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Baby Burned Alive: In Ritual Sacrifice, Believed to be Antichrist

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

... he taught us to... not judge and harm even bad guys...

Blame it on PTB, occult gnostics who are truly following the PTB, Annanuki Egyptian Sumar distortion.

Would you explain how you can blame someone without judging them?

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Here is a biblical code, its a mystery school code, it doesnt have anything to do with laying seige in armies, but more how to lay seige to the people's freedom and school, to take over their higher frequency. It depicts the sensitive woman, not in terms of how much compassion she has, but instead how her foot would be bruised touching the ground, IE ROYAL FAMILIES. this is a code of ritual sacrifice and being Dracos, cannabilism, murder, of your own families, children and other innocents, and it also is identical in this to the Rolling Stones Dandelion song, whereby dandelion is the starseed, (ie us, the human race in school) blown away is the sacrifice and this is how TPTB gain "wisdom": by ritually sacricing, they open dark portals to the dark side, and they in turn grant them the ability to gain power over others.

Deuteronomy 28:53-57

Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you. Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities. The most gentle and sensitive woman among you - so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot - will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For she intends to eat them secretly during the siege and in the distress that your enemy will inflict on you in your cities.

The Rolling Stones - "Dandelion" (1967)

This is a elite cartel thing.

IT has nothing to do with Christians in general.

Christians are the group of people who are pulled to the message of Love in Christ's message, and they deliberately try to smash his message into the controlling smiting religions to corrupt their Love and lay seige to their free will.

THEY are the sheep, the lambs, the doves, the Love, not the Wolves, the Jackyls and the Annanuki Egyptian Occultists who have hijacked the school and are its dark hat mismanagers.

And by all means, we need the White Hats amongst them onboard with the people to help overcome this. To disclose truth. By all means, please step forward, for this is surely enough. Its enough OK!

edit on 27-4-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Wow, you think not judging means not dealing with reality. That is not what Christ modeled. He named names, he told them what they were doing numerous times. Judging in the traditional sense only means, not sending one to permanent hellsfire, and wishing that the ones conducting horror on earth would be healed and helped. It does not have anything to do with not naming it, defining it. It never did. Those who try to stretch the definition so we would be mindless bubble gum fools who could never ever even define something are dark hats who want us to not ever stand up for what is right. Christ didn't act like a bubble gum air head, he defined quite well.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Both some of the comments here and the story itself make me want to vomit and mentally shutdown in all seriousness. If your faith finds excuse and validation for what was done to this 3 day old baby, then your beliefs make you absolutely mad. These people that did this were not elites of anything either. They were the scum of the earth and deserve revile for destroying innocence and in such a grotesque and torturous way.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:34 PM
Whp's to say? Could be a crackerjack or maybe mad as it may sound, something was going on no one else knew

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by BlueMule

Wow, you think not judging means not dealing with reality.

I do? That sounds like a judgment. Are you judging me or blaming me when you say that?

edit on 27-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

Well it was worded to suggest I was judging them by defining them as the criminals they are: murderers, slavers, ritualists, cannabilists. Even economic inequality and forced labor for (often rent or food, not even both) is cannabilism. If I am not interpreting this correctly and you meant something else, you could gently point that out. If so, then I'm sorry. But judging and defining things are completely different.

What do I want for them: healing. But first, its Serve and Protect, ie those dangerous to others and enslaving them need to somewhere else.

What I'd like is what was shown to me, to actually come true: ie. blue beam arriving in 3...2...1...!!! Now report to the psychiatric unit immediately for assessment, healing and placement. And that is what my request frequently is. Even if it was in dream time when it happened, and they could spend a whole lifetime in one night being counseled and retrained, it would help us enormously.

Otherwise, since the net they put over earth is very strong, and many aren't awake, we have to choose very carefully. Work for awarness, to wake up others, OR meditate and see it done, see it done and ask for it done. Envision it done. Envision the world we wish to live in and start to act as if, and also with courage if we bump into this one.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 04:46 PM
How horrible. It should never "hurt" to be a child. That poor baby. I doubt the poor little one was born with horns/pitch fork/tail. Regardless, how many children have died in the name of religion. Some folks say that this was an isolated incident of a cult. Yet,so-called Christians kill innocent children everyday in a war based on lies...attack countries that had nothing to do with nine/eleven.

Christians don't kill children? Remember this song....with these words, "On ward Christian soldiers, going into war" or words to that effect?

I believe in a Creator of Heaven and earth but find it hard to believe in a "big daddy" in the sky that oversees all when things such as this occur. As long as one child suffers at the hands of a pedophile or is abused by family or killed because of wars for energy minerals or corporate greed or dies at the hands of a terrorist or religious fanatic, I will find it hard to believe in ALL that is relevant to religion. This beautiful world was created, yes, but the chaos and cruelty and horror that exists is of our own making.

I truly hope there is a judgement in the future for people that hurt other human beings, especially children.

Someone said we should look at both sides of things and that we would not be good lawyers if we don't. Who wants to be a laywer like that? Many are bottom feeders. There are good ones that truly try and help folks but not all...especially certaint corporate types.

Anyhow, in a perfect world, such horror would not take place...killing of a baby...of innocent children...but it does. It is hard to realize that is the way of things. Will there ever be peace and love. Peace on earth, good will toward men, words to a song and words to live by...but will we ever? Thanx for listening.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

Thanks for encapsulating, in one line, why I despise religion. What a disgusting thing to say..and the fact that people gave you stars for it is just sick.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by ReAwakened

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by ReAwakened

Should GOD step in and manage us?

Should Government step in and control us because we cannot?


You see China does not have this problem.

They don't tolerate cults.

We have legislators who have the power to end this nonsense! You can worship as a Christian in China, but it has to be in a government approved worship center.

That equals = no baby killings, no David Koresh's molesting children then getting burned out of his compound, no Mountain Meadows Massacre, No Jim Jones and the kool aid incident, No Warren Jeffs.

And not only do our legislators have the power to end this nonsense here, and in Chile as they have ended sectarian nonsense in China by legislation, but our legislators are ACTUALLY PAID to end this nonsense, as I am sure they are paid to end cults in Chile.

Freedom is good, but when it costs lives in the name of religion then freedom needs to be regulated and legislated.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by angryhulk

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

Shocked. Quite possibly the sickest, most disturbing comment I have ever read on this website and really puts this entire forum to shame.

Is there something wrong with you?

It's not just the comment that is very disturbing. Also all those stars that received. Meaning one psycho speaks his mind out but many others just stay silent in their sick world. So said. No more humanity left in to many of us.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by ReAwakened

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by ReAwakened

Should GOD step in and manage us?

Should Government step in and control us because we cannot?


You see China does not have this problem.

They don't tolerate cults.

We have legislators who have the power to end this nonsense! You can worship as a Christian in China, but it has to be in a government approved worship center.

That equals = no baby killings, no David Koresh's molesting children then getting burned out of his compound, no Mountain Meadows Massacre, No Jim Jones and the kool aid incident, No Warren Jeffs.

And not only do our legislators have the power to end this nonsense here, and in Chile as they have ended sectarian nonsense in China by legislation, but our legislators are ACTUALLY PAID to end this nonsense, as I am sure they are paid to end cults in Chile.

Freedom is good, but when it costs lives in the name of religion then freedom needs to be regulated and legislated.

And then when we execute cultists like Koresh and Jim Jones we accuse China of human rights abuses.

It's hypocrisy.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 05:47 PM
I'll have to keep this short because most of it would be expletives...

That is the most hideous, sick, terrible, frightening thing I have read for a long time...

I think I need to take some time away from the computer. I'm not easily sickened by any means but I have a new 3 day old baby girl here of my own and that just turns my stomach.

I truely believe there is no hope for mankind now, what kind of world have I brought my baby into?

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

You sir, are a complete ass.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 07:09 PM
Omg.. every single page on this thread is about the god damn comment... get the f over it... seriously, it was said by a couple of people, big deal! Focus on the damn subject, which is the baby.

Sometimes i think im on a day care forum full of kids, sigh.

Grow up people, grow up..

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by ReAwakened

well said

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 07:31 PM
Oh hush. Killing anyone, especially a baby is wrong, but only wrong because our culture tells us it is. The
incans sacrificed children all the time.

Stop being such an ignorant ethnocentric pig.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
and what if it was the antichrist and they just saved your life...

A lot of people in this thread have a problem with this comment. I can see it as coming from three points of view:

1) The poster actually believes this to be the case, and as such is clearly out of touch with reality.

2) The poster is making a trolling snark, in which case it is just a very tasteless thing to say regarding such a topic.

3) The poster is making the point that how can anyone say what this religious sect did is any more crazy or brutal/barbaric than what others believe and/or have done in the name of various religions in the past as well as in the present.

Which of these you think is the case is going to be based on your own world view, i.e. this is a bit of religious/humanist Rorschach test.

I'm a #3 guy myself.

But let us also put this heinous act in context. Is what this religious group did any worse than what the Philadelphia police did to the Move complex, killing 11 people, including 5 children, or what the US government did to the Branch Davidian religious cult in Waco, burning alive 76 people, including a number of children? I won't bother listing all the napalm attacks upon civilian targets by the US during the Vietnam War, or the incendiary bombings, which led to firestorm holocausts, and the two atomic bomb attacks on civilian targets by the US during WWII.

Judge not lest ye be judged also (or something like that).
edit on 27-4-2013 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Mister_Bit
I'll have to keep this short because most of it would be expletives...

That is the most hideous, sick, terrible, frightening thing I have read for a long time...

I think I need to take some time away from the computer. I'm not easily sickened by any means but I have a new 3 day old baby girl here of my own and that just turns my stomach.

I truely believe there is no hope for mankind now, what kind of world have I brought my baby into?

There is hope. Move to China. They don't tolerate extremist religions.

And when China puts their foot down, we accuse them of humans rights violations.

I have one thing to say to that. Tell that to the children victimized by legislators busy playing golf who could regulate the formation of sects and cults, and victimized by people like Warren Jeffs, David Koresh, Joseph Smith, and Jim Jones.

This country's lack of legislative address is a human rights abuse.

But there is hope in nations like China.

edit on 27-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by ReAwakened

I'm not sure what God's plan will be for them, but they'll have to answer I think for their actions, so it could come in the form of a question put to them by their victim, as God. That would be interesting.. What are they going to say? Will they call her the anti-Christ then?

I'm with you OP. This one makes my blood boil and that's not like me at all.

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