posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:21 PM
An absolute disgrace she is to the office of Primeminister. Not just her, but her entire part reeks of incompetance.
Her current term, and the former shared with Kevin Rudd, are the 2 worst priministerships this country has ever seen.
Squandering a large surplus left by the previous Liberal Party, these mongrels should be held to account for financial mismanagement.
The whole parties pensions should be cancelled to help pay for the wastage.
How someone can leave office and the country in a much worse situation without being held to account beats me.
I used to be a Labor voter, was a union rep at one stage aswell...saw the dodgy dealing many of those that now run the show dealt with in their former
union lives aswell as those below them at the time, puts a complete picture to the hows and why's of our current situation.
They are agenda driven thugs, they are brought up bullying employers for rediculous conditions in their enterprise bargaining, and without any
experience running a business/company or responsible for financial transactions before their new lives as politicians, they have no grounds/worth to
run the country.
We will now be spiralling towards a recession within the next 3 years as mining boom ends, and manufacturing winds up in this country - again due to
rediculous polices as tarrif reduction on imports, free trade agreements.
God help the future generations wanting employment.