posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 06:21 PM
So, after waiting until it got mostly dark, and having to wish the clouds away, I got some shots of Venus using my new 500mm telephoto lens, on just
the tripod (very, very flimsy tripod with the weight of that old school lens on it...wiggle wiggle wiggle):
ISO 800, Focal length (somewhere over 1000mm because I was using my 2x converter), exposure 1/100 sec.
You can see the crescent phase that it's in right now. I zoomed in with GIMP:
Second shot, ISO 1600, same focal length, exposure changed to 1/80 of a second:
And again, zoomed in with GIMP:
On a funnier note: I got a UFO! er.....not the bright light wiggling around, that's Venus when you move the camera around (wiggle wiggle wiggle)
during a shot.
I mean the Moth Monster in the upper left hand part of the image, hehehehe. Bugs. Or a bat. More than likely a bat. We have them here.
edit on 2/20/2017 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)