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Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of Life outside of Planet Earth

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posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by SomeoneWatching

You're welcome.

I suppose you are right, character witnesses can be useful. Something to me just feels out of place about what they are saying, and I generally distrust character witnesses when they are telling stories about stories they have heard. Especially when they are children of the person they are testifying about. Children think their parents are super heroes!

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by zatara

check out the video I posted on page 12

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by cornucopia

would you be that way with people face to face?

I see the poster as being honest. What is so wrong with honesty?

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
reply to post by SomeoneWatching

reflective of light

Like everything else that's visible in the world around us, its reflective of light.

Your hand reflects light, this is why you see it. Shhhh the secrets out

Its some of whats said by those pushing for this alien agenda to be real that make me scratch my head at times

That's how he described it. I think he meant it was shiny, rather than dull under light. He wasn't talking about any secrets, he was just describing an object he saw...

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Thanks for posting that video, I have seen it before but I will look again to remind myself what was said back then. I was hoping to see a discussion about what's been said now, guess I'll have to look elsewhere

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

he thinks he is being honest, but what if what he is saying is not true?

then what?

do you allow that?

also it's the words he uses and how he uses them, can you imagine him in front of you saying all of that, while you nod or shake your head?

If you were en empath (someone who is affected by others energies) you would know what i'm talking about...

words create emotions, feelings, thoughts..
so use them wisely

thoughts are more powerful then we think as well

I can share some videos on that subject, but I won't here, check out my other created threads..i have one on words and thoughts here on this website..
edit on 1-5-2013 by cornucopia because: changed some words

edit on 1-5-2013 by cornucopia because: autocorrect is getting me

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia
reply to post by Mr Mask

i'd rather not talk to you..

you seem to be very negative, your ranting ovr and over about fraud and
which is all not true, but hey go for it yo! lol

would you be that way with people face to face?

shoot off your questions and I shall answer though

Yes...I have hundreds of hours on stage with a very loud microphone, and have NO PROBLEM barking the truth in the face of liars.

Of course YOU don't want to talk to people like me...cus when you say "you are part of an alien mission here on earth to save us all", people like me expose you and you look silly and then shut up and go away until you think people like me are gone.


Someone asked how is this conference smaller than the one in 2001, when that was only 2 hours long and this one is 8 days long. WELL let me explain that for those who are honestly interested in a view that isn't "brainwashed by woo-woo" or just "overly excited but not sure why".

1) In 2001 every single media outlet took the conference seriously. It was the first of its kind and had the support of people who walked on the moon, were governors of american states, had reporters and scientists and the mainstream interested enough to cover it and watch.

That was waaaaaay way way long ago. Since then, everyone of importance that was part of the conference, has left stating that Greer was a fraud and a liar. Edgar Mitchell (6th man on the moon) even demanded his name be removed from every website and outlet that Greer had him posted on, because he didn't want to EVER be associated with these criminal scum bags ever again. Of course, Greer never removed his name from anything and continue to speak as if Mitchell actually is "down with the Greerster".

2) The first conference was not being held for a audience of ex-congress men who are KNOWN TO ALL MEDIA, PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT TYPES to be complete NUT JOBS! The Ex Congress men now added to this (who are being paid 20 grand to listen btw.) are CRAZY. Do some looking into them. Those wack-nuts involved HURT THIS SUBJECT a million fold. Its not bad enough we got Greer n Friends to make this a complete joke...we gotta add the nuttiest bunch of outcast Ex Congress men who even UFO sites are calling "nutty fringe insane types".

3) The first conference did not cost money to watch. I know a lot of you yuck-heads think this type of practice is acceptable and ok, cus you were brought up in a money hungry consumerism nightmare, and you think EVERYTHING COSTS MONEY TO SHARE! But no. Let me assure you. There was a million ways to get this out without charging people cash to see it. AND NO EX CONGRESS PEOPLE should be demanding 20-grand to listen to what YOU ARE PAYING 4 BUCKS to listen to.

Do you get that? The people you think are making this a serious moment for just sitting in and listening. Are making 20 thousand dollars to sit and listen. Sound to you like they give a damn about UFOs? Huh!?

WOULD ANY OF YOU demand 20 thousand dollars to sit and listen?

4) The first conference was way before the people running it absolutely proved to the world and the national press that they are frauds. Since the first conference- Greer used his publicity from that conference to start bringing people into the woods and the desert to summon UFOs with flash lights, and even charged people thousands of dollars to do it. Since then he has published a picture of a fricken MOTH and said it was an alien.

5) The first conference made a huge noise, a splash that could have made a difference. But the people who ran it took advantage of people (people like the majority of the woo-woo-ers here) and sht themselves in the foot for all time to come.

The reason the first conference was BIGGER, was that it took place BEFORE Greer went crazy and showed the world he was a fraud. The reason the first conference was BIGGER is because it had witnesses that mattered.

They all left. Now you have the son of a Roswell brat straight up lying (again!) about crap he didn't really see (like always) and Majestic-12 docs (considered hoaxed by most serious reserchers)...and of course...No Edgar Mitchell or anyone of real importance.

This conference is a fricken joke. Keep watching it, keep taking notes, KEEP THINKING YOU ARE SEEING SOMETHING REALLY EPIC AND NEW...but no...same old BS from the same old stale UFO-hoax crowd trying to sell books, t-shirts and a UFO story to the world.

You will either get it...or you won't. It don't matter, this is going nowhere. And anyone who has been paying attention to this for over a 5 year span, will tell you the same.

You think the people coming in here saying "oh god, not this again! FRAUD!", are saying it cus they are dumb? Cus they don't know the score? NO! THEY SEEN THIS BEFORE. THEY KNOW THESE PEOPLE.


For real.


posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:21 PM
As an outsider who has been "Checking in" everyday on this thread. I agree with Corn to the copia's responses w/ Mr Mask. Actually He/She Brother/Sister actually beat me to the punch of busting him out on his continual rant of Money and Fraud rhetoric. As that alone made this thread very wearing and disruptive to the individual's who want to hear about this event taking place. Whether for positive or negative reasons and Mr Mask as you went silent after your last post, literally felt like you were beating a dog with a stick and kept poking it after it was dead.

Though Corn to the copia rebutled in a very kind manner. I sir am not so kind to individual's such as yourself in the over dramatic rhetoric that spews from ones mouth. So I am happy that corn addressed this.

Whether one is a firm believer in Aliens or just a beginner, who is anyone to come across the way that Mr Mask did in this forum. Lack of showmanship/nature/demeanor however you want to state it. He came accross very rude and seemed to thrive and got kicks from his negative nancy attitude.

This isn't a shot at anyone but an outsider observation looking in. I've only posted 2 times in this thread asking for updates on how this event was going and are we fighting the good fight. I don't care that this took place in 2001 as that was the past and it's 2013. 2001 is very different from the day and age we live now.

Keep on track and keep the updates and "Civil" discussion going. No hidden adgenda's behind loose lip'd words, no mocking commentary belittling or degrading someone's beliefs or pov.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia
reply to post by InhaleExhale

he thinks he is being honest, but what if what he is saying is not true?

then what?

do you allow that?

also it's the words he uses and how he uses them, can you imagine him in front of you saying all of that, while you nod or shake your head?

If you were en empath (someone who is affected by others energies) you would know what i'm talking about...

words create emotions, feelings, thoughts..
so use them wisely

thoughts are more powerful then we think as well

I can share some videos on that subject, but I won't here, check out my other created threads..i have one on words and thoughts here on this website..
edit on 1-5-2013 by cornucopia because: changed some words

edit on 1-5-2013 by cornucopia because: autocorrect is getting me

Look at this nonsense. Quick run down on you in this thread. You have thus far told us all-

1) You paid for the live stream and can't wait to watch it cus its gunna change the world!
2) Then said you don't have time to watch it. Even tho you made this thread.
3)You told us you know whats going on cus your grandfather was high up in NASA and became the head of MUFON.
4) You said you have met aliens, are an alien, are part of an alien mission and speak with aliens.
5)Told various people here that you vibrate right, and we vibrate wrong, and your vibratons are in tune with the space craft watching us while the aliens love you but they are upset with me.
6) Said you don';t have time to watch the conference, but you HAVE HAD the time to post about your magic alien powers, family, vibrations, empathic powers, and all this rubbish that you took from David Wilcox.
7) You also supported tons of people thus far who have been proven to be scammers. Caught in the act scammers. Scammers who have been outted, exposed and fingered as scammers.

Listen up bro. You don't have no magic alien powers. You don't have any insight into the UFO subject (personally or academically). You didn't even know who half the people running this conference were until me and a few others clued you in.

You lie a lot. You misdirect a lot. You have an overgrown delusional self-view of YOU being an alien here to save mankind...

Save it and stay on topic if you can. This is about the UFO conference, the people in it, running it, watching it and speaking in it. I have left factual links, spoke about evidence, shared over a hundred thousand released documents, AND REMAINED HONEST while doing so.

I am PRO-UFO. You are a huckster. I am here to help people learn. You are here to start a new age UFO cult with you being some cyber messiah. Get off it.

You aint no empath, cus if you were, you'd sense everyone knowing you are full of crap and you would stop.

edit on 1-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia
reply to post by InhaleExhale

he thinks he is being honest, but what if what he is saying is not true?

then what?

do you allow that?

also it's the words he uses and how he uses them, can you imagine him in front of you saying all of that, while you nod or shake your head?

If you were en empathy you would know what i'm talking about...

words create emotions, feelings, thoughts..
so use them wisely

thoughts are more powerful then we think as well

I can share some videos on that subject, but I won't here, check out my other created threads..i have one on words and thoughts here on this website..

Now direct those 4 questions to yourself.

Can you even do that, can you even try?

I am blessed with more empathy than you will ever know or understand as you are an alien or claim to be there about.

I know you can share videos, so can I, however, this shows one thing, you know how to link off site material to ATS.

Look, in my opinion you seem to have your mind closed a lot more than the biggest skeptics on this site.

You are so sure of yourself that you can only defend by dismissing what you cannot respond to because logic always beats delusion or tell those that disagree with your stance that they are negative.

Mr Mask brings up very valid questions to a number of posters including yourself which seem to just be ignored, because like I said to answer those questions would shatter your little snow globe reality, so just dismiss it like you have selective hearing.

Your intentions might be righteous from your perspective, however, as others have said, your righteousness is damaging this field of investigation so much that truth of this subject will always be debated because of people simply believing instead of knowing or at least taking the right steps towards knowing.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
As an outsider who has been "Checking in" everyday on this thread. I agree with Corn to the copia's responses w/ Mr Mask. Actually He/She Brother/Sister actually beat me to the punch of busting him out on his continual rant of Money and Fraud rhetoric. As that alone made this thread very wearing and disruptive to the individual's who want to hear about this event taking place. Whether for positive or negative reasons and Mr Mask as you went silent after your last post, literally felt like you were beating a dog with a stick and kept poking it after it was dead.

Though Corn to the copia rebutled in a very kind manner. I sir am not so kind to individual's such as yourself in the over dramatic rhetoric that spews from ones mouth. So I am happy that corn addressed this.

Whether one is a firm believer in Aliens or just a beginner, who is anyone to come across the way that Mr Mask did in this forum. Lack of showmanship/nature/demeanor however you want to state it. He came accross very rude and seemed to thrive and got kicks from his negative nancy attitude.

This isn't a shot at anyone but an outsider observation looking in. I've only posted 2 times in this thread asking for updates on how this event was going and are we fighting the good fight. I don't care that this took place in 2001 as that was the past and it's 2013. 2001 is very different from the day and age we live now.

Keep on track and keep the updates and "Civil" discussion going. No hidden adgenda's behind loose lip'd words, no mocking commentary belittling or degrading someone's beliefs or pov.

I don't care...nothing you just said mattered.

This conference is still 100% bogus, centered on money, has no interest in disclosure, and is a scam.

Sorry bro. Just the way it is.

ps-negitive nacy? Geeee, towards the guy who called me and the other dude gay? and women? and then said his aliens don't like us, and he talks to them? Ya...wonder why I'm not so friendly to the liar. lol. Cheer up dude. I got me a truckload of showmanship. I just can't stomach liars.

edit on 1-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:36 PM
I don't care who testifies it is, or how many people testify, or how great there story. Without any hard evidence the testimonies are nothing but hear say.

I've been fascinated by the UFO phenomenon since I was a child, I've ready many books, heard many testimonies but never have seen the 'smoking gun' in any of that. All the UFO/Alien shows on the TV are a load of crap, that offer no real proof of anything. That said the only piece of film I've seen that could be real is the Russian KGB file, look up KGB alien and you'll see what I'm talking about.

If there is going to actual disclosure then we need an EBE to address our species, anything short of that is not proof, just more hearsay.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:42 PM
Here are some upload snippets on Youtube regarding the Conference

Citizen Hearing Media on Youtube

which contains things like post interviews and highlights like

edit on 1-5-2013 by FORMe2p00p0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:45 PM

WHO HERE has posted MORE INFO related to this subject, this conference and UFOs as a whole, than me and Mr Fantastic? Huh? Who?

I'll tell ya...nobody.

That's right. Between me and Mr F (and for the records, I'm pro-UFO and I think he isn't but we both admit to not knowing the actual truth) almost ALL the relavant info in this thread was posted between me and him.

Yes yes...others posted stuff. Yes. But for every single ONE LINK OR PEICE OF EVIDENCE- me and Mr F posted about 10.

He explained the history of the Ex-congress men. We both explained and linked the crowd to the histories of the people running the show. We have linked documents from our country and others dealing with UFOs, we have answered almost 100% off all the UFO related questions QUICKLY AND HONESTLY with links to proven content- while the pro-UFO hopfuls did not.

Now ya...I agree. Mr F is no bedside manner boy. You really don't want him at your kid's birthday party, and he prolly tells lil kids that Santa is a lie. But at least he is GIVING INFO TO THOSE WHO SHOW NO HISTORY OF KNOWING THAT INFO.

And yaaaaaaa...I tend to bark at liars and frauds and make poo poo noises at FAKES who tell me they are aliens. Ya sure. But I have spent my entire life on this subject, and I refuse to sit silent while I watch criminals or idiots rape it and turn it into a money-whore.


The Ex congress men are getting 20 thousand dollars to sit there.

The people running it, are getting paid to stream it.

The people running it have made millions off scamming people, and use these conferences to drum up business. They have ZERO interest in disclosure. That would destroy their free ride to money town.

That's why they have all been caught LYING AND SCAMMING UFO lovers.

And that's what they will always do.


posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by FORMe2p00p0n

Here are some upload snippets on Youtube regarding the Conference

Citizen Hearing Media on Youtube

Heeey I starred you for that.

I've been telling people for pages now if they want to see what's being said its all over youtube and websites.

But they keep complaining that its impossible to find out info with MR MASK in here!


Good job man. Thanks.


posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by jrod
I don't care who testifies it is, or how many people testify, or how great there story. Without any hard evidence the testimonies are nothing but hear say.

I've been fascinated by the UFO phenomenon since I was a child, I've ready many books, heard many testimonies but never have seen the 'smoking gun' in any of that. All the UFO/Alien shows on the TV are a load of crap, that offer no real proof of anything. That said the only piece of film I've seen that could be real is the Russian KGB file, look up KGB alien and you'll see what I'm talking about.

If there is going to actual disclosure then we need an EBE to address our species, anything short of that is not proof, just more hearsay.

Awwww dude, that hit me in the heart. I know your pain.

I hate to say it but, that KGB film is most likely a hoax. A lot of looking into that has shown to researchers it was prolly a fraud. But don't take my word for it.

But...I do feel bad that you feel like you have never seen a real good video of a UFO. SO, as another dude who has loved UFOs his whole life, let me give you a gift. Here is a real UFO.

It was recorded and sited by American Military and is was flying over restricted air space above the Nellis Air Base.

I hope you enjoy it. This is one of the few vids of UFOs that researchers can not prove to be fake or explain it away.

Hope you enjoy.

edit on 1-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2013 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

ROFL~ I get your point bro, but there's got to be a better way besides force feeding your views to people.

I get the scam event, part of me is right next to you. But I am looking for "New" Information on this subject.

I get your truckload of showmanship, it's just coming off very brash~

Just out of curiosity was a event like this supposed to cost 0?

As if the people on the internet won't have the event boot legged for free if not broken apart in segments on Youtube. So sure the people on the board are getting 20k for this event. No I don't agree with it. But this world is shady enough as it is. Did you expect anything different?

I just graduated highschool in 2001 had no clue about the first CHD, but always believed in ET's of some sort. So this is how do I say it... Not that it's a big event but definately is an eye catcher and want to hear what they have to say regardless of if it's a lie. If they are trying to procure money or donations, I do believe many are just as you stated liars and whatever have you. I will not give them spit anyway but would like to hear what they have to say regardless.

Everyone is entitled to there opinion regardless of they are noobs or pro's in any given field.

It's how you are delivering your thoughts that come off the way I stated prior. And I don't disagree with what your saying but man....

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 03:02 PM
and here is some horribly taken interview footage

edit on 1-5-2013 by FORMe2p00p0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 03:10 PM
I found some full audio - no video regarding the event on day 2.... although I have not listened to them to verify they are all the way through and don't cut out

Mods if I'm being "naughty" by posting this, please take it down...

edit on 1-5-2013 by FORMe2p00p0n because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2013 by FORMe2p00p0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 03:18 PM

This discussion needs to return to the topic and off each other. If it does not post removals and post ban's may follow without warning.


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