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Psychics and CIA please read !

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posted on May, 13 2003 @ 07:32 AM
This is a list of researches I want to start with Psychics.

(note for the CIA agent who may read this : Mk-Ultra was a failure, because the military context was not good for the ESP'ers).

I restart this one as freelance !

So, this is a list of researches I start in ESP and New Age Army.

Micro-PK :

Usages for : JAMMING HF Signals, Distrubing Microwaves signals, Jamming electronics signals (Electro-Kynesys), Disturbing electronic and computing signals/data transmissions.

Macro-PK :

Controls of weather, wind, wounds, clouds. Controls of organic system (Geo-PK), Control and disturbance of crowds and organic flows.

Energy-PK :

Disturbances in lights, electric wires and/or electro-static flows. Pyro-Kynesys and Disturbance of Pyro/Heat energy.

Clairvoyance and remote viewing :

Short-term Clairvoyance, Long Distance Remote Viewing (Long distance t�l�pathy), Long Term Clairvoyance, Short range t�l�pathy, Long Range T�l�pathy, Parrallell and Synchronism T�l�pathy (Instant t�l�pathy), Mind Reading, Mind Controlling, Memory Fading, Will disturbance, Social control.

These researches will be drive under the name of AngelsX working group. They are open to all person, psychics or not who wants to help.

They final objective will be to start an ESP revolution! against New World Order...

I will answer any questions and comments about the abilities listed in the researches.

Nans DESMICHELS 3rd World Angel...

Live In Peace

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 05:39 PM
I might help. I do not know how to do any of that stuff, but if you teach me how i will do some of it. I will not use any of that stuff to harm other people, or do any thing that is bad.

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
I might help. I do not know how to do any of that stuff, but if you teach me how i will do some of it. I will not use any of that stuff to harm other people, or do any thing that is bad.

You can learn these stuff, take a look at

Anyway, these abilities doesn't work when the peoples have bad intentions...

But you see, with the new hi-tech weapons militaries and police force have, I dont think the ESP'ers resistance
is a so bad idea...

Some peoples told me that trying to use my psy abilities to fight against the police force, by jamming there radios by example, was a wrong thing... I dont think so... Maybe we can have a thread about that...

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 02:49 PM
"Energy-PK :

Disturbances in lights, electric wires and/or electro-static flows. Pyro-Kynesys and Disturbance of Pyro/Heat energy."

I have quite an effect on sodium streetlights, and can usually turn them off or on at will... It's fun at parties, but gives me a headache after a bit... (usually makes me a few bucks on bar bets too)
A few years ago, on my way to work (was close enough for a bike ride), I used to make it a habit of freaking out this one jogger who used to go by, by turning the streetlight out as he approached, hehe....

Likewise, if I concentrate enough, I can usually stop the second hand on watches. Fun, but not as impressive as the streetlight thing. The only other thing I've noticed is interfering with radios and tvs that use antennas.

Once, I even saw a CNN story on it, they called it SLIDER syndrome (Street Light Interference Data Exchange Receiver). There was a girl in England who had it so bad, they had to use an old fashioned cash register where she worked (I believe she was a waitress).

Luckily, so far, it doesn't seem to screw up computers at least.

posted on May, 16 2003 @ 04:10 AM
I have tried and i still cant do it. I never take the time to relax enough to practice it. I would practice it, but i do not meditate or any thing like meditation.

posted on May, 16 2003 @ 10:15 AM
after staring at it for about an hour (I was home sick, hehe...and bored). Could never get it to ignite though...maybe if I used flash paper?

posted on May, 17 2003 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
"Energy-PK :
Disturbances in lights, electric wires and/or electro-static flows. Pyro-Kynesys and Disturbance of Pyro/Heat energy."

Likewise, if I concentrate enough, I can usually stop the second hand on watches.

If you have to concentrate to disturb streetlights, I dont think that you can help me.

Concentration is dangerous for the psy abilities.

For Energy-PK do not try to use your concentration but the power of the source of energy (Like in AIKIDO)...


posted on May, 17 2003 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
I have tried and i still cant do it. I never take the time to relax enough to practice it. I would practice it, but i do not meditate or any thing like meditation.

It sure that my school is different from the Psypog style, because we use natural abilities, and never try to force on an ability. Start try things simple.

Some councils :

For T�l�kynesys, start trying on objects in motion.
The pyrokynesys and other form of Pk are hard to assimilate and I think that it's a question of being natural to do this.

If you cant relax enought, You must try first to learn meditation...
I dont know if I can show you how to meditate on this board.

Maybe, but it's another topic.

posted on May, 17 2003 @ 12:52 PM
Nana can we talk on aim? If you use aim u2u me your screen name. I would really like to learn how to do all of this stuff.

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:48 AM
...I'm a bad professor.

Have you took a look at PsyPog ? The "Not_Important" stuff are fake, true, but some other stuff I are true.

I dont know why Not-Imortant make fake about Pk, but I know the other members stuffs and councils are good.

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:51 AM
I dont know if this has any link as its not a conscious effort, but sometimes my just walking past streetlights turns them off for a brief period

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Trader
I dont know if this has any link as its not a conscious effort, but sometimes my just walking past streetlights turns them off for a brief period

The question we must ask, is "Why?"

[Edited on 19-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:55 AM
Only guesswork, but some kind of projected force?

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Trader
Only guesswork, but some kind of projected force?

I think it might have somehthing to do with mind control projects. What do you think??

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 05:59 AM
highly doubt. I know about mku and other mind control projects but it doesnt explain the many people who possess the gift. I think theres more to the human psyche than we know

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 06:01 AM
The human mind has powers we can only dream of.

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by Trader
highly doubt. I know about mku and other mind control projects but it doesnt explain the many people who possess the gift. I think theres more to the human psyche than we know

If Nans were here she would back me up on that. She is the expert here. Ask her.

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Trader
I dont know if this has any link as its not a conscious effort, but sometimes my just walking past streetlights turns them off for a brief period

It's because you got a karma energy (aura) too powerfull or that you dont control. Maybe you start doing some Light or electro-tk (tk=t�l�-Kynesys).

posted on May, 19 2003 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue

Originally posted by Trader
Only guesswork, but some kind of projected force?
I think it might have somehthing to do with mind control projects. What do you think??

Mind-Control and ESP have nothing to do between us.

But for the Mk experiments, It's sure that CIA choosed peoples with the Gift.

Dont forget that they also test some stuff in a Mk-sub-project (Delta or Epsilon) about foreigners cultures and abilities...

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 02:28 PM
But personally, practicing any kind of metaphysics/paranormal experiments is best practiced in person with another you can trust. It's also more practical & useful. I would never expose myself & my abilities in the format you're proposing.

Sharing info can be somewhat more acceptable to me but I still hold back on that front too until I feel more comfortable with the person I'm going to discuss it with.
Time will tell.

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