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God created/influenced the atomic bomb to end WWII, to stop the massacre of his chosen people?

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posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:45 AM
Free will.

Ah, the universal 'get out of jail free' card. Along with "Satan" did it.

God does all the good things, but all the bad things that he fails to intervene in are free will or Satan.
Mysterious ways. Big plan.

He can save someone with cancer, but ignore others with the same problem?
He can make lizards re-grow lost limbs, but never humans?

Free will, and omnipotence are a little opposed.
Everything happens because god wills it - except for the bits we don't like which are always free will.
He plucks the lucky few from the plane crash, but not everyone. He caused the plane crash, right? Or was that Satan?

Bad people do bad things because of free will and Satan.
Good people do good things because of god.
Bad people never to bad things because of god.
Good people never do bad things because of god.

A la carte religion.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by honested3
reply to post by Badgered1

Tornados in the Midwest killed multiple people this season, what a hateful God right? False! Freewill allowed the people to live there, and also to move from there. "It rains on the just, and the unjust." the Scriptures say. If you decide to live on the edge of a cliff, and you fall off that cliff while sleeping, is it God who caused this, or your choosing to sleep there? If you fall off and are saved by branches and shrubbery breaking your fall, could you call this a miracle and God saved you from your own stupidity? Yes.

So people that live in the Mid West are stupid for living there, and are basically asking to be killed by a tornado. Even little kids that die are stupid, because they should've just packed up and moved to a safer place as soon as the umbilical cord was cut.

The chances of being killed in a tornado for people in the Midwest must still be millions to 1.

I'm sorry but you people are insane. To put it lighty. Seriously,

The amount and the level of moronic reasoning in order to justify the ridiculous beliefs is quite astounding.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:06 AM
If you re read my post, living on the edge of a cliff is stupid. I apologize for offending, living in the midwest is not stupid, my heart and prayers are with those out there and I deal with those folks on a daily level. I was trying to illustrate something.

Anyways with freewill, yes some die of cancer, others survive it, not all of our destinies are the same. Thats the problem with people who feel like they are "in control of their destinies." They in fact are not. We only control our attitude about our destinies, and our attitude towards others, including God. Yes I know this sounds cold and makes it out like God is some giant evil child-like being with a magnifying glass frying 'bugs' left and right for pleasure, but its not true.

Here is a thought experiment for you; you talk about God being able to make the world peaceful and perfect again, and truth is He can. Suppose we were all back in the garden of Eden, perfection, but how long will it be before someone gives in to the evil nature within? You talk about God having the ability to grant peace, here is another though experiment for you; What peace in your life can you grant to someone else but are not? Do you have no qualms or enemies in your life, or anybody that you can forgive, or ask forgiveness from? Because if your not perfect yourself then you have no place judging God. When you realize your iniquities, thats when you realize your forgiven from them, and realize God loves you more than you are able to comprehend

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Mystic Vibes

jews i.e gods chosen people.?

God is so racist , I guess I'll have to sue him

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by IAmARock

Please drop all the other BS and answer these for me.

How about moving to a fitting thread for those questions.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:15 AM

Text why didn't your God just save the 6 million Jews instead of creating a nuke bomb??
reply to post by infowarrior9970

Very interesting question and a good simple one to boot. The Jews have asked this same question many times. Even today they still ask that question. In fact that very unanswered question is why most Jews who survived the holocaust as well as the Jews today have fallen away from the orthodoxy of yesteryear. The magic glue that held them together before the holocaust is not there today. You now have the vast majority of Jews involved in Reformation and Conservative divisions while Orthodoxy is diminishing very rapidly. That question is always present in their everyday lives even today and the root of this is that their belief has been shattered.

The prewar Jews were conditioned to believe that their God would do for them what He did for Moses. They are not convinced that He will ever be with them in the same manner as in the biblical days of their history. This is why they make excuses for the holocaust by subverting their religion into Conservative and Reformation blocks. The magic glue which held the tribes together is now gone and all that is left is a political structure of socialism.

But don't be so harsh with them because they are just people such as all of us are. America has done the very same thing. We lost our magic glue that held this republic above all other nations but now we too have squandered our heritage. We may yet face our holocaust and it could be in the likeness of the Jewish holocaust.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by honested3

If you re read my post, living on the edge of a cliff is stupid. I apologize for offending, living in the midwest is not stupid, my heart and prayers are with those out there and I deal with those folks on a daily level. I was trying to illustrate something.

Oh you illustrated something.

Like I made clear, I'm not interested in any more of those pushy, foot in the door hypothetical situations, corny metaphores and empty reli babble.

They won't convince anybody that isn't already in your sect, and they also do nothing to make you look any less of a fanatic religious freak.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Seede

Very interesting question and a good simple one to boot. The Jews have asked this same question many times. Even today they still ask that question.

Instead of answering it, you went off on an unrelated tangent.
edit on 2-6-2013 by Tribunal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by honested3

Because if your not perfect yourself then you have no place judging God.

What are you talking about? I didn't even acknowledge or deny a god in the first place. I didn't judge a god. I didn't even speak about a god.

I am judging people that make ridiculous statements in their god's name.

Off course this is percieved as an attack on their god.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:11 PM
it seems to me that Germany was the first to try to create an Atomic Bomb... they had a 'heavy water' operation going on somewhere up in the Nordic Countries

heavy water being necessary to produce the highly refined weapons grade Uranium needed to fuel a (then theoretical) bomb... the 'trigger' was still undeveloped by Germany

the USA then took over the forefront of creating a Fission bomb... now did 'God' finally intervene way after Germany had their Atom Bomb aspirations shelved by the allied attacks on the heavy-water facilities

if so... then God was a come lately

i think that the Atomic bombs on Japan were not ordained by God in Heaven but by the 'dark forces' ...those demonic powers & principalities that rule the air/spirit realm on Earth


count the number of nuclear posessing nations in the world today ....

they will correspond to the 10 horns on the End-Times 7 headed beast in Revelations

the Atomic Age was not determined by 'God'
edit on 2-6-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
it seems to me that Germany was the first to try to create an Atomic Bomb... they had a 'heavy water' operation going on somewhere up in the Nordic Countries

heavy water being necessary to produce the highly refined weapons grade Uranium needed to fuel a (then theoretical) bomb... the 'trigger' was still undeveloped by Germany

the USA then took over the forefront of creating a Fission bomb... now did 'God' finally intervene way after Germany had their Atom Bomb aspirations shelved by the allied attacks on the heavy-water facilities

if so... then God was a come lately

i think that the Atomic bombs on Japan were not ordained by God in Heaven but by the 'dark forces' ...those demonic powers & principalities that rule the air/spirit realm on Earth


count the number of nuclear posessing nations in the world today ....

they will correspond to the 10 horns on the End-Times 7 headed beast in Revelations

the Atomic Age was not determined by 'God'
edit on 2-6-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

Absolute rubbish Great Britain was the first to try and produce a nuclear weapon:-

The US didn't then "Take Over" The Atomic bomb was produced by The US, Britain and Canada.:-

Where did you learn your history?

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

Well said. I'm starting to despair about the level of historical knowledge on this site sometimes.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Text Instead of answering it, you went off on an unrelated tangent.
reply to post by Tribunal

The OPs theory was that the A Bomb was created to end WW ll -- That was the central theme of discussion.

Then, infowarrior9970 asked the question as "why didn't your God save the 6 million Jews instead of creating a nuke bomb?"

I did not opine the OPs theory but instead got entangled in warrior's question with a rant. My mistake.

So now I will answer the OP's theological opinion. I believe that he is correct when he stated that the A Bomb was developed and used to end the war. All weapons are developed to do the same.

I also will directly answer warrior's question as to why God did not simply save the 6 million Jews by supernatural means. That question is very opinionated and actually as difficult to answer as "Is there really a God?"

Some Jews believe that God punished them for disobeying His covenant with them and allowed the holocaust to happen. Other Jews do not believe that because more Gentiles were murdered than Jews in the holocaust. Then there are some Jews that believe the prophecy from the prophets who declared that in the end times the scattered tribes throughout the world will be gathered into one nation in Jerusalem. This group of people will then be the seat of world government as their Messiah is revealed to the world. They will be a beacon of light unto the world and their government will be universal and just.

Now if people are prosperous they are content and if they are satisfied in life they will not even consider moving elsewhere. Those who are not prosperous will not move simply because they have no wealth to make the move. So how can God move both the poor and the rich? You have to make them move and in this case God used the holocaust to force the people to move.

Sound cruel? To me it did. This is not my opinion but is the opinion of some Jewish friends. That was why so many Jews were turned off in their belief in their God. If God allowed Germans to kill millions of people including babies and youngsters then He must be a cruel task master to say the least. Why not simply raise up another Moses?

Anyway, the unanswered question is still unanswered. No one really knows why God did not step in to save all of those people. If there is this Hebrew God then He is far beyond my understanding His ways.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Seede

Anyway, the unanswered question is still unanswered. No one really knows why God did not step in to save all of those people. If there is this Hebrew God then He is far beyond my understanding His ways.

Yes the question is still unanswered, and you went of on a similar unrelated tangent again.

Can we conclude that in the context of that discussion, that both of your posts are utterly useless?

The op obviously doesn't make sense on different levels, but the point here is that why would god let the
jews get in harms way in the first place, up to the point where he had to make sure a bomb was developed to save them?

edit on 2-6-2013 by Tribunal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:26 PM

Text Yes the question is still unanswered, and you went of on a similar unrelated tangent again. Can we conclude that in the context of that discussion, that both of your posts are utterly useless? The op obviously doesn't make sense on different levels, but the point here is that why would god let the jews get in harms way in the first place, up to the point where he had to make sure a bomb was developed to save them?
reply to post by Tribunal

Your understanding of the OP's blog is different than mine. My understanding is that the Op theorized that the A Bomb was developed to keep the Jews from being wiped off the face of this earth. I assumed that the OP could not have meant this as during WWll simply because it was not used in WWll in Europe but was used against the Japanese. I assume that God knew when to use the bomb so I assume God did not intend it to be used to help the Jews at that time in Europe. Otherwise He would have had it used in Europe as well as Japan. At the onset of WWll there were 5 million Jews in America and directly after the war there were 5.2 million. So even if the holocaust was a success in Europe it would not have exterminated the Jews from the face of the earth.

That leaves only one other scenario in the OP's theory (in my understanding) and that would be that the A Bomb was developed to keep the nation Israel from being wiped off the face of the map today. Israel uses the A Bomb as a deterrent against the Arab nations since the seven days war and to this time. Therefore the OP is not clear in his blog.

My direct and short answer was that yes I believe the A Bomb was developed and used to end the war and it was. It was also developed by Israel to to keep Israel from annihilation. I see no mention of the bomb being developed to prevent the holocaust in the OP's blog but common sense tells me that it would only apply to nation Israel simply because nation Israel is the only time that it could apply. In other words the Bomb was used after the holocaust and not before the holocaust and could not have any impact upon a people that were already murdered.

The rest of my rant was directed to Warrior's question and not the OP's blog. I hope that clears up your confusion and look forward to your own opinion. That is what this forum is for.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Seede

Fair enough and sorry for being a bit impolite.

You have put in way more thought into the op than you can credit the OP for. I don't think he had in mind what you layed out there, the op was more based on historical ignorance.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Mystic Vibes
why, did he think by the extermination of them that God would loose His power over this world

This is a decent question for one that is not familiar with the Old Testament. God made a promise to His prophet in the Old Testament that He would tithe His people, the Jews. Tithe means 10%, it was a promise by God that 10% of the Jews would never be removed from the earth. I don't claim to understand what 10% of the Jews even is mathematically, but I do know it means they will never be wiped out.

The Christian theory is this, Hitler was a tool of the devil, like most tools of the devil didn't know he was a tool. One thing the devil apparently wants to do, one of his ultimate goals, is to make God a liar, force God to break one of his promises. Perhaps the devil believes he has this power which he does not, he will never make God a liar, no one can, but perhaps the devil believes the second God becomes a liar will be the second he ceases to be God. God cannot lie, it's his nature, just as it is the devil's nature to lie, you can change the nature of mortals as we sway this way and that all the time, but you can't change the nature of an Eternal being (not easily anyway).

Apparently the devil has tried to extinct the Jews from the earth in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Whether you believe in this or not it does not matter, only an evil person would want to extinct anyone off the planet, any race or creed, even the radicals, to want to extinct them because of their beliefs is just wrong.
edit on 2-6-2013 by pyramidikal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 09:22 PM
The A-bomb was created so the "man of sin" can call fire down from heaven in full view of men. This man of sin is not a singular man but a "mankind of sin" a generation or a people of a given time frame. During the mid 1800's ,bad theories were slipped into the Christian faith and steered its purpose elsewhere into a controlled environment...especially in the area of end time prophecy. Done by the bankers for multiple reasons but mainly because of the fallout from the Millerite movements. Millerites brought the world economy to a standstill because they thought the end time was upon them.

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