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Why do you not believe? Chemtrail nay-sayers will be the death of us

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posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:19 PM
Preparing myself to be flamed. But I posted these pictures in another thread and wanted to add them to my own.

I notice a lot of the people who frequently post spout out about how they are so well educated about aviation, how clouds form, how contrails work, how planes work and what altitudes "contrails" are able to persist at... And it's all the same over and over again. They post to the same websites, and I'm pretty sure they are shills who get paid because they post to the same websites, and they get free traffic so why not post all the time on here?

I've done my research, and my fair share of observing the skies, which is every day. I look for more information and am not stuck on one source of information. I came across chemtrails MYSELF and was not told my anybody what they were. I noticed a huge change over 10 years and now my skies are gridlocked constantly. I live over NO flight paths, as I am in the middle of bum-f*ck no where. I have researched flight paths in my area, and I do not live under one.

So, my question is, Why do you choose not to believe?
Chemtrails did not persist like they do daily, in the 70's or 80's. Sundog's happening almost EVERY day, as well as pink and orange sunsets. These things were a spectacle to see 10 years ago because they RARELY happened. After a day of heavy spraying people's cars are covered in white goop that's hard to get off... Why are people turning a different cheek? Will you speak up when there are no more bee's? When you've got Alzheimer's at 30? When you can no longer grow seeds that aren't Monsanto's Aluminum Resistant seeds?

Aluminum, Flowers, and Bee's

Invisible plane:

Spraying stopping and starting:


Orbs Guiding Chemtrail:

Spray coming out of WING TIP:

Unnatural Unmarked Airplane Spray:

Rainbow effect from the spray, like you see with the constant sundogs and halo around the sun:


UNMARKED Non-PASSENGER carrying planes flying far too close to one another:

Time Laps

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:34 PM
I never really knew the point to chem trails, But I have always seen these streaks on planes, SO MANY TIMES here in miami.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:38 PM
Actually, they are chemtrails... water and co2 both are chemicals >.>

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:38 PM
Your third image "Spraying stopping and starting is manipulated in my opinion

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:39 PM
I don't believe in 'chemtrails' because the whole premise the fable is built on is nonsense.

Explain to me in scientific terms why a contrail shouldn't be persistent, and you'll have a convert

edit on 18-4-2013 by payt69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by minkmouse

I thought so too until I looked at it in Photoshop, and introverted it so you can see there are no pixels out of place.
edit on 18/4/2013 by clairvoyantrose because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:47 PM
You have the choice to either understand contrails, and clouds, or you can chose to ignore the science and jump right into the conspiracy soup. Sadly, the conspiracy soup contains no facts or truth.

If you take an objective approach to them and look at it with a truly open mind, looking at both sides of the coin, and you still believe someone is spraying you, then at least you have tried.

Most believers never give the actual science a chance since it goes directly against their beliefs.

I want to believe in Bigfoot, I really do. I have always been interested in Him, nessie, champ, and all the other explainable things. But until there is some firm evidence, I am not going to invest in cryptozoology stock.

Believe what you want, but don't do it blindly.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
reply to post by minkmouse

I've seen the video to it, and I can rummage through the interwebs to find it for you if you need? Google "man films chemtrail spraying stopping and starting". I can assure you it's not doctored.

That really happens. Just like when you fly and hit turbulence. The conditions changed in a pocket of air.
The air up there is dynamic. (always changing)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
I notice a lot of the people who frequently post spout out about how they are so well educated about aviation, how clouds form, how contrails work, how planes work and what altitudes "contrails" are able to persist at... And it's all the same over and over again. They post to the same websites, and I'm pretty sure they are shills who get paid because they post to the same websites, and they get free traffic so why not post all the time on here?

If you had a single source for all you chemtrail pictures, and "go to" information, would you use it, or would you scour the web for alternative sources? Be honest.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by clairvoyantrose

To be frank, you should be flamed for this thread.

There's just so much wrong with it.

Invisible plane? Or is it that the camera isn't good enough to pick it up?

Stop/starting? Why does a cloud stop where it does? The atmosphere isn't a constant, it's dynamic and that's why you get clouds in one spot but not another, same as contrails.

Orb? See point one plus sun reflecting off fuselage.

Wingtip spraying? Or wingtip vortices? Formula 1 cars can create visible wing tip vortices.

Unnatural plane? Well unless jets grow on trees, then yeah, it's unnatural. Only an idiot would deny that.

Rainbow? It's called iridescence or irisation, if it can happen to clouds, why not contrails?

Sundog next to chemtrail? Ooh, the smoking gun?!

UNMARKED Non-PASSENGER? How do you know that they're non passenger? Planes only need 1000 feet separation between them. Really don't see how this is proof of anything??

Time Laps? erm time lapse? Did you know persistent contrails can form in front of a cold front? So, for cloud to fill the sky quickly isn't uncommon if there is a cool change moving in...

And speaking of timelapse, have you seen this video before?

You can pinpoint where you live and get a rough idea how many planes fly over your head! You're in Alberta right? Not as many as the US but still a few.

And also, in this THREAD I posted a couple of pictures of "stop/start" trails that I photographed a couple of years ago.

Why would there be a single stop/start chemtrail out in the middle of nowhere? And I mean nowhere.

I think you have a lot of learning to do.

edit on 18/4/13 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:02 PM
I can see your "invisible" plane! Learn about camera resolution. You don't know enough to call any far shot anything.

Stopping and starting? No. Different layer of atmospheric conditions. Learn about the atmosphere. You don't know enough to make any kind of statement about what you are seeing.

Orbs? The are reflections off a plane. Learn about optics. You don't know enough to know what a reflection is.

Wingtip engines? No, contrails caused from pressure. Learn about the parts of a plane and how they work. You don't know enough to identify anything on an airplane.

Un-natural and unmarked? Where are the markings on a planes? You don't know do you. You wouldn't see them at those distances from the front. Unnatural? Wrong. The third picture is a clue. Extremely cold air....looks like they are polar flights. Surprise! Contrails form on the ground when it is cold enough, like in the polar regions. You didn't know that did you? Guess you should have researched.

Rainbows form anytime sunlight is refracted by water. If the angles are right, there will be rainbows around anything. Learn about light refraction. You don't know enough to call anything colored naturally or not.

As to the last.....why do you assume those are too close? Do you know how close they can fly to each other? You don't. Learn it before posting.

When you post things that people have been spouting for years, you will be easily debunked. You don't know what you are looking at. That is obvious. You have no tests that show anything, because there aren't any. You have no pictures you took yourself, because???? All those planes could be identified by someone who knows how and really tries.
Or show something new. You arguments are like "Chemtrails for Dummies". Try and debunk something a debunker says. Maybe we are seem to think we are. Show us why.

As to your claim that we are somehow all paid shills, agents, or whatever else your paranoid little mind trying to insinuate, I go by Stars15k all over the web. There is another, but he plays online card games, so that is not me. I am what I say I am. I am a grandmother, have a dog, and bake cookies. This is not a job. I do this because of people like you, who spread idiocy and fear, whining about the bad man doing stuff to you.
Before you make any more claims about me, PROVE IT. Show even one source of your vast knowledge of covert agents. Because you can't, which I know, keep me out of your paranoid delusions.
Because that is what calling people the names you do is actually called. Paranoid delusions.
There are few things in the world worse than nonsense at the hands of someone so deluded they see agents behind any post that doesn't agree with your view. So put up, or shut up.
And this is an open forum. We don't have a ignore button here, even though that would be rather handy at times. I will provide the sane science correction to each error in logic and science you make.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by clairvoyantrose

Invisible plane:

Yet in your close up just under it its visible,

Orbs Guiding Chemtrail:

Never mind that light reflects of surfaces and that is how we actually see.

Unnatural Unmarked Airplane Spray:

From those photos yes they might look unmarked because of how the plane is positioned in the pictures, if you would see the same plane from the same distance but from the side you would see the markings either on the fuse lodge or tail.

Preparing myself to be flamed.

How by dousing yourself with petrol and walking across hot coals

You have burnt yourself and lost all sensation of being burnt, I only hope you get the feeling back so as to sense the flames in future and not set yourself alight.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:11 PM
do not be discouraged by opposing opinions because that is all they are. i ,in my own opinion, agree with the OP. my reason to ever start asking questions of the chemtrail/contrail phenomena is my son.

on nights they spray i know it instantly because i would get a huge migraine. at the same time my son starts to itch severely all over. he is only 1&1/2. doctors can not find any reason for his itching and have run several tests. so i took this as my own responsibility to find out for his sake.

i have photographed numerous chemtrails in 85 degree weather way below 20-30000 feet! so OP i am with you on this. most people believe they are experts, but in reality you have to use instinct and observation over "science" some times, like this issue for example.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by stardustlifeform
i have photographed numerous chemtrails in 85 degree weather way below 20-30000 feet!

No, I sincerely doubt that. But would love to be proven wrong.

I am sorry for your little one's discomfort.

You can take a little comfort in knowing that Contrails at 25 to 30,000 feet will travel with the jet stream and will come to the ground 2-300 miles away from you. So if you can see them, the can't hurt you.

Oh, and they are frozen water droplets. Very, very small ones.

Give science a chance before you discount reality.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by stardustlifeform
do not be discouraged by opposing opinions because that is all they are. i ,in my own opinion, agree with the OP. my reason to ever start asking questions of the chemtrail/contrail phenomena is my son.

on nights they spray i know it instantly because i would get a huge migraine. at the same time my son starts to itch severely all over. he is only 1&1/2. doctors can not find any reason for his itching and have run several tests. so i took this as my own responsibility to find out for his sake.

i have photographed numerous chemtrails in 85 degree weather way below 20-30000 feet! so OP i am with you on this. most people believe they are experts, but in reality you have to use instinct and observation over "science" some times, like this issue for example.

lol. So it doesn't affect you when they 'spray' during the day?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by clairvoyantrose

Kind of scary you know how to use Photoshop and yet can't tell resolution is to low to see something or figure out what is reflection. Or maybe you just know what Photoshop does, and are guessing?

Anyway...Different conditions. There are lots of different layers and pockets of conditions in the atmosphere, and being air, we can't see them. Every see a clear spot in an otherwise thick layer of clouds? That is a pocket of dry air, so clouds can't form and persist. Ever notice how some clouds are flat on the bottom? That's because they are setting on a layer with different conditions. It doesn't take much difference in temperature or pressure to make a big difference in what you see. It's why clouds are not all just, dare I say..."ORBS"
?...uh, spheres, which is natural shape something takes....but this is physics. Sorry.
You should also know that all energy moves in waves, including through the atmosphere. And these waves show up in clouds and in contrails. When you fly and feel turbulence, you are passing through waves. Here is why contrails seem to stop and start. All the "stuff" is still there, but you only see it when it causes condensation. But there is that nasty thing physics again. Sorry...

edit on 18-4-2013 by stars15k because: my ba

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by network dude

thanks for the thought towards my little one. i know about contrails being water droplets and the science behind it, but it is a totally different phenomena. i see on here you mostly like to "debunk" most chemtrail posts, so i have to ask you, are you a shill? lol

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by clairvoyantrose

Kind of scary you know how to use Photoshop and yet can't tell resolution is to low to see something or figure out what is reflection. Or maybe you just know what Photoshop does, and are guessing?

Anyway...Different conditions. There are lots of different layers and pockets of conditions in the atmosphere, and being air, we can't see them. Every see a clear spot in an otherwise thick layer of clouds? That is a pocket of dry air, so clouds can't form and persist. Ever notice how some clouds are flat on the bottom? That's because they are setting on a layer with different conditions. It doesn't take much difference in temperature or pressure to make a big difference in what you see. It's why clouds are not all just, dare I say..."ORBS"
?...uh, spheres, which is natural shape something takes....but this is physics. Sorry.
You should also know that all energy moves in waves, including through the atmosphere. And these waves show up in clouds and in contrails. When you fly and feel turbulence, you are passing through waves. Here is why contrails seem to stop and start. All the "stuff" is still there, but you only see it when it causes condensation. But there is that nasty thing physics again. Sorry...

edit on 18-4-2013 by stars15k because: my ba

OOhh!!! Chemwaves!! Those don't look natural!

You know someone is going to say it

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by payt69

yes it does affect me and my son during the day as well. sorry i didnt clarify it in my first response. my asthma kicks in really hard when it is being sprayed and no it isnt the pollen etc.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by stardustlifeform
reply to post by payt69

yes it does affect me and my son during the day as well. sorry i didnt clarify it in my first response. my asthma kicks in really hard when it is being sprayed and no it isnt the pollen etc.

So do you mind clarifying how a contrail 7 miles overhead affects you on the ground? Maybe some kind of placebo-effect?

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