posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 01:34 PM
No one is accurate in their predictions 100% of the time. That is an unrealistic standard.
Secondly, one can have a high degree of accuracy and things can change simply from the awareness of probable events.
For example, there is the true story of the man who kept having reoccuring nightmares about him and his family drowning in icy waters while on
vacation. These nightmares really freaked him out. Finally, he had had enough and cancelled his reservations for him and his family on the maiden
voyage of
The Titanic.
Were his dream visions accurate?
Then why didn't he and his family drown?
Because he acted upon the awareness of a probable future and changed the present, which in turn altered that probable future.
Many of Nostradamus' predictions did indeed come to pass and some of them did not. Careful analysis leads one to realize that a number of horrific
predictions that he made almost came to fruition. But he epoused that the whole purpose of his prophecies was so that people could alter the future,
not be bound by it.
That's how prophecy works. Have some insight about the future, change the present, and you alter the probable future.