posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 11:02 AM
This just has me flabbergasted. This rant stems from today towards friends and family members on face book. Now I didn't whole-heartily agree with
their argument that "anyone who thinks the government setup the suspected bombers doesn't have a brain" and all of a sudden it turned into a debate
about either trusting or questioning the government. I know it's far fetched at this point to claim it was a setup and the trauma is still fresh but
to then claim that anyone who questions the government is a lunatic and needs to move out of the country is scary! I tried explaining that questioning
the media and government is healthy and pointed out a few things for them to research such as operations Northwoods, Ajax and Mockingbird, Frank Olsen
and Mk Ultra, The Tuskegee Syphilis study, watergate, testimony of Nayirah, CIA drug running in Arkans and LA to open there eyes a little. I am then
mocked and ridiculed and that "LOL, I'm a freedom fighter and that they hope I don't die in the struggle on the internet". They actually believe
that drone strikes killing innocent people in other countries is protecting them from terrorists and blindly support the war. I then tried telling
them that with things like that, the government is creating more terrorists. What really scared me is these people are not stupid and one claimed that
she felt that the government is a parent and that nobody is perfect and she feels that she is completely protected by them. The real scary thing she
isn't the only one that thinks this. Needless to say, I deactivated my face book. I just cannot stand the stupidity on it anymore...
Am I in the wrong? Am I some crazy person that by questioning the government and the war and their policies, I am a lunatic and don't have a brain?
It's so frustrating that I can't persuade people to open their eyes a little!