places,and many times,to work off that much bad karma.
To me that would be "Hell",as opposed to a chance to learn more,all over the omniverse,which is fabulously interesting,much more freedom,and of
"Heaven"-reuniting with the Source/God.Well i'm not saying you should tell your son the exact same thing,just saying,that's what i believe,what
resonates as truth in my deepest being,and makes sense to me.
edit on 2-5-2013 by Gazrok because: Edited by the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Paragraphs.