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What is your purpose? Do you HAVE one?

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posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:00 PM
I'm in the mood to provoke some profound philosophical and/or spiritual thought today.

After being a long-running lingerer on ATS, and being a member for about a year, I find myself very curious to know what makes you all tick. Understandably, I won't get much "in depth" responses... no worries, I wouldn't want to pour my heart out on the biggest international conspiracy website online either.

But, as an amatur psychologist in training (I know I play that card a lot, but I'm really interested in figuring out what makes people do what they do), I'm just looking for a general, vague response from you guys... and hopefully, after responding, the question will linger in your mind, and after questioning yourself a little bit, wondering "Well... what IS my purpose?" You'll blossom even more, from the already awesome person you are.

Most people need a motive to get out of bed every day. Everyone has something that keeps them moving forward, some goal, be it something insanely huge and philosophical, to something as simple as "Well, I have to get to work today... the rent won't pay itself." Or, something in between.

After recently being diagnosed with extreme bi-polar, I sometimes get into some very maniac moods, when I just can't wait to wake up and change the world. If I can't get any work done that day, I'll spend the day working out, cleaning, drawing, writing, or taking up my profession as a teenaged keyboard warrior. And other days, when I don't live up to my rediculously high standards, I feel deflated, and think "Screw it, what's the point...?" And end up being monotone and sad the entire day.

But, one way or another, it always comes back around to the "I'm gonna save the world!" mindset.

A bit of good will can go a long way.

Now, I've had some serious anger issues all my life, not to mention a slightly jaded childhood... nothing TOO terrible, but things that were bad enough to give me a few mental (and physical) battle scars.

And, as a punk/goth teenaged girl with fairly morbid anger issues, its a bit hard to follow through with the good side of me, the part of me that wants to help everyone... and, behind my anger and pride, there's still a little piece of me that would sell my soul just to make someone else smile.

And, if I had to choose, that would be my purpose. To make others smile. AND to make a positive difference, with whatever situation I happen to be in, whenever I get the chance too.

Its funny, because when I'm in a terrible mood, I seem to be the exact opposite.

I suppose that's why I empathize with Alex Jones so much. Say what you will about him--I've heard everything bad about him there is to say, and if you're going to respond just to give me flak about Alex Jones, I don't wanna hear it--but looking at him, NOT as a conspiracy radio host, but just as a human being, I believe him to be the real deal. Why? Because I feel exactly the same way he does about everything.


When I started learning the truths of the world at age sixteen, it infuriated me... it also made me slip into a deep depression for a while. Then, I stood up, made a conspiracy website of my own just for my friends, and started a little club called "Asylum." It was a group of teenagers, my friends and my fiance, who got together once every two weeks or so, chit-chatted about the latest conspiracies, made flyers to put all over our school, and eat junk food and joke around. It was nice while it lasted, but the club eventually died when everyone had to move out of town to lead their own lives after graduation.

Its my purpose to share goodness and happiness--and anger, when something is wrong. It is my purpose to look, dress, feel, act, and believe differently than every other drone in society. Drones--preppy whoreish girls and thuggish guys--treated me like TRASH growing up. I can't explain how scared I was attending an all-black middle school (I'm not racist, but they sure as hell were). I got jumped a lot when I went to that school.

I will NOT follow the rules of society. I will NOT conform. I will NOT dress like a whore. I will NOT accept laws I didn't ask for, and yes, I will break them. I will NOT bow to my government. And I will NOT surrender my weapons. NEVER.

The girl in my avatar, Revy, represents the way I look, think, and feel perfectly.


The teachers believe that anything different from their books is wrong (and a lot of them hated me, simply because I rebelled against normality so strongly).

Yes, I've heard some of you whine to me before, saying "You know, you're not that special... you're just being an attention seeker, dressing like a freak. You're not making a statement."

I don't wanna hear it.

The only reason ANYONE would say that is if they haven't experienced any kind of discrimination, or if they simply can't see how utterly disgusting our general society is. Don't push your beliefs on me. They sicken me.

No, I will NOT look, act, dress, think, or feel anything LIKE the way the drones do.

No, I will NOT bow to the laws that people, who are NOT my God, have set for me.

Anyway... that's my purpose. Sorry my explanation became a bit of a rant.

But, those thoughts are what get me out of bed each day. Those feelings and beliefs, sided with my loved ones, are the only things keeping me from giving up, and not caring anymore. I've changed a lot. At age fourteen, I was the stupid, brainwashed little kid who was crying with joy along with the rest of the country when Obama got elected. Now, I couldn't be farther from that stupid mentality. Obama makes me wanna puke.

This song describes the way I feel when I am driven by my purposes;

And I'm asking, what does that for YOU?

What is YOUR purpose?

What gets YOUR blood boiling like that?

If you don't know, you should really think about it. Don't take tomorrow for granted, don't think you'll always have tomorrow to decide what to do with your life. As someone who's had three near death experiences, trust me when I saw that life doesn't last forever, and you don't want your last thoughts to be "Damn, I should have done more..."

Come on, ATSers. Crack yourselves open, and don't be afraid to see what's inside.

edit on 21-4-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: NONYA DAYUM BUISINESS

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:11 PM
I see you, like myself sat down to watch Saturday Night Live last night. Did you find the episode they chose from February and it's content (the message in it) as interesting as I did?

My purpose is balance. I try to have a balanced view in life and try to instil that in my children. In order to be in balance, I don't think you can choose to ignore anything.

Here on this site, I try to instill that in some of the threads. Balance. But sometimes even I get unbalanced. - what can we do? I try everything. I entertain everything. In an attempt to not get knocked off balance.

But the simple answer - my purpose in life is to seek balance.


posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I see you, like myself sat down to watch Saturday Night Live last night. Did you find the episode they chose from February and it's content (the message in it) as interesting as I did?

My purpose is balance. I try to have a balanced view in life and try to instil that in my children. In order to be in balance, I don't think you can choose to ignore anything.

Here on this site, I try to instill that in some of the threads. Balance. But sometimes even I get unbalanced. - what can we do? I try everything. I entertain everything. In an attempt to not get knocked off balance.

But the simple answer - my purpose in life is to seek balance.


Very good purpose, in my opinion.

But nope, I didn't see that episode. What was it about...?

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I was sorely tempted to mock your whole OP, but what purpose would that serve? None.
There is no reason we all can't be civilized here.

Anyway, that is a very good question.
When I figure it out, I will let you know. Because I have no Idea what my purpose is here.

Maybe that is my purpose?
To have no purpose and just be contradictory....maybe, we'll see. Or not, as it were.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:14 PM
My purpose in life is to become successful in my own right. A quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson sums up what I mean by success. Hopefully this explains what I mean about my purpose.

“The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:21 PM
Does anyone have the feeling that they were born to be something great, have a purpose, beyond creating one from day to day basis. The grand purpose. I've been thinking about this my whole life and I just can't find answers and it saddens me. It's like having a billion dollars in your account but having no clue of it, having a treasure box but not having the key....I'm working on tapping into my subconscious by Lucid Dreaming and finding it out. I know I will find's a matter of time.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:29 PM
To everyone;

To have no purpose and just be contradictory....maybe, we'll see. Or not, as it were.

I understand. When I have doubtful thoughts, I feel this way as well.

“The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.

Very awesome quote, I love it.

I can relate to your purpose, but I'm a little bad at keeping a focused and uncluttered mind, and I often lose sight of what, regarding to me and my own morals, is right.

Does anyone have the feeling that they were born to be something great, have a purpose, beyond creating one from day to day basis. The grand purpose. I've been thinking about this my whole life and I just can't find answers and it saddens me. It's like having a billion dollars in your account but having no clue of it, having a treasure box but not having the key....I'm working on tapping into my subconscious by Lucid Dreaming and finding it out. I know I will find's a matter of time.

OOOOH yes! All the time!

Especially when I'm in "manic" mode.

It almost feels as though, no matter how much good you do, you can never do enough. You always have something more extrordinary and outstanding awaiting you around the corner. Damn, reading your response was almost like reading my own mind!

edit on 21-4-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:33 PM
I am here on earth to learn. I have learned much in my life, having worked in many professions and intermingling with many types of people. I guess my purpose is now to study medicine, real medicine and not the medical industry that exists in this country.

I have no interest in getting rich. Hard to get rich when you don't want to relate with that social class everyday. If they want that kind of life, I suppose they have that right. I'm getting to the end of my studies here in a few years and will have to see what happens after that. How many people have studied what I have and have died with that knowledge. I see the knowledge of schools as such a minute part of total knowledge of the world. Kids don't understand that, they think school teaches you everything you need to know. They don't have a clue what life is all about and where the largest databases of knowledge lie.

I guess I have no purpose.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I see you, like myself sat down to watch Saturday Night Live last night. Did you find the episode they chose from February and it's content (the message in it) as interesting as I did?

My purpose is balance. I try to have a balanced view in life and try to instil that in my children. In order to be in balance, I don't think you can choose to ignore anything.

Here on this site, I try to instill that in some of the threads. Balance. But sometimes even I get unbalanced. - what can we do? I try everything. I entertain everything. In an attempt to not get knocked off balance.

But the simple answer - my purpose in life is to seek balance.


Very good purpose, in my opinion.

But nope, I didn't see that episode. What was it about...?

There was a skit on it, a game show, where the only question that was asked of the contestant's is "What's your purpose." I found it very coincidental and thought you might have watched the same show.


posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:40 PM
To everyone;

I am here on earth to learn. I have learned much in my life, having worked in many professions and intermingling with many types of people. I guess my purpose is now to study medicine, real medicine and not the medical industry that exists in this country.

How can you say you don't have a purpose when you say something like this? That is an AMAZING purpose. And, it has some serious potential for good. Or evil. Whatever floats your boat.

There was a skit on it, a game show, where the only question that was asked of the contestant's is "What's your purpose." I found it very coincidental and thought you might have watched the same show.

That's odd.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
To everyone;

That's odd.

Indeed. It wouldn't have been odd at all if you'd seen the skit though. What can you do, eh? Coincidence.

Good thread.


posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
To everyone;

That's odd.

Indeed. It wouldn't have been odd at all if you'd seen the skit though. What can you do, eh? Coincidence.

Good thread.


Thank you.

I think my mind may be in tune with a few things that my conscience mind isn't.

Example; I knew CISPA was being debated recently, but until today, I didn't know it actually passed. I had a dream about my grandfather, who knows literally NOTHING about technology (he can't even text) giving me advice about facebook. He was telling me not to put much "anti-gun control" or "conspiracy related" content on my facebook. He was basically telling me not to put much of my information on the internet.

Psychologically, a grand parent in a dream represents wisdom, and a voice of reason inside your mind.

So... my voice of reason is telling me not to put much personal info on the internet, and the next day I find out CISPA passed. Creeeeeepy.

Me and my mum have had prophetic dreams a few times throughout our lives. Its pretty cool, actually.

ANYwho, back to the topic... that's enough of my pointless rambling.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 05:56 PM

What is your purpose?

To choose LOVE...

Earth is the true proving-grounds.

"You are not of this world. You are going to die in about 50 years, for real, maybe sooner at best. Life is a vapor. You are going to die, sooner then you think. You are going to face the uncreated One, in your barrenness, in your raw self, you are going to face the uncreated One.

But what you do in this age with your heart response in love is the only thing, the only thing, the only thing that matters. In the truest sense of the word. Why are you here? To choose love.
Set your heart on a pilgrimage to be great in eternity. You are going to be there in just a moment, you are going to be there in just a moment. And what you have done in love and service is what is going to stand in that day."

Eternity Speaking & MP3

"You have a PURPOSE. ALL beings have a purpose."

"There is a veil that covers the eyes of man creating an illusion to the things we cannot see. There is so much more to this world but without removing the veil one may not ever see it."

"But man has forgotten how to listen". The awakening of man will only happen when man begins to listen to his creator. But man has forgotten how to listen..." ~ "Lady in the Water"

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by PurpleVortex
Does anyone have the feeling that they were born to be something great, have a purpose, beyond creating one from day to day basis. The grand purpose. I've been thinking about this my whole life and I just can't find answers and it saddens me. It's like having a billion dollars in your account but having no clue of it, having a treasure box but not having the key....I'm working on tapping into my subconscious by Lucid Dreaming and finding it out. I know I will find's a matter of time.

i search for same answer too.
I know i must do.. Something..
But whats about i have no clue, well maybe i have clue but stil wondering.still question is not answered

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:07 PM
I find this inspirational. I've always wondered about my purpose and the reasons I do things. The whole mind set of saving the world is understandable, with all the conflict happening every second awake or not. The truth's just buried in deceit and mystery or put aside due to all the other conflicts much closer.
So, what is my purpose? I thought I could find the truth, but there's a sea of lies. Not too sure if I even have a purpose. Even so, I know I can do small things such as not believing everything I'm told. Not just refusing the information, but actually thinking for myself. If that's going to help people around me someday, I'll be relieved.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:18 PM
To help people, when someone falls I want to be there to help them up.

To make people laugh or smile.

And to to be good husband and father.

Nothing more, well apart from my own personal aspirations around music.
edit on 21-4-2013 by o0o0o because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:18 PM
To everyone;

To choose LOVE...

Love, unlike logic, is limitless. It defies, outweighs, and therefore conquers, logic. Good purpose.

i search for same answer too.

You are not alone.

So, what is my purpose? I thought I could find the truth, but there's a sea of lies. Not too sure if I even have a purpose. Even so, I know I can do small things such as not believing everything I'm told. Not just refusing the information, but actually thinking for myself. If that's going to help people around me someday, I'll be relieved.

Its with this understanding that you have to abandon analytical thoughts, details, statements, and words, and follow ONLY your heart, and nothing else. Only through true profound feelings will you discover the line between right and wrong, and truly understand good, evil, and God.

Its hard to do, especially being bombarded with brainwash and propaganda from every corner... but it is the fullness of humanity's greatest possible good.

Damn, I should have posted this thread in the Philosophy/Metaphisics forum.

edit on 21-4-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by o0o0o
To help people, when someone falls I want to be there to help them up.

To make people laugh or smile.

And to to be good husband and father.

Nothing more, well apart from my own personal aspirations around music.
edit on 21-4-2013 by o0o0o because: (no reason given)

You're awesome. ~Star~

EDIT; Also, I want to apologize for the retarded people who take uncommonly kind people like you for granted. I have a lot of moments when I'm overcome with kindness, but I also have the same moments of anger, and I myself often overlook people's acts of kindness towards me... on accident, of course.

Kindness can be a thankless job. Thank you for taking it up anyway, even when people like me put you down. Like I said, you're awesome.

To all uncommonly kind people; NEVER CHANGE. You're the ones who inspire me to be better, and people like me NEED that.

edit on 21-4-2013 by XxNightAngelusxX because: Shut up.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Nice thread jewel

My purpose in life is loving and caring for others.
Also to be here for my little sister who is 16 years younger than me. She is my heart, yes my son is too, but my sis holds a special place and I know I am here for her. To be her anchor and her shoulder to cry on whevever she needs. To help her stand stronger being raised by my dad and stepmom...
I have escaped death three times now..and I know the reason was my lil sis.

peace and love to you friend
~nat cat~

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Does that need explanation?

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