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Kim family mural destroyed in North Korea

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posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 01:49 AM
Perhaps this is the start of a rebellion? And there will up an uprising in North Korea. After being the ruling family for so long maybe there time has come. It seems someone there has the courage to fight the tyranny that has reigned upon them for so long. And this has to be good news.

“This is the first known occasion whereupon a piece of state construction for the idolization of the North Korean leaders has collapsed in this way,” says a report on, a website that monitors what is going on inside the secretive Hermit Kingdom. “Given the rarity of the event and the seriousness with which the North Korean leadership takes the idolization project in general, serious censure is thought likely for those deemed to have been responsible.”

Read more:
edit on 20-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

One can only hope that this it the end of that crap. Maybe there are infiltrators and the military complex will be starved - as they have starved their people during the last few decades.

Don't have much hope that the US is in there doing the right thing - but maybe south koreans are going to liberate their pro-tracted families and their people.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:28 AM
Those disrectful little worms.

After all the Kim family has done for them...

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by FreedomEntered
A sign that the end is near for the Un er Kim and his party of thugs, let there be more and we can all relax and not have the threat of war hang over us all,

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:37 AM
Un probably did it himself and plans on blaming the US for it. A North Korean False Flag!!

Maybe the folks over there are finally getting sick of it. Nobody on earth could blame them. I hope whoever it was doesn't get caught though. Talk about making a public example? We probably can't even imagine what would happen to the person/people responsible.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 04:10 AM
Hmm until i see something more substantial im calling bs.

Like the N koreans had missiles pointing upwards and were fueled...never saw any pics of them, they can only be fueled for 48 hours then they are rubbish. Seems like a bit more propaganda to me.

Make out his people are turning against him...then make out he is using chemical or nuclear weapons against them...where have we heard that before??? Gives the US the justification to invade them, same as the bs stories that were spread about the other invasions...that turned out to be total bs.

Maybe it did happen, who knows but that website is american and the only other links i can find are from american news agencies.

If this is true, there's a Town in North Korea that probobly doesn't exist anymore. Neither the inhabitants.....

See what i mean...he must have killed hundreds of people, destroyed their, you lot are hilarious
edit on 20-4-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

Read the original text from the Korean says clearly

"mural erected to faulty workmanship not prevail against strong winds collapsed"

edit on 20-4-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

"The Daily NK is a recipient of $145,000 of funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, an NGO funded by the U.S. Congress"
edit on 20-4-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

If this is true, there's a Town in North Korea that probobly doesn't exist anymore. Neither the inhabitants.....


posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Lets hope it goes viral-they have mobile phones now I think,so it could go viral...

There is certainly a small fortune for anyone who is in the scrap metal/bronze business over there.
Simply cut down and steal the huge bronze statues in the night-there are more than 30 000 they reckon.
Then melt down the bronze quick sharp and sell it back to the kimmys to rebuild the statues.

Anyone on ATS from DPRK,feel free(!)to use my above idea.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

I read on that YONHAP NEWS website that the construction workers who were building that wall had stole a bunch of the cement and sold it. The wall was then constructed using minimal cement in the concrete and high winds just blew the wall down. They said it had happened once before and the contractor was sent to prison with his family. I myself think its funny.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Like what? Starving their people while those cretins grow fatter by the day? They deserve the hell that is most likely coming their way if there is a popular rebellion in NK. If only the Americans would follow suit.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:12 PM
So there's no proof this even happened?

Why should I believe it again???????

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by xXxinfidelxXx
reply to post by Chadwickus

Like what? Starving their people while those cretins grow fatter by the day? They deserve the hell that is most likely coming their way if there is a popular rebellion in NK. If only the Americans would follow suit.

Surely you've run into Chadwickus enough on here by now to know that he was being entirely facetious...


posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 03:15 PM
I thought they whacked the fat little punk. What happened to that rumor?

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by SneakySleuth911

Sarcasm does not carry well through text. In all honesty I don't pay much attention to most responses on this site anymore as most of them seem like reactionary knee-jerk responses these days. I think you're right though for what it's worth.

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 06:38 PM
No picture? What a rip...

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:26 PM
Hey there.

Check out the following post, which I made in reponse to a question regarding the whereabouts of Kim Jong Un.

My post was made on 16/4/2013, four days before the news of this thread came out:

I had a very clear and bizarre dream two nights ago, wherein I witnessed Kim Jong Un being carried out of the blast zone of a tactical strike on the area he was known to be in. Everyone was talking in Korean, which I couldn't understand- but here's the weird part - in the dream I was able to read English language subtitles hovering in front of me, in the foreground of my field of view.

Kim had thus been deposed by an an agreement between dissidents and the USA, the whole thing sanctioned by the Elite.

There was some specific symbolism concerning his injuries, suggesting that half of those who outwardly supported him had a hand in delivering him up for the 'surgical strike'. After he was deposed the perpetrators of the coup were enabled to initiate regime change, towards a form of socialist democracy.

The newly established government allowed key supporters of Jong-Un to stay connected to the government, albeit with less authority, in order to retain a cohesion of image before the populace and the world

Whether this has happened yet, who knows - but when my dreams are this clear and yet surreal in presentation, particularly concerning international affairs, I have learned to pay attention - several times in the past few years, the events portrayed have been borne out in reality shortly thereafter. .

I was already planning to detail this in its own thread, as it wasn't the only hyper-real dream I had that night, and is connected to other events that are relevant and connected to the Korea situation.

source - predictive dream?

I know we're a way off from knowing whether there is a 'coup' in progress, but it seems as though it might be in the realm of possibility for the next nine months, given what we know.

You know what else is weird? I was directed to this thread by a 'broken link' which directed me here from the ATS search engine results. The link I had clicked on should've taken me to a thread about the hacker Gary McKinnon, but instead it brought me here, to the thread I would have missed otherwise, but which seems quite clearly relevant (possible at least) to the dream I posted about.

Weird times indeed, particularly here on ATS.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:24 PM
I have the solution.
Put lil kimmy and PSY in a room,and those dancing girls from Psys vids.
Give them all tasty food,PSY music and a few ATS unmentionable substances,and after that one evening-
then pop in Obama,Hilary and Chuck.
They are all already hopped up on weird chems that us little people won't know the names of until the 20 20's

Film them all doing gangnam,then the whole Korea Divide ends through mutual embarrasment.

This is the solution.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:27 PM
This might look like some crazy North Korean(s) to many people. But in North Korea this is more serious. Only a few select people are allowed to create art of the Kim family; as well they have to do it to perfection or risk prison camps. If someone or a group of people did this then something is happening with their society. Like they're becoming braver against being placed in prison camps with their families.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:42 PM
its funny reading this, and thinking to myself that this could be the first step in over throwing a dictatorship to an end.

History comes in cycles.

One day, we may have a dictatorship in the U.S. and that generation will be reading about the first defacing of the American dictator's mural.


posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 04:55 PM
Good. I think this is what Kim deserves for showing up on my Facebook newsfeed everyday with his head Photoshopped onto to all manner of bodies. The most recent one had his head superimposed on a baby who was riding a pug.

Not cool.
edit on 25-4-2013 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

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