Originally posted by Akragon
Norse and Celtic people 12000 years ago, in Turkey?
that sounds a little odd...
The last picture, the composite with 4 pictures, doesn't really have anything to do with the topic; it's four examples from Pictish rock art from
~500-900 AD.
While there is a 'celtic' connection to Turkey, it's much later than Gobekli. See Galatia and the Galatian language.
Also, Pictish culture and language isn't celtic. The origins are not much agreed upon, but that much is known. It's only 'celtic' now in a present day
layman's sort of use of the term celtic for all the historical culture of the area.
Gobekli predates the existence of Celtic language, culture, and people in pretty much every way you can think of. Cattle domestication(goes with
Celtic culture) is probably just beginning at places like Gobekli. Northern Europe is still mostly under glaciers or just recently uncovered, so few
people live there at all. Sea level is still low enough that Britain is still connected to the European mainland (till ~5000 BCE) and so is Ireland
even (till ~9000 BCE). Blue eyes probably don't even exist yet; they are thought to go back to somewhere in the 6K-10K BCE range, and their
proliferation may be connected to the spread of dairy cattle.
Google's reverse image search is your friend. Drag any image into google image search, even from another web page in a seperate tab, and it will find
you other examples of the same image.
It seems you probably just grabbed an image from a google image search without reading up on the context? This blog article compares the same
composite image of Pictish symbols you posted to images from Gobekli Tepe:
So because of that article you would have found it with a simple image search, but it was not an example of something from Gobekli even according to
the source that posted it; it was just something they were using for comparison.
They jump to the conclusion that they were made by the same culture. I would not conclude that at all. They don't seem so similar to me, and they are
also obviously separated by 10,000ish years. The Pictish stones are from the 6th through 9th century. In the case of whole Pictish stones like the 2nd
and 3rd from the left, they are possibly something very different and special indeed; they are possibly even some clever visual language with a
message hidden in plain sight for somebody who knew how to read it:
(1st link more of an overview, second link has a bit more meat to it)
edit on 26-4-2013 by 11andrew34 because: typo
edit on 26-4-2013 by 11andrew34 because: added a link
edit on
26-4-2013 by 11andrew34 because: fixed a link