posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:08 PM
It is creepy,and about to be jacked up a level when those google goggles arrive in a few months.
Those things are turning the users into private google spies for any shady company willing to pay I'll bet.
Speaking of which,does anyone know if its possible to buy a wrist wearable wifi jammer,with a small(say 5meter)range?
I know there are bigger jammers on the market,but I would imagine there is about to be a niche in the market for small,personal privacy containment
wifi jammers...
Not that I do anything shady-the most interesting thing I will get caught doing would be walking my dogs in the hills,or jaguar mining with my albino
ferret snails.
But why the heck should google or any other mega corp be able to film folks all over the place from millions of little cams,without peoples
It will end up with millions of google gogglers all over the world,sending all that data back to all the usual abc agencies.A totalitarian wet
dream...and guess what us guillible chattle will happily pay big bucks to be the spies!!!
Its win win for the watchers!