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US Warned: Al-Qaida Hit Squads Coming -2/28/13 Boston?

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:01 PM
YOu should probably edit your post to remove someones real name.

You are going to attract all sorts of interest you do not want.

What you just posted leads to someone, or are you giving a tip you want me to forward to the FBI?


Originally posted by Nuke2013
If the bombs were ment to go off stratigicly or in sequence...It was a failled attempt to start with, lack of planning and poor judgement I'm thiking.

Bomb #1 goes off at the start line where a mass is assembled,

#2 goes off furter away and making people run away from bomb #1 blast....

wouldn't a carefully planned attack have bomb #2 go off first, make all the people run toward the finish line and assemble in bigger numbers seeing that that is where the nearest exit wasm the let bomb#1 go off soomething like 1:30 after bomb #2 and not 8 seconds ???

Whom ever did this wasn't a very bright person in my opinion, at least not planned to far ahead of time.

my though is leaning towards an angry Democrat voter fed up with all this gun talk and rights being taken away.

Bombs were crude, ballbearing and nails, most likely wrapped around a pipe bomb....So...I'm thinking "Billy-Joe Curtis" from South Carolina just got fed up and .........

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by IntoxicatingMadness
Well the fact that the attacker was Saudi Arabian leans towards this. Seems to not have been of Korea, suppose I should have known, why do a small bomb when you're gonna nuke?

So since it was an Saudi national, Iran is to blame?

That's just like attacking Afghanistan and Iraq after Saudis attacked on 911.

So....why are we attacking all the wrong places?
Seems to me Saudi Arabia is the one in need of 'liberation'.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:11 PM
This is definitely some wanna be terrorist group because of the retarded planning and execution, in a terrorist sense. Domestic terrorism to prove a point.

If it was Al Quida or some other scapegoat ME country, it would have been much bigger explosion and coordination.

There is probably an agenda here. More than what it seems.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:11 PM
Good lord man...Relax...I put the name in brakets as in meaning FICTINIONAL name. could of put in " Billy-Bob "

Originally posted by lnfideI

YOu should probably edit your post to remove someones real name.

You are going to attract all sorts of interest you do not want.

What you just posted leads to someone, or are you giving a tip you want me to forward to the FBI?


Originally posted by Nuke2013
If the bombs were ment to go off stratigicly or in sequence...It was a failled attempt to start with, lack of planning and poor judgement I'm thiking.

Bomb #1 goes off at the start line where a mass is assembled,

#2 goes off furter away and making people run away from bomb #1 blast....

wouldn't a carefully planned attack have bomb #2 go off first, make all the people run toward the finish line and assemble in bigger numbers seeing that that is where the nearest exit wasm the let bomb#1 go off soomething like 1:30 after bomb #2 and not 8 seconds ???

Whom ever did this wasn't a very bright person in my opinion, at least not planned to far ahead of time.

my though is leaning towards an angry Democrat voter fed up with all this gun talk and rights being taken away.

Bombs were crude, ballbearing and nails, most likely wrapped around a pipe bomb....So...I'm thinking "Billy-Joe Curtis" from South Carolina just got fed up and .........

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:18 PM
That's all fine and dandy, but your selected name points to a real person with a real life and probably would have real issues with you posting his name here in this light.

Originally posted by Nuke2013
Good lord man...Relax...I put the name in brakets as in meaning FICTINIONAL name. could of put in " Billy-Bob "

Originally posted by lnfideI

YOu should probably edit your post to remove someones real name.

You are going to attract all sorts of interest you do not want.

What you just posted leads to someone, or are you giving a tip you want me to forward to the FBI?


Originally posted by Nuke2013
If the bombs were ment to go off stratigicly or in sequence...It was a failled attempt to start with, lack of planning and poor judgement I'm thiking.

Bomb #1 goes off at the start line where a mass is assembled,

#2 goes off furter away and making people run away from bomb #1 blast....

wouldn't a carefully planned attack have bomb #2 go off first, make all the people run toward the finish line and assemble in bigger numbers seeing that that is where the nearest exit wasm the let bomb#1 go off soomething like 1:30 after bomb #2 and not 8 seconds ???

Whom ever did this wasn't a very bright person in my opinion, at least not planned to far ahead of time.

my though is leaning towards an angry Democrat voter fed up with all this gun talk and rights being taken away.

Bombs were crude, ballbearing and nails, most likely wrapped around a pipe bomb....So...I'm thinking "Billy-Joe Curtis" from South Carolina just got fed up and .........

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:19 PM
Don't let her get to you, she gets moody at times.

If it makes you feel any better, I understood what you posted as I am sure everyone else did too.

I agree with you, the person/people who pulled this off are obviously not very bright, such as certain members participating in this thread who are buying into the propaganda put forth in the OP article.

Originally posted by Nuke2013
Good lord man...Relax...I put the name in brakets as in meaning FICTINIONAL name. could of put in " Billy-Bob "

Originally posted by lnfideI

YOu should probably edit your post to remove someones real name.

You are going to attract all sorts of interest you do not want.

What you just posted leads to someone, or are you giving a tip you want me to forward to the FBI?


Originally posted by Nuke2013
If the bombs were ment to go off stratigicly or in sequence...It was a failled attempt to start with, lack of planning and poor judgement I'm thiking.

Bomb #1 goes off at the start line where a mass is assembled,

#2 goes off furter away and making people run away from bomb #1 blast....

wouldn't a carefully planned attack have bomb #2 go off first, make all the people run toward the finish line and assemble in bigger numbers seeing that that is where the nearest exit wasm the let bomb#1 go off soomething like 1:30 after bomb #2 and not 8 seconds ???

Whom ever did this wasn't a very bright person in my opinion, at least not planned to far ahead of time.

my though is leaning towards an angry Democrat voter fed up with all this gun talk and rights being taken away.

Bombs were crude, ballbearing and nails, most likely wrapped around a pipe bomb....So...I'm thinking "Billy-Joe Curtis" from South Carolina just got fed up and .........

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Absolutely - You cant blame every Muslim for a terrorist activity. But you have the freedom to DISLIKE any religon or cult etc that you want to. However, that doesnt change much. As it stands we simply have to be tolerant of each others personal faith. As long as it doesnt infringe upon others.

Muslims need to challenge the belief, that is a section of them, the belief that if they act against others in the name of Allah they go to heaven. I mean the types that blow themselves up along with others. Generally think they are dying as martyrs. Some are brainwashed from childhood to believe this .
edit on 16-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:53 PM
I agree.

They don't have much to go on though. When you live in your Moms basement, and everything you have she purchased for you, you get a hate on, and a real hate on for anything Jewish, especially if your a impressionable wet behind the ear Muslim kid living in a poop hole town.

Just look at some of the vile flying out of the mouths of some of the users here. You see 100% they fit that mold/pattern, as no one in their right mind set would carry on like that. They have nothing else. They are heroes on the Internet,in their minds eye.

Its all these kooks that spout off all this hate online, that end up doing something kooky up the road. They are nutters through and through, nothing going on IRL, so they are online trying to prove to all their imaginary friends how cool they are. When I see a nutter always spouting off the same garbage over and over and over again, I get suspicious that they may be up to no good IRL, I report their activities, no matter how minor it may seem. That way at least we can keep an eye on them and try to prevent problems.

Hate: Its all they have. That's why it is so important.

I hope I don't get a bunch of hate in U2U again :

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by RAY1990

Absolutely - You cant blame every Muslim for a terrorist activity. But you have the freedom to DISLIKE any religon or cult etc that you want to. However, that doesnt change much. As it stands we simply have to be tolerant of each others personal faith. As long as it doesnt infringe upon others.

Muslims need to challenge the belief, that is a section of them, the belief that if they act against others in the name of Allah they go to heaven. I mean the types that blow themselves up along with others. Generally think they are dying as martyrs. Some are brainwashed from childhood to believe this .
edit on 16-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2013 by lnfideI because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by lnfideI

Well you know history has proven you cannot " steriotype " who hates who.

Say for example, British Royality being friends with the Nazis.

So steriotyping is also idiotic.

Nutters are from all levels of society.
edit on 16-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:16 PM
That's almost like grouping paint jobs for a car together.

I guess to some they are all expensive.

But when you look into it a bit further you see the facts.

I am thinking about ordering a Nissan Skyline GTR,with the self healing paint option. That option is almost $8000.00.
Bu if I have an old Volkswagen I wanted painted with Endura, it would only be around $1500.00

Now some could argue that paint jobs are expensive. And I guess they are, it's just a fact that some are more expensive than others.

Its the same with Hate on the Internet. There is a certain group who holds 98% of it.

And almost 100% of the time they are the sad little widgets you see in the 1987 Celebrity in the wal-mart parking lot, not the exectutive driving the Lexus.

That's just how it is.

I hope I don't get a whole bunch of hate in U2U over this

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by lnfideI

Well you know history has proven you cannot " steriotype " who hates who.

Say for example, British Royality being friends with the Nazis.

So steriotyping is also idiotic.

Nutters are from all levels of society.
edit on 16-4-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2013 by lnfideI because: I hope I don't get a whole bunch of hate in U2U over this

edit on 16-4-2013 by lnfideI because: ~~~~ __/) ~~~~~~

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by PheonixReborn

Originally posted by phantomjack

I must agree with you. I do not see a militia group taking out its own people. That just makes no sense.

Timothy McVeigh
What he did was wrong but he did hit a building, not a crowd of people, there have been a few but not like this, if this was an attack there is more than they are not saying or whom ever did it lost nerve. Just does not make sense to have 2 bombs on the same side of street and so far apart.
edit on 16-4-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:54 PM
I wonder if they will use drones to kill any al cia da in the US. Then perhaps when they have killed a few of their own people . They might realise then what its like to be targeted by a drone. .

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

"God Bless America"?? Maybe if the mighty U.S. did not kill millions of them they wouldn't have a reason to kill a few of us.


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:00 PM
Sorry, I've came into this thread late, so have we got a name of the bomber? Billy Joe Curtis? I'll get it on twitter now to get the word out. ATS gets the news before the MSM again!! Way to go guys!!

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:16 PM
Historically speaking, bombings on US soil are homegrown, domestic terrorists. Given the materials used, this seems to be another such incident. Typically, foreign terrorists are more sophisticated and have access to military grade weaponry and explosives.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

I haven't read it anywhere but of course a public and free accessible target as a marathon or parade or whatever would be a more logical (from attackers view) event to attack compared to public event where there is security at an entrance and you need to buy a ticket too. Tickets leave a cash trail and obviously have more rules on what is allowed to take inside the location and people know there will be security checking bith tickets and bags. Superbowl, Olympics or World Championship football although perceived as primairy target, well it is difficult to take even a can of beer with you. Marathons, free musicfestivals or parades are way more easy to go to without any checkups.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by milkyway12
In my opinion, this act deserves a war. We need to go in and send Iran to the stone age, if the Iranian people cannot oust the regime, then we will.

We put Iran down, then a lot of terrorists are going to be left out for dry.
edit on 15-4-2013 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

Hey armchair warrior, what country should we bomb back to stoneage for the death of 10 Afghan children that were killed last week ?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

edit on 16-4-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by JustTheMan
Sorry, I've came into this thread late, so have we got a name of the bomber? Billy Joe Curtis? I'll get it on twitter now to get the word out. ATS gets the news before the MSM again!! Way to go guys!!

Just incase you are being serious, that is not the guy responsible. Its a random name.

Quote from the guy who posted it:

Originally posted by Nuke2013
Good lord man...Relax...I put the name in brakets as in meaning FICTINIONAL name. could of put in " Billy-Bob "

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Dumbass
At The Band Perry album release concert for Pioneer. It was a free concert on Main Street in Greeneville,TN on March 30. I observed that how tightly crowded close to the stage a suicide bomber would have made a horrendous killing.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 11:47 PM
I don't know, nypd is good detecting bombs out peoples thoughts but yet Boston pd had no idea wth is going on. I smell u.s. finger prints all over it.

Someone didn't do their homework to prevent this.

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