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The Illegal Alien Thread

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posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by beezzer

And since its an invasion
do they get the death penalty for
entering the country illegally??

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by mymymy

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by luciddream

Amnesty is nothing more than taking poor people who came here illegally and using them as a political tool.

I'm just removing the political motivation and making it more about treating people fairly.

If they came to the US illegally, that makes them criminals. Grant amnesty but make them pay for their past transgressions.

In other words, make sure they can't vote Democrat

I could care less how people vote. What bothers me is legislation soley implemented to garner votes. And if it is not about the votes, then why isn't something like this being initiated?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Yeah I am sure all those IT workers are crapping their pants about the illegal and illiterate aliens coming and taking their jobs.

I remember saying something close to that to a neighbor who was on a rant about how Mexicans are the root of all problems in Murika. Ha ha, he is a freaking physician?? So was he worried about some illegal Mexican that can't even speak English taking his doctor job??

It is racist bull puckey. They do jobs like mowing your lawn, cleaning your house, picking your vegetables. They are what keeps the minimum wage at what it is. Cheap labor. Period. If we can't export it, we will import it.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Propulsion

Since I report all SS#'s through the DHS website, I am done with it. He can either resign, I can fire him, or neither. And they may or may not investigate. This is according to them. I ain't stupid....he's not with us now.

RE: you sucks that our rampant criminalization of various things creates more crime. This is why the hardline "seal the borders" crowd has to be counterbalanced with some folks speaking reason and logic.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:21 AM
It's really simple. Ease up on the immigration restrictions, for everyone. Document everyone. Amnesty for everyone. Everyone pays taxes, is in our IRS, FBI and police data bases etc. everyone from Mexico, especially, gets a free pass in. There are just too many benefits to everyone not to do this.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by beezzer

That is true. I mean, on the one hand you can say, "But they are trying to pursue the will of their constituents, as representatives should". And there is some validity to that viewpoint. BUT....

....their job as elected leaders is to lead. To point out when mob rule is the result of a vote. To point out that it is wrong to have more prisoners that any other nation in the world, including the much maligned China. To point out that your fears are yours to repair, and that they should not dictate what other well mannered individuals can do, or possess (with or without a license, permit, tax stamp, etc, etc).

So, while representing your constituents is important, it is equally important to ensure that they understand the meaning and intent of the Constitution, and our obligation to protect that meaning and intent (not revise it).

I hear frequently, "But times have changed...we need to change to", or "Its an out dated document that needs to be revised." Bullpucky. This pretends that we are somehow more intelligent than our recent ancestors were, or that we have achieved some breakthrough in sophistication.

I would argue that this belief is the very source of our problem. And why mob mentality has over run our once free nation, and how corporations have managed to take hold of legislators.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

hear hear!! Well said.

You big fat furry guy

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Yes let us make them felons so employers do not hire them and they end up on welfare/unemployment!

brilliant plan buddy just brilliant.

think... that is a good thought.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:06 AM
Have you seen how the Legislators and Leadership are currently running the country?

I would say that it isn't any wonder that we have not been run over sooner.

As you mentioned "Our" representatives should be representing WE the people. I do not think I am alone when I say " I believe OUR current representation is a Damn Poor Excuse ".

As far as immigration goes, EVERYONE, With the exception of Native American Indians and their descendants, Immigrated to this country at one point in time. It has become very difficult to immigrate into this country compared to what it was 100 years ago.

I see that there are allot of people for and allot of people against immigration, but, everyone who wants should have the same opportunity to come into the country (Legally) and peruse the "America Dream" the same way "OUR" Ancestors did.

I do agree that there has to be some kind of control to it though. We obviously can not allow Illegal Immigration to run Rampant as we would find OURselves footing a HUGE Liability.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:22 AM
Amnesty hasn't worked in the past and won't work now. It will only entice more illegals waiting for the next amnesty.

It isn't fair for those who have already paid their dues and are waiting to get into the country through proper channels. This amnesty will allow the former illegals to keep living and working here. What gives them the right to jump to the head of the line? Why reward those who have broken the law to get here, either steal identities or overstay visas and use fraudulent documents? Do we reward the bank robbers who are poor and desperately need money? We can't pick and choose which laws to follow.

Most Americans are opposed to amnesty and want enforcement of our immigration laws.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:33 AM
"What Back Taxes?

A funny thing happened on the bill’s way to the Senate print shop. The term “back taxes” mysteriously disappeared from the text of the legislation. In actuality, illegal aliens will be responsible only for taxes assessed, not taxed owed and that’s a big difference.

The bill requires aliens to only pay taxes that the IRS has assessed at the time they apply for RPI status. So of course, if the IRS had no knowledge that the individual had been working here, there would obviously be no tax liability assessed and the alien has nothing to satisfy for the purpose of getting RPI status.

Gang of Eight Senator Flake confessed that it’s just too complicated to bother. “Getting back taxes is incredibly difficult, particularly when someone has paid into a fraudulent Social Security number.” The IRS doesn’t think it’s too “complicated” squeezing back taxes out of Americans, but I digress…"

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:36 AM

The bill grants millions of dollars to public and private non-profit organizations to help illegal aliens submit amnesty applications and adjust status from RPI to green cards and then citizenship. The Initial Entry, Adjustment, and Citizenship Assistance" (IEACA) program will appropriate $100 million for the first five years to "eligible public or private, non-profit organizations” resulting in a lucrative slush fund for pro-amnesty groups like AILA, ACLU, and LaRaza as they assist in the process.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Night Star

We have a porous border. Our neighbor Mexico, has a horrible poverty issue. Mexicans come here to work. Whether they are here legally or illegally, they have taxes taken out of their checks, which they don't recover from filing their taxes. Unless they work under the table somewhere.

In California they can't even get driver's licenses, which means they can't insure their vehicles, if they could even afford to. That means there are hard working people trying to feed their families driving on the highway licensed or not.

Different subject: Many of these immigrants send the money they earn back home to support extended families. They are good people. They take the risks of illegality in order to survive.

Hispanics are not jumping ahead of anyone. Who comes here to live if not for political asylum, or to go to one of our colleges on their parents dime, or maybe on a H1B visa to misplace an American worker on the cheap. Oh, I am sure there are other situations. But when the subject of immigration comes up, aren't we talking about "beaners", you know, those humans that are less than us white folk. I mean let's put it out there. Let's talk about the racism. Or would you rather couch that it exchange for discussing aliens from somewhere else than Mexico??


posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:55 AM
We're not going to be rid of illegal aliens by closing the borders.

They (33 million or so) are already here.

What we can do is take the political element out of the equation and just look at it as a human rights issue.

Grant amnesty (limited) to everyone. Strengthen our borders. Stop looking at it as a right/left issue. Make the whole process as apolitical as possible.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Honestly I don't think that Hispanics Suffer from the Race Issue. Not in my community anyways.

And what I mean by that is that by comparison African Americans have suffered more of a racial intolerance than any other race. Allot of the people that I have talked to are Not racist towards Hispanics. They are just mad that OUR jobs are being taken by them. Which is something I do NOT get at all.

The Low Income Jobs that are being taken are jobs that employers can't find help with. That does Not justify an Employer who hires someone illegally. But it is basically a desperate act on the employers part to fill the positions.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I am completely down with amnesty. What I don't like is the political issue and the blaming of illegals for all of our ills. That is for ignorant people that must have a class of people to look down upon and blame. And that is the msm's fault. But it pisses me off. They are mad at the wrong people. That is the really the whole purpose of the immigration issue. It is to divide people and give them a scapegoat. When they should be focusing on the bastages that are bringing the issue up.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by ShadellacZumbrum

Yeah, I get what you are saying. But where I live it is a HUGE issue. Racist pigs everywhere. You should read some of the comments from the website of our local newspaper. And the oped section isn't much worse. No shortage of ignorance here.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I am confused as far as your numbers go. 33 Million may very well be the Total of Hispanics, however the number of Illegal Hispanics has grown from 3 Million to 11 Million in the Last 15 years ( As far as published Number go).

That is what happened after the Last "Amnesty".

If ALL goes according to the "New" Plans,. . . Those Hispanics that come out of the shadows and identify themselves will get a "Green Card", but, will be banned from the U.S. for the Next 10 Years. At that point, they will be able to return to OUR country and apply for Citizenship from the Back Of the Line.

Incidentally, I think we are going to find that after the "New" Legislation is passed, that Number of 33 Million is going to come out of the Closet and be more like 40 Million or more.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by Night Star

We have a porous border. Our neighbor Mexico, has a horrible poverty issue. Mexicans come here to work. Whether they are here legally or illegally, they have taxes taken out of their checks, which they don't recover from filing their taxes. Unless they work under the table somewhere.

In California they can't even get driver's licenses, which means they can't insure their vehicles, if they could even afford to. That means there are hard working people trying to feed their families driving on the highway licensed or not.

Different subject: Many of these immigrants send the money they earn back home to support extended families. They are good people. They take the risks of illegality in order to survive.

Hispanics are not jumping ahead of anyone. Who comes here to live if not for political asylum, or to go to one of our colleges on their parents dime, or maybe on a H1B visa to misplace an American worker on the cheap. Oh, I am sure there are other situations. But when the subject of immigration comes up, aren't we talking about "beaners", you know, those humans that are less than us white folk. I mean let's put it out there. Let's talk about the racism. Or would you rather couch that it exchange for discussing aliens from somewhere else than Mexico??


Oh yeah, we don't have poor people here in the USA.
Do you have any idea how many people are falling through the cracks because they make a buck or two above the poverty limit??? Do you realize that we have poor people who have to decide between life saving medications or food?

It is a myth that illegals only take the jobs that Americans won't do. They have infiltrated many areas of the workforce. Where I used to work, we had ladies who would lie and say they were a one income household, their spouses worked under the table and combined incomes were well over the poverty limit yet they recieved benefits through deciet.

How about the poor citizens who desperately needs to feed 'their' families? They can't afford to leave their own backyards, never mind pay for stolen identities or fraudulent documents.With millions of unemployed citizens, amnesty for illegals is a bad idea. Whenever ICE used to raid companies and deport illegals, every single position was easily and quickly taken up by a citizen!

You go ahead and play your race card. I married a portuguese man with that year round suntan. LOL

I am not racist for standing up for our poor Americans who are struggling and suffering.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by beezzer

I am confused as far as your numbers go. 33 Million may very well be the Total of Hispanics, however the number of Illegal Hispanics has grown from 3 Million to 11 Million in the Last 15 years ( As far as published Number go).

That is what happened after the Last "Amnesty".

If ALL goes according to the "New" Plans,. . . Those Hispanics that come out of the shadows and identify themselves will get a "Green Card", but, will be banned from the U.S. for the Next 10 Years. At that point, they will be able to return to OUR country and apply for Citizenship from the Back Of the Line.

Incidentally, I think we are going to find that after the "New" Legislation is passed, that Number of 33 Million is going to come out of the Closet and be more like 40 Million or more.

No, no, no, they will not be banned from the USA, they will be able to remain here and keep their jobs. That isn't exactly the back of the line. There are those coming through the proper channels who have paid their dues and are still waiting to come here. I agree, the numbers could be much larger than they are saying. Then again, many of the illegals I have known over the years have no desire of becoming legal. Some have saved their money and are now back in their own countries living quite well.
edit on 27-4-2013 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

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