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Why does the new world order allow illegal immigrants into the U.S.?

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 07:43 PM
If the new world orders ultimate agenda is to kill 80-90% of the worlds population, doesn't this make it harder for them?

What I mean is new world order architects are all just about westerners who live in Europe and America. So id imagine that the vast majority of people killed will be in Asia, Africa, and other third world area's and they will exploit their resources. But I also imagine that 300 million American's is too many, so they want to probably remove a good portion of American's as well.

But doesn't allowing million or so immigrants every decade in seem counterproductive? I mean I realize immigrants help the economy, but it seems counterproductive to their goal of an obedient population. A lot of immigrants end up poor

I just don't see the point of the immigration thing. When their ultimate goal is killing 90% of people on earth, likely leaving the few people who are alive to be in the countries they control.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 08:09 PM
Why did the NWO elect a pope from Argentina that speaks directly to people who over-populate the earth and believe in no birth control. I thought the NWO agenda was depopulation and culling

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 08:10 PM
Or the NWO does not exist. Which is far more likely than they do and have some big crazy plan the makes no sense what so ever.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 08:19 PM
I would like to think that all of the craziness in the world makes sense some how, something like an NWO that had an over arching goal, that all this madness had a reason, even if nefarious in intent, it would allow blame to be placed at the feet of these rich elite.

However I am more inclined to lay the blame for all of it at the feet of human nature, more specifically Greed, there is no agenda other than the rich getting richer at the expense of everyone else.

Illegal immigrants = cheep labor to be exploited, its that simple.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by theuppergots3

Poor immigrant people work for less and demand less employment rights than Western workers.That is it, no NWO involved. I used to work for the US government as a mechanic, I'm British but the US deemed my skills worthy of a good wage and I have seen some of the world because of it. Then those with their hands on the purse strings decided they could employ four Indian mechanics for the price of me. That didn't work out so I got the work again. Finally they realised that Eastern European mechanics could be bought for two for one compared to me and they did a better job than Indians, who frankly have no idea of saftey at work. Now I am back in England I am competing with Eastern Europeans again.

If American or British workers could compete on price for the work immigrants do then our governments would be protecting jobs not farming them out.

You have noticed that all the immigrant populations coming in the largest numbers earn much less at home. Canadians are not flooding south.

edit on 19-4-2013 by Rob7774 because: The train of thought never stops

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Rob7774

That would depend on what class of Canadians you are referring to. We only go south for the good jobs.

Louis B Mayer (Metro Goldwyn Mayer), Jack Warner (co-founder of Warner Bros), Mary Pickford, Glenn Ford, Walter Huston (actor, father of John Huston and grandfather of Anjelica Huston), Walter Pigeon, Fay Wray (King Kong), Lorne Greene (Bonanza), Monty Hall (Lets Make a Deal), William Shatner, Donald Sutherland, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael J Fox, Jim Carrey, Seth Rogen, Ellen Page, Ryan Reynolds, Alex Trebek, Ivan Reitman (Ghosthunters, Meatballs, etc), Jason Reitman, Norman Jewison (Fiddler on the Roof, etc), Justin Bieber (please keep him), Celine Dion (keep her too), Anna Paquin (born in Winnipeg), Michael Cera, Rachel McAdams, Kim Catrall, Hayden Christensen, Evangeline Lilly (Lost), Ryan Gosling, Keanu Reeves, Linda Evangelista, Elisha Cuthbert, Sandra Oh, Michael Buble, Peter Jennings, Paul Anka, Neil Young, Dan Ackroyd, Lorne Michaels (SNL creator), Paul Shaffer, Phil Hartman, Martin Short, Mike Meyers, Steve Nash, many hockey players, some baseball players.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by erwalker
reply to post by Rob7774

That would depend on what class of Canadians you are referring to. We only go south for the good jobs.

Louis B Mayer (Metro Goldwyn Mayer), Jack Warner (co-founder of Warner Bros), Mary Pickford, Glenn Ford, Walter Huston (actor, father of John Huston and grandfather of Anjelica Huston), Walter Pigeon, Fay Wray (King Kong), Lorne Greene (Bonanza), Monty Hall (Lets Make a Deal), William Shatner, Donald Sutherland, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael J Fox, Jim Carrey, Seth Rogen, Ellen Page, Ryan Reynolds, Alex Trebek, Ivan Reitman (Ghosthunters, Meatballs, etc), Jason Reitman, Norman Jewison (Fiddler on the Roof, etc), Justin Bieber (please keep him), Celine Dion (keep her too), Anna Paquin (born in Winnipeg), Michael Cera, Rachel McAdams, Kim Catrall, Hayden Christensen, Evangeline Lilly (Lost), Ryan Gosling, Keanu Reeves, Linda Evangelista, Elisha Cuthbert, Sandra Oh, Michael Buble, Peter Jennings, Paul Anka, Neil Young, Dan Ackroyd, Lorne Michaels (SNL creator), Paul Shaffer, Phil Hartman, Martin Short, Mike Meyers, Steve Nash, many hockey players, some baseball players.

you forgot, Bob and Doug McKenzie. just kidding. but you did fortget one of the greatest bands ever.


posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:27 PM
Yes millions upon millions of untraceable people running around unaccounted for in the most dominant industrialised society the world has ever seen is EXACTLY what THEY want, all part of THE PLAN.


posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:32 PM
I was thinking that, if immigrants really want a life (citizenship, good jobs etc), they would possibly do anything for it. They would be an easy target for giving them orders that they will most likely follow, that could allow their plans to succeed/proceed

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Kuroodo

Just like the early human migrations out of Africa 2 million years ago!!!

Twas the NWOminati for sure I tell ya!.

Definitely no logical explanation for it at all, not as as if human migration has ever happened before at any other point in time, nope, its a new thing, and although I cannot prove it, it most certainly involves people I cant see, hear or identify, but let me tell you, they most certainly exist.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

I did and I didn't. Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis both live in the States now I think. To the best of my knowledge, Rush has toured the States but the band members have never resided in the States.

I left a bunch of others off the list. But we can't give away the names of all the members of our invasion.
edit on 19/4/13 by erwalker because: spelling

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Tuttle

I know that immigration is a natural thing xD. I just stated that opinion as a response to the threads title (NWO and stuff)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by theuppergots3

It's one of the many functions of Globalization. Other than that I really couldn't say much because their are arguments for both sides, pros and cons. All of which are varied, extensive and usually very boring to research. So you'll have to look into it yourself for the answers.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by theuppergots3

They allow them in to serve as a distraction

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 11:39 PM
1) it helps to lower our standard of living (as immigrants work for low wages).
2) it forces our nation to be more multi-cultural (weakening our core American values).
3) it provides cover for terrorists to infiltrate our country thru the porous borders.
edit on 19-4-2013 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

1) it helps to lower our standard of living (as immigrants work for low wages). 2) it forces our nation to be more multi-cultural (weakening our core American values). 3) it provides cover for terrorists to infiltrate our country thru the porous borders.

While I don't agree with the points (except for maybe #1), Cosmic is thinking around the right lines. Why allow illegal immigration? The OP is thinking about it from a population perspective, not one of social engineering, which is really what it was about and what Cosmic was touching on with his answer.

What's one of the favorite tools of these "NWO" tools? Divide and conquer. Putting "Americans" against "illegals" and creating social situations like Cosmics #1 point. It creates a whole class of people in a below low socio-economic status (SES) which brings along with it more crime, more drugs, more chaos. And that is what these people want, Chaos from which to create order-Ab Ordo Chao. It's simple really when you don't think about it from purely a numbers population perspective.

edit on 20-4-2013 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Kuroodo

Heh its cool man, I get getting into the spirit of things, and no doubt shadowy cabals probably do indeed run this world, but some things just happen without the aid of shadowy international power brokers. Not everything is a conspiracy to be honest.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 07:54 AM
Two words:

Cheap Labor.

Why do TPTB/NWO/TEA Party/Ron Paul/(any other evil thing you can name) tolerate "illegals" in the US? CHEAP LABOR.

It's not like Americans are going to pick tomatos for a nickle a plant.

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by theuppergots3

Where did you get the idea from that they want to rub out 80-90% of us?

posted on Apr, 20 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by benrl
However I am more inclined to lay the blame for all of it at the feet of human nature, more specifically Greed

I thought that overpopulation had to do (partially) with sexuality. Sometimes there is no "buck" for the "bang".

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