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"Rodin Coil" Inventor has allowed me to share this with you....

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posted on May, 4 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Thats an amazing discovery you've found, I've yet to read that document.

I knew it was greater, but not Artificial Intelligence!!!!!

Well done, you found the Philosophers Stone

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
I see the name Greg Volt. I'm not familiar with him. New stuff to explore. I love it.

Here's the first video of a 15 video playlist "Rodin Number Map Marko Rodin & Greg Volk 2010 NPA Long Beach":

I see that NPA stands for the Natural Philosophy Alliance and that Greg Volt's name appears on the home page.

His bio:

NPA Member
Electrical Engineer, Investments
Interests: Entropy, Radiation, Entanglement, Unification, Atomic Structure, Toroidal Ring, Iaad, Mach's Principle, Topology, Hertzian Electrodynamics Age: 52

I attended Stanford from 1979 to 1984 as an electrical engineer and also took the entire core undergraduate curriculum in physics. I did not complete my masters in signal processing, but did work in optical character recognition (OCR) and CAD conversion. An entrepreneur at heart, I chose not to go into physics or engineering as a career . . . My introduction to Creation Science in the late 1980s transformed my worldview from one of openness to any and all ideas, religious or otherwise, to one convinced of the existence of absolutes.

My decision not to pursue physics as a career was based in part on the uneasiness I felt regarding the fundamental laws. My gut told me that in coming closer to the core of things, greater and greater elegance, not messiness, ought to prevail. God's laws ought to be based on a few unifying concepts, not on ad hoc formulas. But the reverse seemed to be the case. I was deeply troubled by the implications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty, and felt something must be amiss. Nonetheless for years on my own time I dabbled with some of my own ideas about the foundations of creation.

In the summer of 2007 Russ McGlenn directed me to the work of David L. Bergman and Dr. Charles William Lucas Jr. of Common Sense Science. This Godsend reawakened my passion for physics at a time in my life when I was could devote some attention to serious study. Since then I have read everything I could find relating to Bergman's ring model and the classical foundations of physics (Prof. Andre K. T. Assis, Dr. Petr Beckmann, Dr. Peter Granea, Dr. Thomas E. Phipps Jr., Dr. Paul Wesley, Dr. Parry H. Moon & Dr. Domina Eberle Spencer, etc.), as well as the original works of the masters (Newton, Huygens, Faraday, Boltzmann, Mach, Planck, and of course Einstein). I am convinced that the Common Sense Science approach holds the key to solving many fundamental mysteries in physics, but one piece missing from the puzzle is the connection of entropy with electrodynamics, on which I am currently working.

I love original thinkers like him.

(There are lots of links within the above bio that you can click on if you're interested.)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Thats an amazing discovery you've found, I've yet to read that document.

Are you talking about the patent that DenyObfuscation found or the 68 page .pdf file?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Thats an amazing discovery you've found, I've yet to read that document.

Are you talking about the patent that DenyObfuscation found or the 68 page .pdf file?

The patent number he used was the one I provided - If i'm correct, then that patent is what you just said it was in the previous post

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty

I knew it was greater, but not Artificial Intelligence!!!!!

Well done, you found the Philosophers Stone

The problem is that AI can be used for unspeakable evil. (But so can free energy technology.)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:35 AM
It's so cute seeing someone discover Rodin for the first time, they are always so excited for a couple of months and then after they figure out what everyone else has already figured out they move on...
(I'll save you some time, it has no real world applications it can be used for due to it's highly magnetic anomalies, also, NO ONE knows what the proper winding is supposed to be like, not even Rodin himself.)

you're welcome.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Thunderheart

That's what we want: Anomalies. That's how progress is made.

It is true that R&D needs to be done. Not just in how to wind it but what materials will need to be used. Costs money.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
It's so cute seeing someone discover Rodin for the first time, they are always so excited for a couple of months and then after they figure out what everyone else has already figured out they move on...
(I'll save you some time, it has no real world applications it can be used for due to it's highly magnetic anomalies, also, NO ONE knows what the proper winding is supposed to be like, not even Rodin himself.)

you're welcome.

Its nice to see that you understood that I am talking more than just science here too, glad you noticed.

Did you see that I wrote about using the maths for a new monetary system? Instead of the Fractional system that is currently in use?

Did you notice that the mathematics can be applied to mapping the whole DNA sequence and not just the certain percentage that is not classified as Junk DNA.

I suppose you also understood that you can use this for methods of communications too. At this point, I am up, you are down.

Not even Rodin? I beg to differ. That is all I'll say on THAT matter.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, my personal journey is totally worthless and I look forward to 'moving on'

We are now neutral - you're welcome

edit on 13/5/4 by Im a Marty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by Im a Marty

I knew it was greater, but not Artificial Intelligence!!!!!

Well done, you found the Philosophers Stone

The problem is that AI can be used for unspeakable evil. (But so can free energy technology.)

Perhaps AI is a bad term.

I would more likely say....something along the lines of a simultaneous CPU core... I mean if it were attached to arms and legs, then ... yeah could be a problem. But as a CPU that would be great

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Not even Rodin? I beg to differ. That is all I'll say on THAT matter.

I have to agree that Rodin doesn't know how to wind the coil. In fact, he wouldn't even be in the public eye at all as far as I can see if it were not for his endorsers who see the real-world potential in his concepts, which evolved from mysticism.

It is up to others to develop vortex math and make useful things out of it. Rodin has always said that as far as I know.

Rodin is a teacher. (And not a very good one. He needs help with that, too!)

He's also eccentric. But give him a break - lots of visionaries are eccentric.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Not even Rodin? I beg to differ. That is all I'll say on THAT matter.

I have to agree that Rodin doesn't know how to wind the coil. In fact, he wouldn't even be in the public eye at all as far as I can see if it were not for his endorsers who see the real-world potential in his concepts, which evolved from mysticism.

It is up to others to develop vortex math and make useful things out of it. Rodin has always said that as far as I know.

Rodin is a teacher. (And not a very good one. He needs help with that, too!)

He's also eccentric. But give him a break - lots of visionaries are eccentric.

OK i'll give you that one...

I suppose (and i haven't asked yet) that the POE Torus was Randy's design? or someone elses?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

I think AI is the correct term and we should use it.

I don't think it has to be attached to arms and legs to be used for evil.

But I think free energy technology is exactly the same scenario. I also think the powers that be already have all of it so it's up to the people to get their hands on it, too.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

My understanding is that Daniel and Erica Nunez of 1 Stop Energies have picked up on Randy Powell's revision of the original interpretation that was placed on Rodin's concepts.

I just noticed this phraseology for the first time:

. . . Through our testing and observations of Nunez Vortex Technologies in actions, we have been able to note many different anomalies . . .

I don't know whether the POE Coil is further adaptation of Randy Powell's work, or not. In fact, I can't even find what "POE" stands for. It seems to me it used to be spelled out somewhere but I can't find it now.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

I'm asking you about the document you said you've yet to read. Are you talking about the documentation associated with Blake's patent or are you talking about the .pdf that I linked to?

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Im a Marty

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by Im a Marty
Not even Rodin? I beg to differ. That is all I'll say on THAT matter.

I have to agree that Rodin doesn't know how to wind the coil. In fact, he wouldn't even be in the public eye at all as far as I can see if it were not for his endorsers who see the real-world potential in his concepts, which evolved from mysticism.

It is up to others to develop vortex math and make useful things out of it. Rodin has always said that as far as I know.

Rodin is a teacher. (And not a very good one. He needs help with that, too!)

He's also eccentric. But give him a break - lots of visionaries are eccentric.

OK i'll give you that one...

I suppose (and i haven't asked yet) that the POE Torus was Randy's design? or someone elses?

NO, you'll give ME that one...

you're welcome.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:12 PM

TED pulls pseudoscience talk

Randy Powell's talk onstage at TEDxCharlotte 2010 came under criticism for its lack of scientific validity. Criticism came from mathematicians and science writers as well as threads on specialist science and math blogs and other online communities. Members of the TED and TEDx teams watched the talk, sought further advice from experts, and ultimately agreed that the criticisms had merit and were serious enough to warrant removal of the talk from the TEDx official YouTube channel, in compliance with our policy.

Randy Powell was given several opportunities to directly defend his work, but did not do so. In a phone conversation with members of the TED and TEDx teams on September 12, 2012, Powell stated that his brief onstage talk at TEDxCharlotte did not include complete data on his work. He could not point us to that data online during the call, but agreed during the call to email TED his data, including a detailed 10-page paper, for a further independent review by a mathematician and possible replication of his experiments by a physicist. Neither the paper nor any other data was ever received. We consider the matter closed.

In response to this incident, TEDx has clarified its policies on the scientific validity of talks and is working with independent TEDx organizers to help them access more and better resources for vetting speakers.
edit on 4-5-2013 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Thunderheart

As was Rupert Sheldrake's.

Randy Powell did make some unproven claims in the talk, however. Randy Powell is a mystic just like Rodin. They both have confidence in their "knowing."

The math should be explored independently of the Rodin/Powell coil.

And I guess the Nunez coil is another topic, as well.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 02:36 PM
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."

— Nikola Tesla
edit on 4-5-2013 by Zaanny because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 04:03 PM
More information about the collaborator of Marko Rodin, Greg Volt. I see he spoke at the Electric Universe 2013 Conference. From

Greg Volk An Optimistic Assessment of “Fringe” Science

Greg Volk’s conference presentation will focus on the scientific method and examine whether in fact it is used rigorously today by the scientific community. He believes that experts in conventional science express clearly how science should be conducted but wonders if they adhere to these ideals themselves. Are scientists with differing points of views treated without bias? Volk will opine whether some “fringe”, “crank”, “crackpot” scientists are actually the Galileo’s of today and will question whether these derogatory terms should be replaced by “vanguard”, “cutting edge” and “pioneer”?

Greg is president and proceedings editor for the Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA), an organization dedicated to free and unbiased inquiry in fundamental questions of science. He is also co-founder and editor of the World Science Database, a web-based resource cataloging the work of several thousand independent scientists worldwide. He studied electrical engineering, physics and signal processing at Stanford University. In his many papers and presentations, Volk has gained a reputation for questioning basic assumptions in physics and for deducing compelling answers to such fundamental questions as “What is gravity?” “What roles do electricity and magnetism play in the cosmos and in the atom?” and “What fundamental principles govern basic equations like E = mc2 ?”

Greg Volt asks good questions.

edit on 05/04/13 by Mary Rose because: Punctuation

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 04:39 PM
Going to get onto Marko,

Wondering why he hasn't used 'Kickstarter' for his project.

Here's an example of 'Spark Core' which is 'WIFI' Anything.... (you get the core, you can program to wifi any device)

Spark Core

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