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Death is an Illusion

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posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:04 PM
Death is an Illusion

I have a view of the “death experience” from first hand knowledge. The fear we have associated with death is something we are taught, not something we were born with. We are forced to witness funerals that perpetuate negativity rather than celebration.

Sure they have a purpose to those that wish to memorialize the being that has departed, but those services are not for them, they are for those left here.

The body may stop working and “the energy has left the building”, but energy, the “light” does not die; it is relocated to a different existence.

When my mother ascended she did so willingly with the knowledge she had lived her life the way she was supposed to and learned most of the lessons she needed to learn, some lessons follow us to be worked out elsewhere.

The reality we live in is vastly different from the reality our soul lives in. Here we are expected to mourn death, but it is an illusion. We are taught things like heaven and hell, but there is a negative connotation associated with either concept.
There are two types of energy and many different vibratory frequencies attached to them. Going to the next destination is determined by how we accept the life we are living here. Whatever energy you are feeling is the one you will gravitate to when you are relocated, recycled, rejuvenated, reborn or any other example you wish to call it.

When we go is not always determined by choice, so it is important to maintain an awareness every second of every day. Many souls feel comfortable living in the darkness, others love the light, some get trapped in the middle or fail to exit this dimension completely (you call them ghosts), either way it is your choice to control the energy within you and where you want to begin your next existence.

Some people have what has been termed “near death” experiences. When these occur we are given a glimpse into what our true existence is, but you could just as easily call them “near life” experiences. Perception is a very important aspect of how we view any experience. The brain, while separate from the soul and the heart, plays an integral role in how we perceive any experience we have in this reality.

It is not an accurate perception of other dimensions because it is confined to an existence based on this reality. The soul will take the necessary path without the brain. The brain stops once the soul leaves. The heart stops, but the energy has to go somewhere.

Death is an illusion. Do not fear it.


posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:13 PM
Death sure seems like a pretty realistic illusion to me. Most people can't return from least with any of the memories of their past life. All that experience and you have to start over from scratch...That is if reincarnation is real. I don't believe it is really, because if what you know, believe, and comprehend is what you are, then not having access to that means it is really not you that is returning.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Perhaps no more of an illusion than life in the grand scheme of things.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

All of that makes who you are. The goodness and values are the result of what you do in life, and THAT is what is taken with you into the next life. Knowledge, achievements, things like these are material, and they are left behind along with your body. What remains, what continues into the next life, is your goodness. This is how we grow, we evolve spiritually. Nietzsche coined the term Overman, who was the next logical step of man's evolution. I believe the Overman is who we are to become once we return, if we have tried to improve our lives, be truthful, help others, love that which is Godly. If we have only sought to hurt others, seek that which only benefits ourselves, or did not use our skills and abilities to benefit the world around us, then we have actually devolved form our previous state. What happens in that case, I don't know, but one thing is for certain: It is better to be a good person than a bad person, because the former improves us through each life, the latter makes us worse, and we are the ones who are ultimately punished for it, in a very real and definite way.
edit on 29-4-2013 by FollowTheWhiteRabbit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

I am comfortable with the thought of dying. It is a natural part of life, or the ending of a saga of it. I am like you, and believe that we do continue on. Our energy or soul will remain, out there, somewhere.

I don't think that people should consume their lives with the thought of dying. It is unhealthy. Be happy, be kind to those around, and live life to its fullest. At least then, when we die, we can feel that our life was worth it.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:56 PM
Cool post. On the other hand, if everyone knew what awaits for them on the "other side", and considering humankind current state of evolution, there would be mass suicides. Thus, for most people this particular ignorance is actually a requirement.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Deny777

If we knew definitely there was rebirth, there would be no incentive to be a good person. We see what happens when a people absolutely believe in rebirth. In many areas of Asia, whole communities are stricken with laziness and apathy. They don't desire to improve themselves or improve their communities. After all, if we all are reborn, what is the point of appreciating the life we have now? But we must, because the entire purpose of rebirth is to improve. We know that nature, in its very essence, is improvement. All things do get better. That which gets better is progressing and never digressing, which is why our bodies do not get better, because our bodies cannot progress. Our bodies are always breaking down, and have been since birth.

Much in the same way that it would be bad if everybody knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God existed. We would not improve, nor would we do God's will and praise Him quite like we do now. We would sort of feel like a machine, HAVING to do this. God has given us the ability to choose for a reason, as long as we believe, we will be saved. That is where the value is, it is in faith of things unseen.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:36 PM
I have read that the mind is a field thet lies outside of the head. This Native American wisdom says it all : "There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Chief Seattle, Suquamish tribe.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by FollowTheWhiteRabbit
If we knew definitely there was rebirth, there would be no incentive to be a good person.

I see it as quite the opposite.

Rebirth (by which I assume you mean reincarnation) is an intrinsic element of the law of karma, which basically means that whatever you do in this life is sowing the seeds for your next life.

Someone who is convinced of the law of karma and reincarnation knows that there is no escape from the consequence of their deeds, so that would be a very strong incentive to avoid acting in a manner which would have a negative or unpleasant consequence sometime in the future, if not in this life, then in a future life. Furthermore, if this life is the foundation for the next, then there is a real motivation to apply effort in self improvement.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 06:39 PM
Death is merely a transformation of matter and energy. This is supported by the 2nd law of thermodynamics which states basically that everything is in a constant state of transformation due to entropy. Then the law of conservation of energy states that energy and matter can not be neither created nor destroyed. It's simply transformed.

My belief is that our consciousness is an energy that reestablishes it's connection to the infinite background noise of the universe or maybe a universal consciousness. So life and death is merely a localized transfer of energy from the Infinite background matter and energy.

If you'd like to reference my thoughts on infinity vs creationism go here:

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 06:49 PM
To change your dwelling region from engaging space, within which you can change contents, while being impacted by the current of time, that you cannot change, into engaging in time, within the location you do have some choice, affected by space you recorded while alive that you cannot alter at all.

Record well, space dwellers, it cannot be changed after you die and time dwell amongst it.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Your post, although inspirational, is nothing but numerous assertions with nothing to back them up. Is there any reason to believe what you say?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 08:34 PM
LOL - And I was just beginning to think Life is an illusion.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 09:04 PM
Thank you all for your replies. I would respond to each one individually, but I have a nerve condition so I write things when I can. I disagree with the notion that if you know there is more to existence than just this life that this gives you a reason to commit suicide or live without a moral compass in this life. On the contrary, if you know there are consequences to your actions in this life this gives you more reason not less, to try and make choices that will benefit your soul rather than harm it or depress it's growth.

Like many things that we take on faith there is no verifiable proof that a soul exist or that there is another existence besides this one. I have experienced first hand what I believe is the soul's existence and journey and I would not begin to be able to describe the overwhelming joy that I have from this feeling.

The reason I consider "near death" more of a "near life" is because what I was given was the chance to have a glimpse into the true existence of my soul and words cannot describe it.

I simply am trying to instill in those a sense of relief, replace the word death and give it something positive to believe in. The inspiration is heart felt but comes from a place that transcends this reality. The "laws of karma" do exist and the cosmic reality is much different than the one we are force fed daily here.

I realize the concept is difficult to grasp when viewing the destruction of innocent people at the hands of others, but have no fear, those that leave this dimension in a harmful way are not forced to feel the pain in their next existence and pocket extra "karma kash". They will have the knowledge from their experience that will allow them to appreciate their next set of challenges and the ability to move forward.

There is a lesson to be learned from every experience no matter how mundane or horrific. We have to experience all phases of emotions and feelings in order to understand them. You cannot know true love unless you have experienced true hate. You cannot know happiness unless you have experienced sadness.

I am not saying we do not miss those that are special to us when they move on, I am saying do not mourn their "death" celebrate their "life". They are still with you if you want to feel their presence.

Take care,


posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:18 PM
"An end have these bodies of an embodied soul that is eternal; it is not born nor dies nor is it that having been it will not be again. It is unborn, ancient, everlasting; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. As a man casts from him his wornout garments and takes others that are new, so the embodied being casts off its bodies and joins itself to others that are new. Certain is the death of that which is born and certain is the birth of that which dies." -Gita.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree
Death is an Illusion

Death is an illusion. Do not fear it.


There are two kinds of death.

Death of the first kind, is what you're talking about here. It's really just a transformation. But, we fear it because of attachment, not because we learned to fear it here by social conditioning. Fear of death is a natural instinct. It's the fear of losing something. The body is our property. Loosing an arm or a leg, or any part is fearful. We fear losing our minds. Fear is natural in any transformation. If we walk in the jungle, and meet a Lion or Tiger, we fear the animal will rip our body apart. Hairs raise on our backs. Instinctivly, we know the power of the animal to dispatch us out of our bodies.

There's another kind of death.

Death of the second kind, is getting stuck in one form of existence. Being unable to change. Bonded to some condition for a long time, or perpetually. In religion, it's called "falling into the pit".

So, after a person dies the first death, which is just a transformation, changing of bodies, there's still the risk of dying the second death, which is getting stuck in some state. In Christianity, the second death is getting stuck in the lake of fire for all eternity, being unable to change or transform into some other state anymore.

Obviously, people fear the second death more than they fear the first death. In fact, the first death is really liberation from the second death. Being "unable to die", or "to seek death, and have death flee from you" is being unable to change, i.e. getting stuck in a pit.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:50 PM
Pretty much to the dot my own, spiritual view although I myself did not have any "experience".
(Wondering whether you read Joerney of the Souls and the books by Chris Carter..I am almost positive).

As a side-note, know that it is only our Western culture which sees death in the way we do - there are cultures where death is seen entirely different, as a true "part of life" and a new beginning.

By the way would like to hear about your own experience.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Thanks for the post.

I think it's interesting that humans seem to fear death so much more than most animals. We've convinced ourselves of its finality. It's interesting to me that there are so many people today willing to rule out established religions on the basis of logic, yet the same logic doesn't seem to apply when thinking about life/death.

How can people who do not understand where they came from/answer basic questions about life and consciousness be so quick to decide that this life is all there is?

Questions about life we still cannot answer:

1) Why am I me, and not you? Why are we here now? In other words, what part of the egg/sperm led to me being conscious in this body and time vs. another body in another time? What was the catalyst for your current sentience?

2) Everything that happens once happens again given enough time and space. Somehow, you became sentient. How can you be so sure that the one exception to the statement starting this bullet point is your current consciousness?

3) If there truly is nothing in death, and given 2), that you will have life again in another time/place, then you wouldn't even experience the wait time if it were a billion years (as you must experience time to note its passing). In that case life/sentience would be THE RULE, the ONLY.

We've got a lot to learn about these things.

One question I always have is if you were to be cloned across the room, down to every atom/orientation of every said atom, would the clone be alive? The quick response is yes (I think it's possible that it would just be a bag of meat, though). If the answer is yes, then what is it that defines your instance of sentience vs. another? It must be something. If we can isolate it, perhaps we can transfer our consciousness into something else (yay, the singularity is near).

I just think it's interesting that we literally have no idea where we came from, that is as individual instances of sentience...
edit on 4/29/2013 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by mysticnoon

Originally posted by FollowTheWhiteRabbit
If we knew definitely there was rebirth, there would be no incentive to be a good person.

I see it as quite the opposite.
Rebirth (by which I assume you mean reincarnation) is an intrinsic element of the law of karma, which basically means that whatever you do in this life is sowing the seeds for your next life.
Someone who is convinced of the law of karma and reincarnation knows that there is no escape from the consequence of their deeds, so that would be a very strong incentive to avoid acting in a manner which would have a negative or unpleasant consequence sometime in the future, if not in this life, then in a future life. Furthermore, if this life is the foundation for the next, then there is a real motivation to apply effort in self improvement.

Yes, exactly. Among the worst people are those who think that "everything will be over" after death.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
Death sure seems like a pretty realistic illusion to me. Most people can't return from least with any of the memories of their past life. All that experience and you have to start over from scratch...That is if reincarnation is real. I don't believe it is really, because if what you know, believe, and comprehend is what you are, then not having access to that means it is really not you that is returning.

Excellent. Very insightful post.

Many fail to see that reincarnation only makes sense if you're allowed to keep your CONSCIOUS memory (for instance: of your last lives, not just the subconscious part of the memory, which is by far NOT enough to "learn" from our past lives experiences, NOT enough to really remember our "lessons", and NOT enough to transfer our personality into another body. Reincarnation without conscious memory is no valuable incarnation, just incarnation of a widely empty = “dead” soul. Because if the conscious memory is wiped, 99 percent of your personality become destroyed. The wiping of the conscious memory of a person/soul is the actual “death”.

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