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Title Says: "Americans 'snapping' by the millions"...As in death

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posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Text•Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;

An article by Sharon Jayson in the February 7, 2013 issue of USA Today, reported the following findings:
•39 percent of Millennials stated that their stress level has increased in the past year;
•52 percent stated that their level of stress was so great that it kept them up at night;
•Large numbers of Millennials were told by a health care provider that they suffered from depression or had anxiety disorder.

Asked for reasons as to why they were anxiety-ridden, the following reasons and percentages were listed:
•76 percent were stressed out about work;
•73 percent fretted over money;
•59 percent obsessed over relationships’
•56 percent were faced with intense family responsibilities;
•55 percent were freaked out over the current state of the economy.

Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;

Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;

Maybe it is due to television advertising or our friendly Doctor's advise but the amount of people on drugs is astounding to me...Europe is actually worse than the states acording to one article.

By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness.

edit on 22-4-2013 by 727Sky because: edit

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by 727Sky
What amazes me is that ever since they have been legally able to advertise prescription mood altering drugs on television the majority of people think there is something wrong with them. The symptoms they list on the majority of commercials are so vague they could fit any number of illnesses or no illness at all! People watch them, self diagnose and go ask their doctors for the drugs by name.

It's funny, but before these drugs were advertised many of these "symptoms" were just a part of life, now they are all indicative of illness. If a kid is just acting like a kid they must have ADHD, if a Mom is feeling tired she must be depressed. If you are shy you have social anxiety disorder, if your hormones are fluctuating your mood swings are really caused by bipolar disorder. Your whole life is a symptom- but we have a diagnosis and a drug for every aspect of it!

I realize some people have genuine issues that require meds to live a normal life, but the majority are just people looking for an excuse for life and all that it brings and these advertisements give them just the excuse they need not to have to deal with it.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by littled16

Exactly my feelings too; well said!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by 727Sky

Asked for reasons as to why they were anxiety-ridden, the following reasons and percentages were listed:
•76 percent were stressed out about work;
•73 percent fretted over money;
•59 percent obsessed over relationships’
•56 percent were faced with intense family responsibilities;
•55 percent were freaked out over the current state of the economy.
Simplified Version: All Of The ↑Above = [color=72C969]Money


posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 04:13 PM
It's mental weakness, lack of education on medications and big pharma pushing their agenda.

I recently spent a few months in Eastern Europe and talked about medication with a few friends who work in healthcare over there. They are literally in shock about the manner in which we diagnose and hand out medication to kids, especially without knowing the longterm effects. Remember, it wasn't that long ago MDMA was used by therapists.

But in Eastern Europe, the kids aren't on medication for the most part, it's rare, yet I noticed happier, healthier and more active kids. Kids were always outside, even during the harsh winter. Kids are skinny and fit, because their activity levels are higher and their food is healthier. You don't see the overweight, openly depressed looking teens you regularly see here. Parents don't consider using medication outside of rare circumstances. It's more the mindset of, everyone goes through tough times, has ups and downs, and learning to deal with it is part of life. But they also don't have as much depression given food is healthier, people are fitter and more active. It's funny, given the reputation of Eastern Europe you'd think they have a lot more to be depressed about than America, yet here where the average person has much more, depression is much more common. It's between the ears.

It's the American lifestyle and culture which leads to this. People don't have coping mechanisms anymore and instead turn to medication. I think technology is a part of it as well. Social skills are getting worse.
edit on 22-4-2013 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

I live in S.E. Asia part of the year and I have not seen their kids on drugs. I have seen some beggars in some of the large cities that look like they could use some help with prescription drugs maybe or the possibility exist they have already fried their brains on something; either way sad to see..

Mom, Dad and Relatives take an active role in their kids where abouts and achievements, or lack there of for the most part in S.E. Asia. No system when dealing with kids or people is perfect yet drugging everyone with psychotropic drugs IMO is a crime the way it is being done in more advanced?(Better marketing) societies......

I asked my wife if she knew of anyone prescribed drugs for depression or ADHD and she said no. Not scientific but she knows everyone in our village of approx 200 families. If I read the small print on most of the stuff being sold today I think I would choose not to partake if there was anyway I could do so.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 06:18 PM
Speaking completely from experience:

Medication = Relief of Symptoms

Symptoms = Physical/Mental reaction to something wrong

I rarely even take anything for a headache any more. I haven't for many years. Guess what happened to my pain... it isn't as bad, any more. I'm only using pain for this example, but I used to take Ibuprofen all the time. I realized that I got to a point where I needed it to not be in pain. It took about a month, but all of a sudden I realized that any pain I was feeling was bearable, and I was able to relieve it naturally (you know... rest and water for a headache, reducing the amount you walk on a sprained ankle, etc). My pain now tells me what's wrong, and I correct it.

I don't take anything for a cold, either. I would rather deal with congestion than have a cloudy head and "slight congestion". I hate the way cold meds make me feel now.

I was fortunate enough to have parents who refused to let doctors put me on meds for my mental issues. So what? So I act a little goofy and different than "normal" people at times, but I don't start getting worse and worse until the doc throws me on a new prescription cocktail. I don't go "psychotic" when I decide to just quit my meds. I deal with my issues like humans always have... if I start acting wierd or thinking thoughts that I know aren't correct, I remove myself momentarily and "get my head straight". Paranoia is probably the hardest to deal with, especially when it's subtle, like I believe that a person doesn't like me. All I have to do is look around and realize that I'm not paranoid, there's nothing to be angry about, and if I'm sad, I may be sad about something other than what I THINK I'm sad about.

I recently had a friend (on Facebook) who's been on the prescription cocktails for many years. Her lates mix was losing it's effectiveness and she was "acting up", so to speak. We talked a bit and she decided to just get off the meds, since she was more in touch with her actions and thoughts (vs. deciding to drop meds that were 'working', where the mental shock hits and coping mechanisms aren't present). After about a month out, her outbursts were much less, she figured out that she COULD think rationally and clearly, and could simply work through her issues, like depression and mania. Now her symptoms seem less dramatic and radical than before, much like it was with my pain and Ibuprofen.

I believe that T.V., and the way we're all supposed to live according to the rich and famous, is one of our leading causes of depression and mental disorder. People tend to compare themselves with the people on the television rather than the people immediately around them. These days, everyone is expected to be able to afford an iPhone and XBox, afford the latest fashion, and diet fad. Everyone expects their spouses to look like the various "beautiful people" they see on the screen in front of them, forever. When their spouse doesn't act like the people on T.V. they leave them. When their kids don't act like the kids on T.V. they medicate them. When their friends don't act like the cool friends on T.V. they ditch them.

I could go on and on about how people compare their lives to what they observe on T.V., but I'd rather say something that has been repeated and ignored for millennia: Enjoy the little things while they last, and look forward to the new things that have yet to present themselves. Learn from the past and live for the future.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:00 AM
I agree with you guys. My stepson is on a few different medications. I find it sick that the "therapist" he goes to each month spends like 10 minutes at the MOST talking to him then sends him on his way with his prescription for pills (Adderall is one) and there's always 5or 6 other zombies in the waiting room waiting to get their fix. We recently got custody of him and are attempting to fix this, already off Adderall. When a child is hurt by a person they need another person to help them heal, and not a buncha freakin pills!

Furthermore, I think it takes two to tango when it comes to this problem. Quack ass drug dealing doctors give it to them, but apathetic, lazy parents are typically the ones who are just to busy to deal with the problems their child is facing to actually step up and do something about it. They think that a pills just going to fix it somehow. Well it doesn't work that way, just like someone who abuses alcohol to forget about their problems, when you sober up they're always there waiting for you.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by littled16
If you are shy you have social anxiety disorder,

I realize some people have genuine issues that require meds to live a normal life, but the majority are just people looking for an excuse for life and all that it brings and these advertisements give them just the excuse they need not to have to deal with it.

OH mate you just opened up a can of worms ;-p

Firstly shy does not equal social anxiety disorder. I was shy when I was younger. It is a TOTALLY different feeling than social anxiety disorder. Besides I thought the terms were Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia. That way they get a 2 for 1 deal

You know where I think most of the problem lies? Lack of exercise. A large percentage of society are fat and dont exercise often or enough. Exercise helps release endorphines and other feel good chemicals. I'm sure less people would be depressed. They're also fat becuase they eat crappy foods. IF they started eating healthy foods thier bodies would be a lot healthier, feel fitter, they might do more exercise, become happier, then because they're in such good shape in both body and spirit, they wont feel the need to take then meds. Though I do know meds can help sometimes.
edit on 23-4-2013 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

I'm a millennial and that's my biggest issue.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by littled16

Ya nicely put, spot on. All these meds, even BP medications, are all there to replace much needed lifestyle changes such as healthy diet, excersise, and positive thinking.

I've been thru the gauntlet of all these meds, (starting at 19 years old, now 26, drug free and very happy and healthy) and can personally attest to how horrible they's a long story that'll take some time for me to articulate properly and I'm about to clock Mabye ill tell my story on my introduction thread (which I've been procrastinating on for awhile)

(I know there's some puncuation and grammar issues on this post, no time, I'm trying to bust this out on my phone before work)
edit on 23-4-2013 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:03 PM

•76 percent were stressed out about work;
•73 percent fretted over money;
•59 percent obsessed over relationships’
•56 percent were faced with intense family responsibilities;
•55 percent were freaked out over the current state of the economy.

#1 Work... Would work continue or was a layoff or firing in the future ?

#2 Money... Would encompass #3,4 and 5 directly. Relationships, the ability to sustain and support family members.

#4 Responsibilities.... The inherent ability to perform those responsibilities, food, shelter, and a stable climate for those abilities to manifest

#5 Economy... A real wild card in this mix. Many variables affecting wage earners abilities, ie. Fuel prices, Inflation, the expectation of a recovery, or an extended period of static growth, or even a decline in the economy.

So yea, stress galore in many aspects of everyday life, and those around you. And of course stress forms crazy ideas to deal with, and that forms depression and eventually hopelessness.

But todays generations have never had it as bad as their parents, they have had privileged lives with all manner of electronics and labor saving devices, but they consume time in the course of ownership. And sometimes that devotion of time becomes a vicious unrelenting drain.

But then again 'millions' is only one in a hundred people in the US.
We live in a TGIF generation, where droning mindlessly through the week is rewarded with two days of consumerism and sometimes more activity than work. A lot of work is unrewarding as well, just a paycheck.

There really isn't an answer or solution until our mindset changes. The elders of us have to sew the seeds of change, change that we will not even reap. Kindness and Wisdom is a Man who plants a shade tree he knows he will not live long enough to set under. There is a cycle every civilization goes through, our present cycle is one of decline.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by 727Sky
What amazes me is that ever since they have been legally able to advertise prescription mood altering drugs on television the majority of people think there is something wrong with them. The symptoms they list on the majority of commercials are so vague they could fit any number of illnesses or no illness at all! People watch them, self diagnose and go ask their doctors for the drugs by name.

It's funny, but before these drugs were advertised many of these "symptoms" were just a part of life, now they are all indicative of illness. If a kid is just acting like a kid they must have ADHD, if a Mom is feeling tired she must be depressed. If you are shy you have social anxiety disorder, if your hormones are fluctuating your mood swings are really caused by bipolar disorder. Your whole life is a symptom- but we have a diagnosis and a drug for every aspect of it!

I realize some people have genuine issues that require meds to live a normal life, but the majority are just people looking for an excuse for life and all that it brings and these advertisements give them just the excuse they need not to have to deal with it.

I don't know if it is the advertising as the cause or the symptom. Is the advertising causing people to want a pill for every bump down life's highway or is the advertising a response to the cultural desire to have a pill for every bump down life's highway? In the olden days, peopel just dealt with it and the cure to ADHD was "get the heck outside and play." Not so much anymore.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles

Originally posted by 727Sky

Asked for reasons as to why they were anxiety-ridden, the following reasons and percentages were listed:
•76 percent were stressed out about work;
•73 percent fretted over money;
•59 percent obsessed over relationships’
•56 percent were faced with intense family responsibilities;
•55 percent were freaked out over the current state of the economy.
Simplified Version: All Of The ↑Above = [color=72C969]Money


Meh, money is just a medium of exchange. It is really more about "more stuff" and "keeping up with the Jonses." Does a family really need 3 plasma TVs? A new car every couple of years?

edit on 23-4-2013 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Plotus

#5 Economy... A real wild card in this mix. Many variables affecting wage earners abilities, ie. Fuel prices, Inflation, the expectation of a recovery, or an extended period of static growth, or even a decline in the economy.

Might as well lump them all into this, but then our administration says things are good, but when we look around they are not. Suicide is just one fallout to the terrible situations that many Americans face today that they didn't face a decade ago.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:24 PM
I've been saying this for years. The amount of people on anti-depressants now doesn't mean something is wrong with us. It means there is something profoundly wrong with our current way of life. When you've got to medicate the entire population to keep them from going crazy and or killing themselves that doesn't send up giant red flags?

And how can we be so blind to it? The entire purpose of your life is generating wealth for other people while earning just enough to fill your house with useless, non-biodegradeable crap you use to anesthetize yourself against the pointlessness of your life. We are the short bus of the universe, hands down.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:36 PM
I am a nurse and as such, I know a great deal about medications and their effects and side effects. I take SSRIs because of chronic depression which almost led to suicide. Don't blame lack of excercise, or diet. I had just obtained my 2ond degree black belt, and was in better shape than I had ever been berfore or since. There is a genetic component to depression.
Ever here of SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is a disorder that is caused by a lack of sunlight, that occurs mainly during the winter. However, it is necessary to continue the meds year round since it takes time for the levels to build up to be effective.
I do agree that antidepressents are used to the point of excess. Many people need to simply sit down and talk to a friend, a therapist, or a religous counseler. Most of the time, a sympathetic ear is all that is needed.
Having said that, I will confess I was recently hospitalized for acute renal failure. When I was admitted, the doctors stopped all my meds, which could have led to some horrible problems, since most medications should not be stopped immediately. They should be tapered slowly. The doctors were baffled as to why my kidneys were failing, until they looked at EVERYTHING I was taking.
None of the blood pressure meds or the psychotropic meds were causing problems.
They found that I was taking high doses of naproxen, an over the counter drug that falls into the class of NSAIDS, (non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs.) i was taking these drugs for severe joint pain that made work difficult.
My advice to every one on the boards is to avoid these drugs if at all possible, and if you have to take them, DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN WHAT IS ADVISED ON THE DIRECTIONS ON THE BOTTLE![\
If you think I'm kidding, let me quote the doctor when I was trying to get him to let me go home. "Sir, if I let you go home, you will be on dyalisis or you will die a slow horrible death."
That can be true of a lot of meds,


posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Meh, money is just a medium of exchange. It is really more about "more stuff" and "keeping up with the Jonses." Does a family really need 3 plasma TVs? A new car every couple of years?

You should buy what you can afford and if it is a 1972 pinto then so be it, but what we face today is something that I didn't face in the 80s when I was in my 20s.The problem is what society considers what a normal standards of living is like, and in the early 80s for a 20 year old it was an old car, small appt, cinder block furniture, one house phone and a small TV without cable.
Done, that's it to live back then.

Today young people need so much more to feel normal, but it all costs. Just adding smart phone, internet, cable, Xbox live, games, games, games are things that one did not "need" to have before and these alone typically carry more cost than basic cost of living.

Cell phone, cable, internet 3000
Rent 9000
Utilities 2000
car 5000
insurance 1500
Apps/Games etc 2500 (very conservative estimate)
food 4000
clothing 2000
Gas/incidentals 3000
32k + 20% for taxes = close to 40k per year
40k = 21 dollars per hour

I make a good living so I can afford it all, but I just do not see how young people can and still get ahead in life.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Meh, money is just a medium of exchange. It is really more about "more stuff" and "keeping up with the Jonses." Does a family really need 3 plasma TVs? A new car every couple of years?

You should buy what you can afford and if it is a 1972 pinto then so be it, but what we face today is something that I didn't face in the 80s when I was in my 20s.The problem is what society considers what a normal standards of living is like, and in the early 80s for a 20 year old it was an old car, small appt, cinder block furniture, one house phone and a small TV without cable.
Done, that's it to live back then.

Today young people need so much more to feel normal, but it all costs. Just adding smart phone, internet, cable, Xbox live, games, games, games are things that one did not "need" to have before and these alone typically carry more cost than basic cost of living.

Cell phone, cable, internet 3000
Rent 9000
Utilities 2000
car 5000
insurance 1500
Apps/Games etc 2500 (very conservative estimate)
food 4000
clothing 2000
Gas/incidentals 3000
32k + 20% for taxes = close to 40k per year
40k = 21 dollars per hour

I make a good living so I can afford it all, but I just do not see how young people can and still get ahead in life.

That's the point. People confuse"needs" with "wants" and seem to be more willing togo into debt/spend all of their income on unessentials.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:30 PM
40% of europeans plagued by mental illness?
that is a ridiculous figure.

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