posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:11 PM
Occam's Taser
For anyone wondering, and who may have made new forum suggestions before to no avail, we don't ignore them, but I'm sure it looks that way because
new forums are so rare.
The owners make the final calls on all such matters, but they also very much pay attention to member sentiment and consult the staff heavily when
making decisions, so no matter what the ultimate outcome, it takes time.
There's also a lot of overhead associated with each forum we have already, and due to all kinds of arcane dependencies, making new ones is incredibly
time-consuming and fraught with potential technical gotchas.
So for anyone wondering why we don't make new forums very often, it's not because we don't care.
Just adding my own personal opinion here, but I actually think we need
fewer forums. The main reason we see threads all over the place is
because there are so many places a topic can fit.
As things stand,
ATS has a lot of forums.
I'm still at the "suggesting" stage, and any form of reorganization, whether creating new forums or combining existing ones, must be done with
great care. So patience is ever a virtue when it comes to forum changes.
Anyway, I know that doesn't address the issue of Boston threads (or a lot of other threads) living in multiple places, but I figure I might as well
toss in my two horseshoes on the subject.