posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by billy565
Burn them at the stake / Hang them by there toe nails / It's about respect! What's the official story? Or we just speculating off facial
expressions? Or are you a facial expression recognition guru? Offical story or your just trolling.
Who are you to say what's wrong and right? Where's the moral high ground here? People died and your talking about burning people at the stake. That
makes you no better than what Westborow posted about picketing there funerals. Are you a member of Westborrow? Freedom posted a Youtube video with the
title of Boston marathon looters. I can do that on my laptop too. Where's the official link to the news report confirming this? If not, your
blatently blowing smoke with your moral rhetoric when in fact you could be totally wrong about this scenerio.