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Are you afraid to die?

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

i am not afraid of being dead - but i am afraid of dying

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Personally 1 recognizes that @ times or periods environment/Prana suits or the Body times or durability can and do run out as we manifest -transmigrate -incarnate-born them... And so accepts that death or Energy adjustments do and HAVE occurred even if some cannot remember, for some reason. So fear 1 is not sure as much as dealing with the feeling of disconnecting from know into unknown until know? Thing is the moment you realize if you do so, that you transitioned then... Was that meant to happen and if so who GUIDED you to this awareness? or if you dont realize and STILL are remanifested/ born is that due to memory wipe as your Overseen. to add...
Scientifically speaking death does not exist.

I guess is called transformation of feelings by feeling and see there what we didn't saw and felt here on Earth.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

i am not afraid of being dead - but i am afraid of dying
I guess it should be inversely.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

until then though..enjoy your mastery and domination wishes.
I enjoy life for the sake of others.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by aerial

What SCARES ME is OLD AGE! ahhhH! omg! Being old is not FUN! really its not. Lot of complications of being old
Even old age can be beautiful if you have the desired person next to you.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

They say we're all afraid of the unknown. Which is true I suppose. Many view death as a great expanse, just a void. Nothing. If that's the case, what's there to worry about? If you simply cease to exist, you'll have done something you already have done. (You didn't exist before your birth did you?)

However, I don't believe you stop existing. I believe we're energy stuck within a battery. Once the battery is worn out and the energy is expelled, where does that energy go? In a flashlight, that energy is converted to light. But what about our energy?

Some believe in Heaven, others not. One thing I'm sure is that death is just a beginning of another adventure. We join in the footsteps of billions of people who have gone before us. Each one on their own adventure. Maybe death is actually the beginning? Where our energy can fully manifest itself into what I know exists in each and every one of us? Love, knowledge, compassion.

Hope I made some sense.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:55 AM
I have already died in a really bad accident(a non survivable one). I was more alive and aware after I died.

A wonderful master told me fear is not a natural state to be in.
Our natural state is courage, he said being in anxiety and fear is the misuse of the mind.

Every night we court deep sleep(not dream) a state where you are without body and world consciousness...and so are you also afraid of sleep.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Auricom

I believe we're energy stuck within a battery. Once the battery is worn out and the energy is expelled, where does that energy go? In a flashlight, that energy is converted to light. But what about our energy?
No energy is loosing is just transforming by transmuting from an existential plan to another.

It's called existence because nonexistence does not exist.

The law of conservation of energy, first formulated in the nineteenth century, is a law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. The total energy is said to be conserved over time. For an isolated system, this law means that energy is localized and can change its location within the system, and that it can change form within the system, for instance chemical energy can become kinetic energy, but that it can be neither created nor destroyed

And the Universe is an isolated system,in a way.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

A wonderful master told me fear is not a natural state to be in. Our natural state is courage, he said being in anxiety and fear is the misuse of the mind.
You are right about that,and I will add that the World lately has become a misuse of Reality.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:10 AM
If we are afraid of death can you ask the same question differently... are we afraid of life?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by shebearhus

only the supreme being knows the time and manner I will leave behind this body and continue on my journey.
Indeed he knows and even can determine that in a way but using its powers but by the past,present and future.

Because everything is in close and continuous interaction.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

If we are afraid of death can you ask the same question differently... are we afraid of life?
That question will be asked!

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:20 AM
I go through phases of being completely nonchalant about it, and being absolutely fricking terrified about the fact that one day I won't be here.
Like when I really stop and think about it, there is so much I'm going to miss, and so much I want to see, and all the advances (most of the race) will make in thinking, technology, genetics, theology, science, spirituality.
That's when the "Oh Sh-, I'm gonna die someday" panic sets in.
And I get scared about leaving my son behind, and then get hung up on the fact that one day he will die too.
I don't want to die, but I know one day I will, just as my parents will, just as my grandparents will, just as my son will, and any children I have in the future. I don't want to. But we will. And that makes me sad.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by trollz

, I felt nothing but curiosity
I guess you should felt care because parents need to cared when they get old.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:29 AM
Accepting your death is the single easiest thing you can do to freeing your mind and emotions to live the life you want to live. You all KNOW you are going to die, accept it.

Fear is bad for you. I am not suggesting being reckless with your life, or the lives of others. But embrace the fact that you are going to die. Dont fear it, dont worry about it.

Set yourself free.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

That's when the "Oh Sh-, I'm gonna die someday" panic sets in. And I get scared about leaving my son behind, and then get hung up on the fact that one day he will die too.
Then you are a normal human being and you are following the cycle of life.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:37 AM
I just came home from someones party. I dropped my drink on their floor. he pulled a .40 cal on me for it. was I afraid? no. I walked towards him while others pulled me away. do I have a problem? no. everything happens for a reason. at leq, ast thats what I believe

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:41 AM
I have pondered this for many hours and days straight. After uncountable hours, I have drawn one solid conclusion about death.. 50/50 but still ok.

Either every single moment had a reason and purpose, during your life and after death.. or It was all for nothing.. At the moment of death, only one of two things will happen. Either you continue on in some sort of conscious form ... or the great big 'ol black nothing..

Here's my take on the whole thing: call me a hopeless romantic, but everything we have discovered and accomplished and experienced seems really just stupid for it all to amount to nothing.. I mean. cmon. The universe is far more amazing and complex then we can imagine.. there has to be a way to store that data (our consciousness) perhaps there is such a thing as a soul that lives on and maybe get reincarnated... or perhaps the totality of our lives are like a rain drop tossed into a vast ocean of souls, maybe that 'ocean' is God.

So either there is one great super-massive-totally-amazing point to all this.. or none at all. And even if there is no point, you wouldn't know it or feel it or ever care, your consciousness would fade and fizzle into nothing. and imo again, thats just kinda dumb.. it'd be like the biggest bad-joke ever made..

The universe may appear to work through trial an error (evolution) and other mysterious ways.. but it certainly is not stupid.. I mean.. it put us together - our DNA, or it put together those that put us together - either way

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

I remember one night when I was a small boy, in bed waiting for sleep to come. I thought about a dead bird I saw that day, & connected that with the fact that all living things must die, even people.
It was a short jump from there to my 1st confrontation with my own mortality, & I was terrified! I was going to die! I burst into tears, & my Mom heard me. She came into my room & sat on the bed, asking me what was wrong.

"I don't want to die!", I cried, terrified by the inevitability of my end one day. She asked me, "Do you remember what it was like before you were born?"
"No", I answered, at which point she said to me, "Millions of years passed by before you got here, and you weren't here in all that time, right?" I agreed.
"Does that scare you?" she asked.
Again, I answered, "No".
"Well", said my Mom, "When you die, you'll only be going back to that same place".
All these many years later, I still take comfort from what she said when my thoughts turn to the fact that I now have more years behind me than I have ahead.

It's natural for us to wish to live to "a ripe old age", but one of the things that not too many of us think about, til we get there, is that to live long is often to live longer than many people we care about. In my case, Cancer, Lou Gehrig's Disease, drunken accidents, drug overdoses, a brain tumor, heart disease, & Leukemia have thinned the ranks of my loved ones until there's almost no one left but me.

Trust me, I'm in no hurry to check out; I love this life both for its beauty & for the times I've triumphed against its ugliness. However, it comes as a great comfort to me that I won't live forever, & that one day it will be my turn to go.

If there's an existence beyond this one, then I can hope to be reunited with those I love who have already gone. And if there's nothing but oblivion, I can count on being free of the pain of missing those people, as well as any pain that might otherwise come my way from staying too long in this mortal flesh envelope that has, so far, held up miraculously well considering all of the abuse I heaped on it in my youth.

So, am I afraid to die? On a good day, no...

edit on 4/23/13 by BuzzCory because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Leonidas

Fear is bad for you. I am not suggesting being reckless with your life, or the lives of others. But embrace the fact that you are going to die. Dont fear it, dont worry about it.
I guess that you are right but think of those without faith or those with overfaith.

They hurt the most other people ,even those close to them.

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