posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 11:36 PM
I'm a guy whose spent the last few years writing a book about synchronicity, and now that that's over, I am reminded of how far outside the box that
way of thinking is. As Harry Potter might put it, or those who believe in magic, I've encountered a few too many muggles in these last few months,
and in order to counteract the attending estrangement, thought I might go looking for some like-minded thinkers. This web site has come up quite a
few times over the years, in relation to what I presume were random surfs that somehow related to matters that make me tick. So, here I am.
Aside from walks along the river with my dear wife, and hanging out with my cat, I love to travel, am somewhat interested in sports, am getting a blog
going, have a passing interest in learning to make music and seem to be on a lifelong quest to reconnect with peak states of consciousness attained
earlier in life, in my early 20s.
As I type this new paragraph I see that I have about 6300 characters left to type. But I think that is enough for this character, since generally I
don't do this sort of 'stand up in the room and introduce yourself' thing...