posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 12:52 PM
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm one of the most liberal people there is--and if those Christian Fundies who voted for Bush observed my
religious practices, they'd probably burn my house down 5 x over...
Abortion was a key issue for many Christians in this election. I'm an occasional watcher of the religious cable channels & they were all presenting
shows right before Election Day about how a vote for a pro-abortion candidate was a sin, that it sanctioned murder, etc.
A lot of Christians just can't get over the abortion issue, & it's a "deal-breaker" for them in terms of voting Democrat.
My question is: why are Democrats, liberals, feminists, etc. so blind as to not see (or admit) that killing a fetus is taking a life? I mean, isn't
this a no-brainer?
I'm for gay rights, gay marriage, religious freedom, the whole liberal platform--but it is quite obvious to me that a fetus is alive, and that
abortion is the act of killing it.
A Catholic bishop was discussing this issue, and said that there are some things you can "split hairs" on -- kind of referring to the whole gay
thing -- and there are somethings you just can't. He also added that many people in this country have developed a "blindness" to the abortion
issue to the point that they just can't understand what's wrong about it. And this is true--until I really sat down and thought about it, I just
assumed that abortion was completely ok & that it was just a medical procedure & on the same line as birth-control.
It's one thing to have an emergency situation & need to have an abortion (life-or-death, etc.). But is it really moral for a 17-year old who "just
isn't ready" for a baby to go to the clinic and have what is developing inside her destroyed?
Democrats really need to rethink this issue--to at least free themselves from the programming they've been fed in their social circles and look at
the issue from a new perspective. I think their acceptance of abortion as a viable choice (except for extreme cases as I've said) hurts them not only
in the South & the Heartland (and with Catholics in the East Coast), but I really think it hurts them karmically and morally as well.
To be fair, the Pro-Lifers for the most part have totally screwed the pooch in their "outreach" and could really use a good advertising agency. And
for Fundies to be Pro-Life but anti birth control is beyond insane.
And to those who would say (and have said) that without abortion, the population would dramatically skyrocket--then let's just say what it is,
government-sanctioned de-population techniques. Let's just own up to what it is & not cushion it in rhetoric about how the fetus is not really alive
or "women's rights" etc.
And my pagan brothers & sisters out there: if the trees & the rocks & the rivers are alive with "elemental spirits" and deserve to be respected &
protected, shouldn't we extend a fetus or an embryo or a zygote the same courtesy?
The Democrats harp on the Fundies & the Conservatives & the Republicans & complain that they are completely resistant to changing their calcified
views, unable to look at things with a fresh, non-dogmatic perspective. But couldn't they say the same thing about themselves?