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The Marlboro Man leaves the building - I LOVE the e-cigs!!!! (part one)

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posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:35 PM

Between this thread and a post I put in a private forum last night, I have counted at least three people that tried them based only on reading my post.

And that is three people that also say they will never turn back to tobacco.
Add to that two in my own family within the last 24 hours!

And I am definitely no proponent of quitting! But I have a greater "patient smoking cessation rate" in one day than most professionals get in a year! Without even trying, only telling what I like....

There are politicians and others that want to get rid of this product and ban its use everywhere. Remember that and keep your ears open, and speak up when you get the chance.

Otherwise there may be millions that could be saved from tobacco BY THEIR OWN FREE WILL AND CHOICE, who will lose that oportunity forever!

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by lakesidepark

Thats it, i have to try the e-cig now, there just seems to be so much positivity about them. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE smoking, absolutely love it, but if i can get the effect of a ciggie from a e-cig then im definitly gonna try it. Not to mention the fact that cigarettes here are about £7 for a pack of twenty, which is about $12 I guess. I roll my own with tobacco and liquorice papers, but im gonna give them a try.

Any british members can recommend a type and brand for me to try, and what exactly i need to buy?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by thedoctorswife
reply to post by lakesidepark

Thats it, i have to try the e-cig now, there just seems to be so much positivity about them. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE smoking, absolutely love it, but if i can get the effect of a ciggie from a e-cig then im definitly gonna try it. Not to mention the fact that cigarettes here are about £7 for a pack of twenty, which is about $12 I guess. I roll my own with tobacco and liquorice papers, but im gonna give them a try.

Any british members can recommend a type and brand for me to try, and what exactly i need to buy?

I'm using totally wicked. They still a decent starter kit for about £35, the Tornado T. Probably worth getting the same pack a little more expensive though as it comes with 2 batteries and a mains charger if you buy the one for, I think, £50

I didn't expect to see all the positivity about the disposable ones though, I had one and thought it was pretty naff to be honest. Didn't compare at all to the rechargeable ones imo.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Hi, I've been buying motives 10 from Tesco for £5.99. They are disposable so you can see if its for you.
Well its been 2 weeks, and my 20 a day habit for 38 years, is now a 10 a day habit.
I can honestly say I am amazed!
I am taking it slow in the change over as have been let down before by nicotine replacement products.
Good luck to you.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:25 AM
Should check out the Buzz Pro and Infinity Pro (if the infinity ever comes back into stock)

I get my juice from here, too
The Butterfly Bait is delicious, tastes like a mix of peaches and honeysuckle.
edit on 5/11/13 by TokiTheDestroyer because: (no reason given)

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