posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:53 AM can even become Oppressive. I also know, from experience, that Empaths are far more prone to psychic attacks, from my experience
anyway. What I struggle with is anger at indifference, it really is and can be an Achilles heel, a snare, and Im pretty sure that's the pride thing
in us that rises, over the past couple of years (and yes I fall off the jury wagon so to speak quite often as it can be exhausting) I've had
to learn self discipline, NOT easy thing, for Empaths who want to "fix" everything wrong in the world. There are also avoidance issues as well as
control, these things vary with life experience, etc, individual traits, so forth...I don't think there is like this Formula, you know...but for
balance, and it actually is the hardest, I had to find how to change my inner circle, beginning with myself then family then community, etc OR find
focus on one area, and work and be committed to that.
This btw is a common problem for many who work in any area of human rights or relief work, etc. or advocacy ESPECIALLY if there is any past related
trauma that prompted one to get involved, etc. triggers, etc., if not learned how to deal, can cloud our vision, so to speak. Anyhoo, one of the
best advice wisdom I ever received, was how to learn and Practice being grounded, centered in a consistent, such as nature. I tried religion but
it's way to unreliable so, Nature was consistent in values, meaning BALANCE. That and sitting in silence, took some getting used to, but IF I
didn't do that, I can fall back into the obsession over the worlds ails very quick and it is a type of spiral...especially if you're dealing with
negative issues, like for me it was anti trafficking, slavery, poverty and labor abuses, human right abuses, etc., these things over time can multiply
already trauma in your experience and it can drag you down...where the apathy in the world, can begin to appear as if Everyone is indifferent, etc.
But that's not the case, there are many, many Empaths who work to change, to bring light int the world, to bring awareness, change and comfort. Some
comfort, some advocate, some stir, some point out, some are militant voices for those with no voice. Focus on these things, center, find Your place
and Your voice, then stand your ground. The naysayers will always be there, the ones who choose and love the "lie" will always be there, but know,
the Darkness will try and pull you in a vortex to where that's ALL you see, that's part of the physic attack to get YOU to stop changing and growing
and seeing. They want you to feel special or pity self, see this way, then your eyes get off those who cry out for help, and That's what the forces's a warfare, in a spiritual level. It's one that's learned and walked with Many falls, failures, and humiliations. AND it's NOT a
popular choice or path, in this world. So, when you feel like this, know, there ARE people who care, who live their whole lives, working to make a
DIFFERENCE, to give LIFE back, to those Robbed. They aren't famous, they aren't loud, most you'll never ever hear about...but they ARE there, in
this dark world, and they Do care, they Do love, and they Are light givers. They just dont scream as loud, as the silence of the indifference...but
if you listen, you'll hear then, singing in the dark, to not give up hope.