reply to post by wildtimes
Poor kitty! That would have been devastating for me.
it was, i woke up in pure panic as though i'd really done it, i was away for the night too so i began to worry that maybe something had happened to
her but she was fine,
as for the exploding head syndrome, i'm not sure if we've experienced the same thing, but if you've been experiencing it since childhood then over
time maybe the symptoms have calmed a little maybe? i don't really know, its just that my first experience happened about 18 months ago and it was so
abrupt it scared me half to death, i wonder if you've maybe always been more in tune with your more spiritual side since a young age so the symptoms
are milder, where as my first knowledge of anything remotely spiritual was when i realised without a doubt that God existed, and that happened in one
night, it was not long at all after that the exploding head syndrome started,
i was just drifting off to sleep, it was dark except for the faint glow of my digital alarm clock, which i had my back to, when all of a sudden i saw
a bright flash through my closed eyes, and at exactly the same time i heard a really loud click, i imediately sat up and looked at the alarm clock
thinking it had shorted out but it was fine, not really thinking anything of it i started to drift again, but it happened again within minutes but
this time the sound was more like a deep buzz.
this time i knew it wasn't the alarm clock and it became obvious that the really loud sound was inside my own head, so was the flash. the next day I
searched the net i found out it had a name, auditory sleep start or exploding head syndrome.
This happened quite a few times over a period of about 10 months and was usually followed by sleep paralysis (SP), but it was SP that really scares
me, to feel a presence above me while not being able to move is very very scary,
just out of interest, have your books been published?
I also feel the need to apologise for my spelling and grammer and so on, i'm feeling a little conscious of it because your a writer, but something
tells me your going to tell me not to be so silly!