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They are NOT Evil. Just.... Stupid.

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posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:32 AM
My last thread was bumped over to rant so I figured I would save my friends the trouble and just put this one in rant as well. (Love you. Never any hard feelings , babe)

The more I see, the more I come to the conclusion that the so called "powers that be" and the great "they, them, the NWO, the cabal" that everyone is so afraid of having all the power ......are not evil. They are just stupid. They just want us to think they are evil and powerful because they don't want us to focus on how stupid they are. Because when we realize just how stupid they are, we will take away the power that we gave them in the first place. They are that old fool behind the curtain. They are the "not so" Great Wizard of Oz. Why do I say these things ? Let's look at who we're dealing with.

First of all, they are not really a "they". We all know their names. They are the heads of the various national security departments. They are members of Congress. Some are even over at the White House. They are in charge of the Armed Forces. We all know their names. They are the CEO's of all the major companies and their lobbyists. There's nothing really hidden from us. All you have to do is a quick google search and you can find out who runs what. And thanks to Anonymous, we pretty much know more about them than they would like for us to know.

These are your "theys" and "thems" folks.

Now, as citizens, it is our patriotic duty and responsibility to basically speak truth to power and hold their feet to the fire and call them out when they enact policy or rules that are unconstitutional, but I am starting to realize they are more Cowardly Lion than they are Voldemort. We should not be afraid of them , we should be angry with them at their incompetence and we should stop giving them power they don't know how to use. Yes, we are the ones doing that. We elected them. We put them there. We purchase their goods or shall I say "bads"? So, maybe we are just as stupid as they are. Or, maybe we are just gullible. Or lazy.

Again, why do I say they are stupid as opposed to evil? Look at the results of their actions. Useless wars that cause more problems than they solve. Never catching the real enemy , but committing overkill on innocents in the hope that they catch the enemy. If and when they do get their guy , it's ten years late or it's the wrong person. Creating new program after new program to "protect us" that fails every time as they never seem to prevent anything major from happening. When they do , it's because they are the ones who tricked some dumb sap into doing something and they arrest the guy they encouraged to do it. They have eyes on everything but can't see shet until it's too late. Monitoring the wrong people while ignoring those who really need to be checked out.


All the security programs in the world and we STILL have crazy stuff happening ? They want to watch 300 MILLION people and they can't even work with each other ? They all want to be the ONE who "Get's their bad guy" at the very expense of actually getting the bad guy. I mean, every time an "event" takes place we find out that Department A knew about it , told Department B , but they didn't act on it. Department C was watching the guy the whole time, but never shared anything with Department A or B . Department D knew what Department A and C knew , shared it with B and well, they don't listen to Department D because they think they know everything..... you see what I'm saying ?


I am not afraid of the hidden hand because it's not hidden to me. The only thing I am afraid of is that they will let something happen again because they are so stupid, they don't know what they are doing. I mean think about it. They will monitor and waste resources on a guy who held up a sign at a political rally, but ignore the little f***** that's sitting at his computer in a basement looking up how to make pot roast bombs? Ya know, I kind of can't blame the conspiracy theorists because they're thinking there's no way we would let this stuff happen. It HAD to have been a false flag because NO BODY can be that freaken STUPID to let something like this happen. It HAD to have been on purpose.

I get that. I would like to think that my government is smarter than they let on too, however when something bad happens, it is evident that they are not. They really are stupid. They can have cameras all over a persons house and that person could still get away with a crime because they don't know what the hell they are looking at. That's how bad it is. How do I know ? They basically tell us after the fact. It's the same old story. "Uhh, yeah, um well we were watching the suspect , um , we had him in our sights a few years back and um" Okay, so how the hell did he manage to shoot up the place, then if you had him in your sights?


And again, yes, it's our fault. If we voted for them or we didn't vote at all, it's our fault. We purchase their crap while signing petitions to boycott their crap. It's our fault. We let them pit us against each other for political gain and we fall for that left right shet every single time even those of us who claim no party affiliation at all. It's our fault. We sit at home and complain on our computers, but wont get up and take it to the streets because we don't want to catch attention from a government that doesn't know what the heck it's doing. It's our fault. Maybe we should lose the internet. Maybe it will get us off our butts and get us out in the streets demanding resignations and firings. I don't know.

We're in deep , folks. We need to fix this. Starting with ourselves. Get involved and get these people out of office. All of them. And replace them ? I mean, that's how it was meant to be. Representatives were supposed to represent us. If everyone who gave up on voting and participating in the political process, decided you know what ? Maybe we should occupy every corner of government and the economy from the Boardroom to the White House. That's a real government take over. That's how you do it because ignoring it from the outside, isn't working. It's not the bus, that's the problem. It's the driver. So, maybe we should become the drivers ?

Anyway, I just thought that I would vent a little. I hope I don't catch anyone's "attention" because I am afraid that while they would be focused on watching me the wipe poo from my behind, they wont be able to notice the dude across town who's cleaning out his AK 47 while studying the blueprints of a local high school somewhere. Then we'd have yet another event where they all circle jerk and tell each other how great of a job they are doing when the only reason why they are their in the first place is because they obviously did not do a good job.

edit on 29-4-2013 by skepticconwatcher because: spelling and grammar

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:36 AM

We're in deep , folks. We need to fix this. Starting with ourselves. Get involved and get these people out of office. All of them. And replace them ? I mean, that's how it was meant to be. Representatives were supposed to represent us. If everyone who gave up on voting and participating in the political process, decided you know what ? Maybe we should occupy every corner of government and the economy from the Boardroom to the White House. That's a real government take over. That's how you do it because ignoring it from the outside, isn't working. It's not the bus, that's the problem. It's the driver. So, maybe we should become the drivers ?

Hear hear! S/F from me!!

Excellent "rant".

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

The more I see, the more I come to the conclusion that the so called "powers that be" and the great "they, them, the NWO, the cabal" that everyone is so afraid of having all the power ......are not evil.
Or maybe they don't exist, never have existed, or ever will exist.

But i agree anyway, cause you explained it very well

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:53 AM
They are not stupid, they just aren't that smart. We elect individuals to congress based on how well liked they are most times, not by how smart they are. Same with the military leaders, they are put in there based on their record of how well do their jobs.....basically we are saying people who are good at war are chosen. This has both good and bad points to it, they are good at what they do but they often want to do what they do best to show their worth.

You see, society is the NWO. Society dictates what is important and is based on consensus of the time. If all the consensuses come together in the world than we have a NWO. If anything, someone is steering us in a direction that leads to this happening, putting them at the top of the top of the society that is formed. This is just a hypothesis of mine, one of a few. I just do not think that one individual or organization actually wants to enslave us.

Population reduction would be a major desire of anyone wanting to steer this world. I know it would be a concern of mine if I was to do something like that. I know that wars break out when populations get high. I know that when people lose their way of life they often will do anything to get it back. This last sentence applies only to about five percent of people though but those five percent can cause a lot of others to lose what they have worked hard for.

Good rant OP
edit on 29-4-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 11:01 AM
I just have to....

edit on 29-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 11:03 AM
You scare me ._.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Casualboy100
You scare me ._.

Indeed. And in this case, your fear is well founded.


edit on 4/29/2013 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Casualboy100
You scare me ._.

Why ?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Interesting even comical theory, made me chuckle once or twice. Would make a good theme for a movie.
However i strongly disagree. The men you speak of are not stupid at all. They recruit and seduce geniuses from around the globe to their agenda. I think the level of technology speaks for itself. Think tanks comprised of the brightest minds money can buy are behind every "Stupid Move"....

And these useless wars as you call them do accomplish their agenda "Ridding the earth of "useless eaters" (us) while making huge profits and toppling weaker countries. These men are playing real life Monopoly. And make no mistake they are playing to win. Why do you think opposing sides of All Wars are always financed by THEM? They are cold-hearted, calculated, power hungry, remorseless killers. But they are not stupid.

In fact, the hard truth is... WE are the stupid ones!

We buy into it.. We send our children to fight and kill for THEM.
We sit and watch Gov. sponsored TV while they destroy our future and our children's future.
We buy their poisonous food, water and medicine so to spare them the effort.
We kill one another so they don't have to..
Hell ...we even go out and vote for THEM ..even cheer for THEM!
WE do their dirty work dirt cheap!

No My friend... It Is "US" that are the "Stupid" ones.

But i digress.....

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Klassified

Indeed. And in this case, your fear is well founded.



posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Lol i think you are on them.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 04:35 AM
Exactly What I was thinking WTF do they hire Really Idiotic Morons for Top jobs

I mean Look at the CIA for example The Friggin CIA I call It the Certified Idiots Agency

They set up the Cartels that they go in a year or ten later and destroy the Cartels They set up

How Ridiculous


Google Results
edit on 1/5/13 by fr33kSh0w2012 because: Fixing weird Mistake with link

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

I get that. I would like to think that my government is smarter than they let on too, however when something bad happens, it is evident that they are not. They really are stupid. They can have cameras all over a persons house and that person could still get away with a crime because they don't know what the hell they are looking at. That's how bad it is. How do I know ? They basically tell us after the fact. It's the same old story. "Uhh, yeah, um well we were watching the suspect , um , we had him in our sights a few years back and um" Okay, so how the hell did he manage to shoot up the place, then if you had him in your sights?

Im freaking out, Man man man. Lol

They are pretty dumb tho.

Someone within the cabal thinks of a genius plan * probably the reptillians*

And the blade vampire cult worshipers who are human screw it up.

Its really all the statements they make on TV, the bills they push. And the excuses they use for UFOs and the whole terrorism campaign lol.

Yeah they are pretty dumb. All the brainwashing crap. People think that these elites are immune to it, I doubt it.

Lurking around all those corperate types. I could imagine a dude who specializes in the production of aspartame being a meeting of the round table of death. *passes pack of gum* This is our new Elite brand gum. Every peice of gum has the all seeing eye on it. Lets sell it to people.

Im pretty sure their own brainwashing campaigns are affecting their own brains. And them knowing the outcome of everything ontop of it mascarading around as the days pass pretending like nothing is going to happen. Well being absorbed in all the subliminal messages.
Unless the leaders themsleves are reptillians, You can bet on it that their job will drive them insain.
But what does that mean for us? Who cares. People could kick anyone out of Office if they wanted to. Who needs to riot.

Just print off every peice of evidence you have against the dude. Make a scene in front of their buildings. If the cops show up say were making a citizens arrest and have petitioned evidence against him liable in court, and must remain in jail until the court date. Bump the court dates up. And keep bumping them.

Repeat process for everyone else who has evidence against them. And leave them liable in court. But to dangerous to be on the streets. Elivate lobying to the status of drug dealing. So they have to be on house arrest if they post bail. Keep the court dates bumped until *everyone* is held liable. Like the crusade for terrorists. It will feed itself till we are left with spotless records.

If anyone is lobying it should be elivated to the status of drug dealing because such funds could be used for mass quantities of anything harmful of further bribing. There should be a limit set on their piggy bank. if they cross this limit they become liable through intent to lobby or bribe so the money should be frozen.
If the crimes stack up, than the process of being elivated to a possible lobbyist and bribest would put them in jail. Until they paid the unreasonable ammount of bail and sit in house arrest awaiting the future trials with frozen funds and no acess to bank accounts other than the nessisary deposit to pay for their property food and hydro. But anything else is frozen.

And this process should be repeated. Until only the wealthy. Who did not resort to lobbying and bribing will be spared. As they are as much victims as the rest of us. If they lose in court. They must forfit the frozen funds to sustainable development. This should prevent politicians from using their money or power to avoid the toll of stealing. Stealing is stealing. And killing and scamming is nothing but bribery and sin.
Add the money flow cap. Anyone who hits this cap needs a clean record. Or the public can accquire evidence and accuse them, There must be enough whitnesses to accuse. And to force a court date. And Elivating the status of lobying money for politics ( of course these people will have evidence stacked agains them) With their bank account frozen because of reasons of corruption. The money cap is a reasonablely high number that would be hard to achieve. And because of this, the influence itself can reach far and wide. So this should be elivated to the same status as a drug lord. You don't take his drugs and leave behind the stacks of cash behind. This should be the same concept for politicians and anyone else who reaches that cap.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by Klassified

Indeed. And in this case, your fear is well founded.



See ReAwakened's post for the Cliff Notes version. You might also want to read this

I'll leave it there. It is a fruitless debate.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 05:47 AM
this can get confusing

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by ReAwakened
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Interesting even comical theory, made me chuckle once or twice. Would make a good theme for a movie.
However i strongly disagree. The men you speak of are not stupid at all. They recruit and seduce geniuses from around the globe to their agenda. I think the level of technology speaks for itself. Think tanks comprised of the brightest minds money can buy are behind every "Stupid Move"....

And these useless wars as you call them do accomplish their agenda "Ridding the earth of "useless eaters" (us) while making huge profits and toppling weaker countries. These men are playing real life Monopoly. And make no mistake they are playing to win. Why do you think opposing sides of All Wars are always financed by THEM? They are cold-hearted, calculated, power hungry, remorseless killers. But they are not stupid.

In fact, the hard truth is... WE are the stupid ones!

We buy into it.. We send our children to fight and kill for THEM.
We sit and watch Gov. sponsored TV while they destroy our future and our children's future.
We buy their poisonous food, water and medicine so to spare them the effort.
We kill one another so they don't have to..
Hell ...we even go out and vote for THEM ..even cheer for THEM!
WE do their dirty work dirt cheap!

No My friend... It Is "US" that are the "Stupid" ones.

But i digress.....

Without a doubt it your explanation that requires attention. Surely if they are so foolish and dim-witted why would they have such a tight grip on the system we function within. It is a scary prospect to face but ultimately it may coax the masses to enrich themselves with knowledge and wisdom as to how to overrun the dysfunction an replace it with harmony.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ReAwakened
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Interesting even comical theory, made me chuckle once or twice. Would make a good theme for a movie.
However i strongly disagree. The men you speak of are not stupid at all. They recruit and seduce geniuses from around the globe to their agenda. I think the level of technology speaks for itself. Think tanks comprised of the brightest minds money can buy are behind every "Stupid Move"....

And these useless wars as you call them do accomplish their agenda "Ridding the earth of "useless eaters" (us) while making huge profits and toppling weaker countries. These men are playing real life Monopoly. And make no mistake they are playing to win. Why do you think opposing sides of All Wars are always financed by THEM? They are cold-hearted, calculated, power hungry, remorseless killers. But they are not stupid.

In fact, the hard truth is... WE are the stupid ones!

We buy into it.. We send our children to fight and kill for THEM.
We sit and watch Gov. sponsored TV while they destroy our future and our children's future.
We buy their poisonous food, water and medicine so to spare them the effort.
We kill one another so they don't have to..
Hell ...we even go out and vote for THEM ..even cheer for THEM!
WE do their dirty work dirt cheap!

No My friend... It Is "US" that are the "Stupid" ones.

But i digress.....

Agreed! At first glance they may appear to be unintelligent but every action these individuals make is calculating
and methodical!
If you believe that the hierarchy is about to fall apart then you are right but not because they messed up but because this was their plan all along! America will soon fall to pieces! Increased inflation, huge debt and stagnant wages will see to this, though it may take longer then TPTB wanted, it will happen! They still plan to
decimate the populations of the world and it is the stupid masses that will pay the price for our own arrogant nature of a secured survival "That belief that we are immune from harm"! Though this may take another several years to a decade it will happen!

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Klassified

Okay, then.
Thanks. I'll look deeper.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 06:11 PM
I like your thinking, but unfortunately you (we) are part of the minority. Most people today trust the media and would rather accept what they say instead of thinking about it, because thinking is just too darn inconvenient for them. They have too much reality TV to watch than to be bothered by the real world.


posted on May, 3 2013 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Klassified

Uh yeah. It's called CHANGING YOUR MIND.

You want to give folks the benefit of the doubt until they fail over and over again. So it scares you that I am not a stubborn **** stuck in my thinking like a robot and can never change my opinion?

Okay well you be scared then.

edit on 3-5-2013 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

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