posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 03:42 PM
I really seem to be loving the rant forum these days and I am so happy that ATS has such a forum.
Let me get this of my chest right now
…. Mr. TV executive…
This keeps happening and its getting really annoying, I love a good TV show, I like strong story arc that flows throughout a series with mature
themes, bags of action and more than just a hint of mystery.
But every time I find a TV show that I can really get into it gets cancelled after the first season.
Here is a list of shows that I have loved and then got cancelled after or during the first season.
• Flash Forward
• The Event
• Alcatraz
• Last resort
• Zero Hour
Now the last two have got me really annoyed both amazing shows Zero hour got cancelled after only 3 episodes because of poor ratings. But what the
hell do you expect when you premier the show on Valentine’s day when nobody is really watching much TV, not only that they put it on at the same
time as “Big bang Theory” currently the biggest show on TV.
And now, I have found a new show, Defiance, thankfully it’s NOT on ABC so I hope that they keep it on
Rant over.
edit on 24-4-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-4-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason