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Glenn Beck, the King of Failed Predictions...

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posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:31 PM
I decided to put this in the Social Issues and Civil Unrest forum because Mr. Beck is an agent of exactly these two topics. He is consistently incorrect in his predictions and is also constantly grasping at straws to gain whatever ratings at whatever turn and whatever cost. Mr. Beck does not care about the American people, Mr. Beck doesn't care about anyone but himself. So without further ado I present some of his failed predictions:

1. Beck Prediction: In August 2010, Beck Said "The Hindenburg Omen" Had Been Triggered, Meaning A 5 Percent Drop In The Market "Usually Takes Place Within The Next 40 Days."

2. Beck Prediction: In October 2010, Beck Reset The Clock On The Hindenburg Omen, Saying, "We Just Entered The 30 Day Period." After the 40 day period passed, Beck reset the clock on the Hindenburg Omen on October 5, 2010:

3. Beck Prediction: The Caliphate Moment "That I've Been Saying For Five Years" Is Coming Here To America With Speech Scheduled For March 3, 2011.

4. Beck Claim: "Out Of Control" Progressives Will Take To The Streets As "Revolutionaries" In Fall 2010. Appearing on Fox & Friends, Beck commented on a video of Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) criticizing someone who accused him of lying about health care reform and predicted "1960s protests on the streets" before the 2010 midterm elections and "revolutionaries on the street" after the elections.

5. Beck Claim In June 2010: "The Summer Of Rage Is About To Begin."

6. Beck Claim: The "Weimar Moment" Is Coming The Day After The 2010 Midterm Electionss.

7. Beck Claims Romney wins electoral college 321-217.

8. Beck claims August 10, 2011 "'re going to see people like [the rioters in Great Britain] in this country tearing people from limb to limb, and they're idiots. Absolute idiots."

9. Beck Claims August 12, 2011 "I firmly believe that race riots are on the way," he said. "They are being encouraged...[the Obama administration] will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing, the uber left, they will take it down. If I can't have it, no one will."

I'll stop there for now on the predictions Here is some video of other insane things he's said or indorsed:

Endorsing Herman Cain

Fear Tactics to New Level

Admits that what he says is nuts.

Again admits what he says is Crap

Change the world by donating 4.99 to Beck

That's enough for now. In closing I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Beck's net worth is 105 million dollars. I'd say I've said enough but I'm sure the Beck supporters will have a rebuttal... or two.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:52 PM
Let's not forget one of the best of all. Where he compared the kids that were killed in Norway to the Hitler youth.

Norway shooting: Glenn Beck compares dead teenagers to Hitler youth

Beck said that the Labour party youth camp on the island, where 68 people were murdered, bore "disturbing" similarities to the Nazi party's notorious juvenile wing. Beck, a multimillionaire darling of the Tea Party movement, said on his nationally-syndicated radio show: "There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler youth. I mean, who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing."

And then what does this idiot do? Goes out and helps set up political camps for kids.

Welcome to Camp Idontwantobama!

All across the country, weeklong camps inspired by Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and crazy love for our Founding Fathers are giving kids a crash course in American history. For the most part, it's harmless summer fun: dodgeball, tug-of-war. You know, camp. But that's not all they learn. Lauren Bans visited the very first Patriot Camp, in central Pennsylvania, and got a re-education she'll never forget Read More

The guy is a idiot.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:54 PM
Stop following Glenn Beck. It's obviously tearing you apart. Look, this guy preys upon the weak minded and those that are religiously outback. Release yourself. Rise above and realize this guy is after nothing more than a tear cried buck ($$$). What a bloviated fool he is.
edit on 22-4-2013 by SinMaker because: Edited for clarification

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:57 PM
Personally, I really like Glenn Beck, especially the newly minted Libertarian version. I don't always agree with him, but I respect his intelligence and pursuit of the truth. He also has a great perspective on the history of our nation from its formation to where we find ourselves today.

Anyway, I can understand why someone might not agree with him or dislike the fact not all of his predictions come true, but anyone that is vilified by the lamestream media the way he is must be doing something right.
edit on 2013/4/22 by Metallicus because: learning to spell

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

I'm awaiting claims of predictions of his that have come true. So we can compare and contrast I'd say a chart is in order.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by buster2010

Ah I did forget that one, must've stored it in the 'please forget' bin in my memory bank. Thanks for the add Buster!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:06 PM
Glenn Beck is one of the biggest disinfo shills out there, and is contributing to the downfall of this society by spewing his hateful, outrageous rhetoric to those vulnerable to his asinine claims and thoughts.

He's a con-man extraordinaire. Anytime someone says "You should listen to/read Glenn Beck!" I know they are heavily sedated and influenced by fabricated media propaganda.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Exactly. I would have quadra stared you if possible.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:15 PM
I think the timing of this post is suspect. Why not discredit the information that Beck is putting out on the Saudi National? Can't refute the message? Shoot the messenger.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:15 PM
Nothing more then light entertainment.. here's one of my favourites

What the hell is he doing

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by onthedownlow

Why not discredit the information that Beck is putting out on the Saudi National? Can't refute the message? Shoot the messenger.

Regrettably, it seems to me that ALL of the stuff that Beck puts out is discredited disinformation and far-right-wing propaganda. And always has been.

I challenge you to watch MSNBC, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert for ONE WEEK, meanwhile ignoring Beck or Fox News.....

would you take that challenge?
edit on 22-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I have, it is left wing propaganda, but some of the news still has value. Have you given the conservative slant a try?

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by onthedownlow

Yes, I painful as it was, I have. For an extended time and in-depth scrutiny of it... And my conclusion, from looking at the left, the right, and the so-called center perspectives, is that Beck is the equivalent of Limbaugh and Alex Jones.

They are sensationalist windbags, getting rich off of those who want to vilify and halt the progress of this nation.

The superior news comes from NPR. Nevertheless, Stewart and Colbert tell it like it is, and no actually intelligent, balanced, thinking person could deny that their points are valid.

edit on 22-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by onthedownlow

The superior news comes from NPR. Nevertheless, Stewart and Colbert tell it like it is, and no actually intelligent, balanced, thinking person could deny that their points are valid.

edit on 22-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

Yeah, I listened to NPR just rail against Bush, no substance at all, but Bush haters enjoyed the brash talk, it was cathartic to them, and it didn't seem to cross any lines. My family is very liberal, but I believe in more traditional values, but your covert slam of conservatives is far from the mark, we are just typically softer spoken, we like to think before we speak and we adhere to facts. And as for Colbert and Stewart- aren't they just comedy mock-ups? If you are trying to be intelligent and balanced, you should try to challenge your own viewpoint- but, ultimately, your politics and your bias will be regulated by your social practices.
edit on 23-4-2013 by onthedownlow because: typo

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by buster2010

OMG...who would send their kid to a camp like that? Someone tell me I misread the part about the "Camp Mom" laughing about a couple children in the camp answering "assassination" to a question about how to get rid of a "bad" President.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:57 AM
I think that Glenn Beck, Alex Jones and those like them are bordering on dangerous. Stating you don't believe any official story is one thing, making up lies to support your position and to draw in people who distrust the government is exploitative and manipulative and in their most recent 'pursuit of truth' could turn very dangerous by painting targets on innocent people. I believe what they are doing borders on criminal neglect in this situation and I hope at the least they are sued for every ill gotten penny they own. I'm disgusted by their actions but I'm more disgusted that people actually buy the horse manure they peddle as 'truth'.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by onthedownlow

You apparently are "new" to my threads and my thinking. That's okay - I know I'm not the center of the universe. NOTHING about Beck, Lmbaugh, or Jones is soft-spoken. NO ONE that I know (and yes, I know some of the Fox News, Beck, and Limbaugh followers. Some are in my family, and some are friends of people I know) - and they are certainly NOT soft-spoken! They make Jon and Stephen sound like meek, shy kids!

The Beck followers are hateful, LOUD, all too willing to attack, don't know what they're talking about when they accuse Progressives of being Commies. They are really hard to talk to, let alone listen to, and they REFUSE to listen.

You and your family are absolute strangers to me, and I am an absolute stranger to you. If you are one of the conservatives embarrassed by Beck & Co, and wanting to re-invent and re-brand the GOP, good for you. You're not making much of a dent, however, as far as MSM goes.

I make it my business to study ALL sides - knowing full well they are propaganda - I look at everything from HuffPost to AlJazeera, from Fox News to MSNBC, as well as overseas news outlets so I can see how America is discussed around the globe. THEN I make my determinations after weighing and balancing them against one another.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Kali74

I believe what they are doing borders on criminal neglect in this situation and I hope at the least they are sued for every ill gotten penny they own. I'm disgusted by their actions but I'm more disgusted that people actually buy the horse manure they peddle as 'truth'.

I'm so glad you're here, Kali.
I'd leave out the "borders on" parts, though. They ARE dangerous and it IS criminal neglect. That anyone takes them seriously really, really disturbs me.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Metallicus

He also has a great perspective on the history of our nation from its formation to where we find ourselves today.

Dear Metallicus,
no, he does NOT have a great perspective. He is spewing rhetoric and lies. Please, wake up.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by BobM88

OMG...who would send their kid to a camp like that? Someone tell me I misread the part about the "Camp Mom" laughing about a couple children in the camp answering "assassination" to a question about how to get rid of a "bad" President.

The same people who would send their kids to "Jesus Camp". Revolting, abusive, and exploitative people using their kids as tools to spread their hatred, bigotry, fear, and insanity down through the ages.

Thank GOD Jesus Camp was shut down. The documentary about them did that. We must NEVER stop exposing these monsters for what they are.

edit on 23-4-2013 by wildtimes because: typo

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