posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by chrismarco
Exactly, you can't tell some people though.
I'm tempted to make a fake image, embed inside the file some identifying statements, post it on /b/ and see how far it spreads... then when all
these people who are certain something is fishy are waving it around like some amazing evidence, ask them to view the file contents to see the message
I mean, there is simply no way at all for anyone to get through to those folk who are determined to be right.
It makes me ashamed to know that I can't even show anyone ATS for the other valid and great content that comes along here, because of the lunatics. I
have to hide the fact I frequent here. Because it's too much effort to explain that I think some things, but not other things...
At least there are enough decent people here that when this blows over and becomes an infrequent thread out of the blue, I can hope to find
interesting and proper conspiracy topics... of which there are so many.
yet these ones that people make up on the fly simply because they can't believe the world works like this, bad stuff happens, bad people exist.. just
make that a seemingly impossible wait.
That the world can be so twisted, they would rather point the finger at their own people than believe someone can hate them so much.