posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by squidboy
Regarding Your Question
What's the difference between this incident and recent The Aurora shooting/ Newton shootings? Other then the fact that those are not labeled as
Terror incidents, why does this one have so much info being leaked?
Personally I don't see much of a difference between this and the Aurora shootings (other than the Aurora shootings resulting in more people killed)
if you base it on the act of senseless murder in a public place (Aurora Century Theatres, Boston Street) at a special event (Batman Opening Night
Premiere, Boston Marathon). However if you are asking which incident I have more unanswered questions about, it is close but there are many things
that cause me to question if Holmes was responsible and if he acted alone. With Boston while I do have questions, I have more about Aurora.
Regarding the Boston information leaks: Frankly I believe that the primary goal of these leaks are to cement public sentiment that the Black & White
Hat Brothers are guilty and acted alone; in the coming days, weeks and months they will "clarify" a lot of these leaks (just like they "clarified"
that he was unarmed in the boat). The other reason for these leaks is equally unethical but much more simple: "news" divisions (both broadcast and
cable) are jockeying for ratings positions and Boston coverage has given a boost to ratings across the board (except MSNBC); so if a news outlet can
provide the viewer with "exclusive" information, even if that information is from the shakiest source they will report it as fact.
Why are details from those two first incidents basically all but closed to the public, but this one is not?
Actually the most important details from the Boston Marathon Bombing are being closely guarded from the public and the media. The most talked about
detail that no official has gone on the record saying that they have viewed it is the alleged video footage of each suspect planting their backpack
with the explosive device inside, detonating the device and reacting to the destruction. While it is rumored to exist, no one in government or LE has
stated that they've seen it (but they have heard about it).
Why is this being considering trustworthy, and not what it technically is, hearsay?
It obviously isn't being viewed as trustworthy by you, me or many people here. Frankly, these sources can say anything about what White Hat Guy
allegedly communicated because in all likelihood anything he said prior to being given his Miranda Rights will almost certainly be inadmissible in
Court; and if they make his pre-Miranda statements admissible then the defense has a strong argument questioning how lucid the suspect was due to the
fact that he was being medically brought in and out of consciousness and on heavy sedatives and likely pain medication.
The suspect is talking, but the only picture the public has seen is one that looks like he is comatose. Where are the new photos of him alert in
fair condition? Why no picture?
The same reason that the photo of his brother's corpse was on every website within 5 hours of his death; that is what they want the public to see.
And, just like the Bin Laden death photo, it is highly unlikely that we will see additional photos of White Hat Guy because such photos do not advance
their interests and without any visuals of him looking healthier it isn't hard to claim that his condition was far worse than officials had revealed
and he died from his injuries.
The only difference here is we have a Mayor holding a press conference on info obtained from an inside source. How does that make it more
The mouthbreathing masses who see Bloomberg's press conference on the news will buy it hook line and sinker simply because these are the same rubes
who believe that all of the info from every story based on "sources telling us______" is fact.