posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:12 PM
I didn't quite know where to put this because it incorporates so much information involving accurate predictions of the present and future and
magickal/occult influence, but given that it is so wide in its statements the only home for it was the general bit.
I understand a lot of people will groan and complain that I'm linking my own blog here, if I could post it here in its entirety I would, but the two
parts together are over 60,000 characters and that's way over what you can fit in one thread.
Essentially I've written an article piece dissecting a book written by H G Wells back in 1910 called
'The Sleeper Awakes'. In it, there
appears to be quite likely references to his drug taking and occultic influences and the authors personal opinions on globalisation and of the world
in general. He does however get almost everything save for the innovations of flight, correct. Even down to the prediction of devices like Ipads, 3D
printers, flat screen televisions and the soap operas that are shown on them. From renewable energy created by wind turbines, the corporate take over
and industrialisation of China, to the clean and smooth 'futurist' architectural designs which are only just coming into being today, it seems H G
Wells had some uncanny ability to predict world events and innovations. Even the more sinister results of Agenda 21 seem to be played out in this
dystopian vision.
I'm fairly convinced that Wells actually saw visions of the future world through occultic and drug taking ritual. I could of course be completely
wrong in that prediction.
If you have got the time then give these a read:
Part 1:
Part 2: