you are seeing something that I don't, the woman in front with the blue shirt, has different coloration and shadowing on her jacket, was she also
photo shopped? the man against the wall to the upper right, his jacket has different shadowing effects on his coat, was that also photo shopped?
I see absolutly no proof of anything here, bad pixelation dosn't mean photoshop, niether does color change, as there are many other of those on other
persons in that picture.
edit on 22-4-2013 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)
This is the stupidest "proof" I've ever seen. I'm all about conspiracy theories and I know this story is fishy, and they probably did photoshop
pics. But this video is not even close to being proof of anything. Where's the before and after? How can he say that his arm position has been moved,
moved from what? What is he referring to?
I suppose it's possible that the entire area described in the video was tampered with. The most damning evidence I see is the pixelation and change
in angle of the bricks directly behind him where a backpack would be. That tells me that area was edited, and the only reason why would be to erase a
These photoshop videos and rumors are getting annoying.. I think I'm a pretty open minded person about things like this but the pic really doesn't
look photoshopped to me. His arm has varying shades of black and gray because of natural light and shadow. His fingers look the way they do because it
is a still photo of a man in motion, his hand was obviously moving which left tracers of his fingers. There is no patch..
I do believe there is a lot of fishiness with the FBI and these boys. I know from personal experience when a member of my family tried to help stop
the D.C. Snipers years ago BEFORE they got to D.C. they (FBI) did NOTHING to stop it. Even with plenty of evidence beforehand to prove they were
preparing to kill and had done so in TX prior to their road trip.. The FBI, has their own agenda. They always have. Something is not right with this
whole thing, but I don't believe they photoshopped the backpack off little brothers back...