posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 09:04 PM
1st of all, he never had a chance. Hillary and ALGORE knew it. He was a sacraficial lamb.
Why did he lose? Americans had enough of the 4 years of Bush-bashing.
Michael Moore helped Bush alot. He didn't mean to, but he energized the Republican Party.
Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Twits and the Rockers. Hate-Bush concerts helped Bush. This energized the Republicans also.
Hollywood, a big thanks to you! I am so sorry for believing that you should shut-up and entertain me. Please keep up the good work. (All that big
money from Hollywood couldn't help George Clooney's dad). Americans are not starstruck!
Swift Boat Vets definately helped Bush, by showing the real John Kerry.
Also, The Media, thanks Dan Rather! I was calling for your retirement, but America really needs you to make the news
But the real reason Kerry lost is because President Bush is a real leader, and more people love him than hate him.
Hate is what democrats ran on, and it got them nothing.
Rock the Vote!