posted on May, 1 2013 @ 07:59 AM
Let's unravel the complexed situation so that more may comprehend current events related to Gitmo.
Terrorists-sympathizers in the guise of Human Rights Organisations are hell bent on making waves over their terrorist idols on hunger strike in
Guantanamo YET again, as it seems right now today that there are est 130 inmates in participation, and WORST of all, the US Attorney General's office
had issued a statement to the Defence dept that 'force feeding the inmates whom are mentally competent to eat is torture and no medical officer will
engage in such' just as Hagel despatched more medical staff to Guantanamo to save the inmates lives.
The terrorist-sympathizers jumped on such claims, if they were not the ones who influenced the AG's memo that the inmates are not seeking for death
or suicide but only to protest over their incarceration.
BUT the fact is - hunger strike is to seek for suicide, and suicide is a crime. To commit suide is the choice of an UNstable mind, and if the mind is
unstable, how then can he be deemed as 'mentally competent' and NOT seeking death as the terrorist-sympathizers are trying to pull wool over
empathic mankind's eyes claimed???
Using Human Rights as cover, these terrorist-sympathizers want food to be denied to inmates using claims of torture, even as the US govt is doing its
best to keep them alive which is a humanitarian act, which is thus a horror to see how the terrorist-sympathizers are misusing goodwill to sow hatred
and death to the inmates.
Secondly, they claimed the inmates had been kept in Guantanamo for years when they were cleared by the courts except for a minority, of having done
nothing wrong. Again the terrorist sympathizers are using half truths and lies to fool and mislead empathic mankind.
Truth is - it WAS the inmates' nation that DO NOT WANT them back, for these inmates were found to be involved in violent jihad in a WARZONE, and
although no evidences were found, that does not mean there are NO evidences of their terrorist intents. And thus the fear of the nations and for
years, had resisted US attempts to repatriate them back, which is why there are still there in Guantanamo,
Human Rights group had LONG been misused to fool empathic mankind, and are riddled with folks with cunning intent as proven by their loud
exclaminations time and time again, without any shred of investigations done. Worse are these Guantanamo activists.
There is a solution to the Guantanamo problem.
For BLOODY ONCE - the Human Rights activists, the chief executive councils and NOT the rank and file whom are probably only young and naive angst
No more letting them freely make unsubstantiated claims and falsehoods. Freedom of speech comes with responsibilities and thus they must be held
1. If the activists are honest in caring for the inmates and blamed the govt for keeping them locked up, then let 3 activists be GUARANTORS for every
1 inmate to be set free, back to their homeland if their nation wants them and agrees to having guarantors from the supposedly 'esteemed' Human
Rights organisations.
They will need to sign an UN agreement that they wil be held responsible for the behaviour of their inmate for life, and should the inmate commit
crimes, hurt and harm, and worse, return to terrorism as many did, then the GUARANTORS agree to be sent to Guantanamo prison for life in place of
their freed inmate, without any need for trial
2. The same goes for the media as well. If the news media continues to disparage against the US govt and Guantanamo Prison, then let the news media -
their chief executives and news presenters, be 3 party guarantors to free the inmates, as they believe the inmates are innocent and will do NO wrong.
Freedom of speech comes with responsibilites, and accountabilities for the consequences of such speech. Are the terrorist-sympathizers masquerading as
'human rights activists' and the bias news media groups ready to step up to the plate, or chose to continue with their BS to fool empathic mankind
yet again?