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Obama urged to use 'Combatant Status' on suspect

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posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 12:57 PM
I'm glad they didn't consider him an enemy combatant. He would've been better off had he been.

He'll make a fine wife in prison if he isn't put in solitary for the rest of his life.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 12:58 PM
Frankly, I am surprised he is going to be tried at all. I figured this would be the first "trial run" of the NDAA. And I am shocked by the lack of people on this site who are thinking the same thing. The constitution doesnt apply unless the Gubment wants it too. IMO

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 01:35 PM
For the record citizenship status can be revoked if they chose to do it meaning once done they still can call that kid an "enemy combatant".

My bigger problems is now they are calling pressure cookers, and pipebombs "weapons of mass destruction"

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 02:00 PM
Ahh, WMD. Clever, aren't they?

Something inside me keeps saying that this kid was just along for the ride. Granted, that would still make him guilty by association.

I think It's possible he can be rehabilitated so I'm kind of glad they aren't using the combatant status where more than likely he'll be tortured and grow more Hatred in side of him. He'll receive a good amount of punishment in General Population IMO, if he gets put in GP that is. If not, there's a good chance at a shot for rehabilitation for this kids still young, moulding mind.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:05 PM
The Whitehouse is not made up of fools. They are all politicians after all, with an eye for the vote.

With the evidences - videos and witnesses accounts, the judgement is a no-brainer. There is NO way that animal will escape, even if his is Harry Potter the necromacer and great magician himself, to hope for a sentence that after 3 years he gets parole and goes scot free.

And Harry Potter is but a figment of imagination. In this real world, that animal WILL fry, with just what he had done and not necessarily even over his terrorist acts.

Best if he is given life sentence without parole and his cell key thrown into the deep blue ocean, and is a form of compassion that may his fellow humanslayers be gratified with. His kind doesn't deserve a quick rebirth.

Thus there is no need anymore to label him an enemy combatant for a more stringent military court to seek justice.

It would have been different if he and his brother had not panicked and did what they did, but to be instead picked up by FBI for questioning. Then they will most certainly need to be treated as enemy combatants using their pics at the bombings as evidence, and thus slim and politically controversial, but held in gitmo bay forever, to ensure the safety of all americans as those brothers are not humans, but animals and ready to commit further their henious acts on americans in other states.

But in the meantime, use ANY and ALL means to make that animal sing like a canary to reveal everything he knows, so that more american lives be saved, and to hell with the terrorists sympathizers brayings. Human lives are more precious than the egos of those sympathizers and their cunning use of the victim card. Enough of being fooled by them and their misuse of humane laws that were not for the benefit of mankind, but for their terrorist lovers.
edit on 22-4-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Took the words right out of my mouth!

Here. Here.

I hope it's public too. Televised. So that any other radicalized youth with dreams of being Rambo - can see what will happen the next time they wish to try and inflict terror. Because their just gonna be the ones to wake everyone up!

We go on - as before. Just as before.

And for all of those whining and crying our policy makers are going to start changing laws - if you don't like the changes - then be a responsible citizen. Talk to your senator, mayor, governor, and protest - but do it peacefully - for everyone's sake. Please.


posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by redoubt

What a lot of people miss is that "enemy combatant" would be applicable to anyone regardless of ideology. Once it is assigned to one person, even if seemingly with logic behind it, the same logic can be stretched to include anyone. Another thing people do not realize is that the presumption of innocence protects all of us, any of us. The third thing to realize is that he is not actually the agent of a foreign government, at least as far as we know, and thus "enemy combatant" would not even apply.

Heck, I have not even gotten over Newtown and now there is a whole other attack in which there may be more to the story!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by EarthEvolves

Yeh, even Glenn Beck said the guy should be Mirandized just because he is a US Citizen, even though he thinks he's a "dirtbag" to use his terminology. Other guy on the show said that even if he's not Mirandized it won't make that much difference with what they can charge him with.

At least if he's Mirandized it covers the bases. It does take longer for people to get their citizenship, thus reducing the chances that terrorist cells operating in the States won't generally have that protection, but still in all, this guy got his citizenship only 7 months ago. Who knows whether that was part of the plan to make him blend in or get special status if caught.
Strange that the older brother was killed in all this and the younger one alive but having Miranda rights.
We do not know if he is an agent of a foreign government or not. Just because he got US Citizenship does not mean he wasn't working on behalf of the Chechen govt, but the govt denies culpabilitiy so we are left with the prospect of him being part of a rogue teorrorist cell connected loosely with Saudis and Afghanis, as I have already pointed out on at least one thread.

Chechens do have connections
edit on 22-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:36 PM
A neighbor who knew the older Tamerlan says they got into a discussion where Tamerlan said the US used the Bible as a way to invade countries, and that the Bible was a "cheap copy of the Quran".
That is breaking Fox news story.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by intrepid

Personally, I no longer draw distinctions between the two major political denominations. They're like two fat turd piles...

reply to post by redoubt

Right on!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

The Chechen government is a client proxy of the Russians set up to crush Islamism so I seriously doubt that he works for them. If anything, he works for their opposition.

The point is that we can get the information through normal court procedures. There is no obstacle to that process. We are not at war with any nation-state. Congress has not declared any war since WWII. Hence, there is no legal basis for any declaration of "enemy combatant."

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by EarthEvolves
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

The Chechen government is a client proxy of the Russians set up to crush Islamism so I seriously doubt that he works for them. If anything, he works for their opposition.

The point is that we can get the information through normal court procedures. There is no obstacle to that process. We are not at war with any nation-state. Congress has not declared any war since WWII. Hence, there is no legal basis for any declaration of "enemy combatant."

A client proxy set up to crush Islamism? Well, they might try not blowing stuff up and killing people first. Then there would be no need to crush anything. As it is, the whole Islamic Caliphate thing is unnecessary unless you are doing an Islamic rerun of the Spanish Inquisition. Some people just do not want Sharia Law, myself included.

In any case, Sean Hannity interviewed Jay Sekulow who seems to believe that declaring the Chechen guy an enemy combatant under these circumstances would not have denied him a trial in a civilian court, but would have allowed us to get information from him through interrogation, as they already have enough information to convict him in a regular court of law. It was stated he would not go to Gitmo or any of that stuff that liberals object to so mightily.

But he is now mirandized and lawyered up and likely will not give out much info on the rest of his terrorist buds. I'm guessing the whole getting his citizenship really paid off for this bunch.
edit on 23-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I don't understand. Are you accusing this whole thing of being a false flag with the Russians behind it? The Islamists are fighting the current Russian-appointed Chechen government. They want a "true" Chechen government under the Caliphate. Sekulo might have his facts confused on that one.

As for the whole enemy combatant thing, it is not a legally defined term outside of a Congressionally declared war and we have not been in one since WWII. That is because we have not actually had a Constitution since 1963. I personally think the reason to have a real trial is to get to the real truth. What is the advantage of declaring him an enemy combatant? Does that not have to be proven in Court anyhow? (Presumption of innocence) What changes about declaring someone anything? I could declare myself the Easter Bunny but I still wouldn't lay eggs.

His guilt is provable in Court. We have a functioning Court system that has convicted these characters and denied them any kind of enemy combatant status that only feeds their religious ego's.

edit on 23-4-2013 by EarthEvolves because: add

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by redoubt

They won't do this. There is precedent where this has already been ruled by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional...even a public defender could get him off if they go the combatant route, so they are going the correct federal route.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by redoubt

They won't do this. There is precedent where this has already been ruled by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional...even a public defender could get him off if they go the combatant route, so they are going the correct federal route.

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