posted on May, 6 2013 @ 12:30 AM
I completely agree. That's why the only reason I have a Bank Account is so my employer can deposit my money and I can take it all out the same day
without having to pay check cashing fees or even a bank fee since direct deposit makes it free
I have got a little bit of gold
, and a little bit more silver
, and a helluva lot of lead
I have an entire closet filled with medical supplies like band-aids, gauze, gallons of isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and a # ton of soap which
I rotate every year. I have a single aloe plant though in a pot. because once you plant one in the ground you will have about twenty in a few months.
Point is, I do not have a savings account in the bank. Its stupid. what little I have left after paying rent, food and power I will spend on things
the family needs, after that if theres anything left, which there usually is a little bit, I put it into metal. I get copper for free because
everythime I see broken home electronics on the street, I scoop them up and dissect it for the clean copper wire. Motors, transformers pcb's and
insulated wires I sell to the junk man. But the clean copper I keep for myself. I have 2 of those big trash cans full of copper and working on a
third. Copper is the metal most taken for granted IMO. Most Americans do not even realize every single item they own in their home that uses any kind
of electricity either from the wall or from batteries has copper. They can be miniscule amounts like in remote controls or can be bigger quantities
like in appliances such as microwaves, vacuum cleaners and old CRT televisions. Either way, I harvest it all and hoard the clean copper, sell the rest
to the scrap man.
Point is, I trust most people even if the power is on will accept this very necessary metal in a currency/economic collapse. Don't believe people
will be accepting payment in binary code though at that moment.