posted on May, 2 2013 @ 01:26 PM
Nice little B movie, plot was pretty good. I don't really see how its far fetched that's basically how things would go if you ask me. Government
would say guns are illegal, and you would have to bring them in. The government would then create gun control task forces just like there are ones for
moon-shining, and illegal drugs. people that don't want to follow gun control laws would have to move into the fringes of society and hid there
the whole time i was doing the usual action movie complaints to lol.
1. Gun bans went in place and they didn't immediately take all there gun out of there house and hide them come on.!!!
2. Why is that guy only wearing a short sleeve shirt, hes getting hypothermia tonight.
3. A campfire really your gonna make a campfire!!!!
4. Your going back into town to get food! so you had a safe spot but no supplies!
5. Why are these guys standing in an open field collecting fire wood, and where are there guns?
but all and all awesome job, really enjoyed the movie.S&F