posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by FlyingFox
Have you ever used this saying to describe something effed up?
For instance, walk into your kids room. " My god, it's like a bomb went off in here."
Cleaning out the in laws garage, " Holy crap, what have you guys been doing. It looks like a bomb went off in here."
Saying " It looks like a bomb went off in here." Isn't always literal, if you walked into a place that was devastated what would you say trying to
describe the horrendous?
There were individuals saying the explosion was like a nuclear blast? Do you take this as a nuclear bomb went off there?
I personally wouldn't compare this blast to that of a nuclear explosion, but what ever floats your boat.
It's a freaking disaster, any which way you put it.
A fire around that many volatile chemicals is bad news. This is a known risk at plants carrying large quantities of volatile substances. Again, there
are any number of chemicals at a Fertilizer plant that are not safe when stored together, they aren't even safe once they are mixed, but they are
"stable." Exposing them to an active fire how ever is a completely different subject. Phosphorous=flammable, Sulfur=flammable, Ammonium Nitrate=
Flammable oxidizer/explosive when mixed with a fuel source, Iron oxide = potential oxidizer, Potassium Nitrate = Oxidizer, when combined with fuel
potentially flammable/explosive. Not to mention organic dust, Corn gluten which is flammable and a potential fuel source for the oxidizers...
Are you getting where I'm going with this? These are the chemicals I know of off the cuff, I could look up the list of potentially hundreds that
could have been at this plant.