posted on May, 2 2013 @ 10:17 AM
1. The recent few posts had been focussed upon the President, on what he had done or not done over the gitmo issue.
But the CRITICAL matter is not the President, but the PRISONERS.
Those are dangerous captured jihadists whom have vowed to kill innocent men, women and children to further their master's agenda, anywhere, anytime.
The entire world is their Area of Combat, as proven by the radical militant jihadists atrocities around our world.
Although they had not been caught in the act of killing innocents, or had suicide bombed themselves along with others, it is a no brainer to detain
and hold them as long as possible, for these folks are no longer humans. They are incapable of reason and will do everything possible to kill and
kill, as many others whom had released had done.
Only a few go straight, but does the world dares take that chance? All it takes is just one jihadists to killl and maim innocent loved ones, and they
strike anytime and anywhere.
Most nations would not take that chance, and not even Congress, thankfully. While this group is detained, other measures are being done to eradicate
the scourge of terrorism elsewhere - such as getting the communities to help, religions to reject radicalism as NO religion authorizes the killing of
innocents in peacetime, or using innocents as body shields, investigating radical links to apprehend the islamic radicals, education of the young,
As mentioned before, if anyone who is of sound mind, would you dare to take responsibility, act as guarantor to free them, and if they commit crimes,
would you be willing to live in gitmo for life, for pushing for the freedom of such animals?
2. As for the President, he is only human, and in the US, it is not a tyranny or dictatorship, but a governance of the People by rule of law and most
critically of all - check and balances to ensure that when a decision is made, it is sound and do have the support of the freely elected
representatives and the People, because all mortals are flawed and capable of making the wrong decisions, and if in a position of power, such a
decision will cost lives with tragic consequences.
When he made the decision on gitmo years ago, it was based upon empathic reasons, and not necessary pragmatic ones. Even today, he continues to mouth
empathic reasons to want to close down gitmo, but fortunately, he does not rule alone.
There are more saner and practical heads in Congress, whom had enough of being fooled by blooding heart empathy in the past which resulted in the loss
of countless lives to the scourge of terrorism, fighting this atrocity with arms tied behind one's back through the use of empathic laws which those
animals and their supporters had NO respect for and had only laughed at our stupidity for decades.
Blame the president or praise him, it doesnt truly matters. What matter critically is that citizens must be protected and not fooled or manipulated
into making empathic stupidities. Enough is enough.
High time to change the script.