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Racism alive and well

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posted on May, 8 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Infernalis

yes, i am certainly self riotous.. learn to spell if you want to pick nits over capitalisation, which i clearly rarely bother with.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 02:31 PM
The guys were using staff travel. As in they or members of their family are staff with the airline. My dad used to work for an airline, so every time I travelled I wore shirt and tie. Was worth it, to sit comfortably in first class.
Just had to keep it on the "down low". Didn't want other passengers knowing you weren't paying for your first class seat and wash bag.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by skalla

It's called a play on words. It's apparent that's not all you rarely bother with, being the complete riot that you are! All of this is beside the point. You may be able to pick and choose your way through grammar, at least have some consistency when it comes to racism. Perhaps you might be able to grasp why someone would find the need to consistently plaster a message in light of how easily the point falls on deaf ears. The gist is simply enough even for even a mystic to understand. That racism is racism, and you cannot pick and choose what race it is applied to without feeling that moral high ground of yours crumble beneath your feet. Try processing that information!

And yes, the implication of the original article is pretty damning!
edit on 5/8/13 by Infernalis because: filled out

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Ah, that makes more sense.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by blackthorne

It sure is alive and well, have you heard some of the rap lyrics out there? About killing white babies? Or a plethora of other racist things? It's sad and disgusting to think that this day and age racism still exists.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:09 PM
It sounds to me like these guys are just trying to play the race card. If your employer requires you to obey a specific dress code you have to do it unless you wanna get fired lol. Plus they got to fly first class for free.Ill bet these guys knew exactley why they were asked to change but decided to yell RACISM.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Auricom
reply to post by blackthorne

It sure is alive and well, have you heard some of the rap lyrics out there? About killing white babies? Or a plethora of other racist things? It's sad and disgusting to think that this day and age racism still exists.

I sure have, been meaning to go through rap discographies and collect all of them to illustrate the point. It's gone from one extreme to the other. The fact that anti white racism has become completely sanctioned and socially acceptable really bothers me. I've experienced too much first hand reverse racism my entire life to ignore it anymore. Racism is racism, although these days it's looking more like perpetual excusism.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:24 PM
Well... I can't help but add... Me, myself.... Wanna know???

I'm a Equal Oportunity Hater/Racist.... Technically speaking I love everyone... I really do.... But then they have to open there mouth..... And the facathta that comes out or not will depend on how I proceed. Which has led me to some heavy debates with people Face to Face in real life and sent many individuals away with there tail between there legs.

So yes OP~ Racism is alive and well! We all do it~ We are all Hypocrites~ Hell I've had Racism happen to me when I was younger because I am "Brown" I know it all to well.... In all retrospect. African American's or whatever they want to be called because god help us if we call them black.... We need to be politically correct, yes? Are some of the most Racist individuals I have ran across. Not that they don't have a right after what Caucasian's did to them.... But hey~ Let's just "ALL" stay ignorant! Seems to be working out for mankind~!

Technically what I said is not racist either. It's just an observation in my life stated via text words on ATS~ So before someone tries and debate what I just stated. Beware ~ I have felt racism all to well in my 30yrs of existence, no culture, no nation, no man, woman or child is exempt. WE ARE ALL RACIST~

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Infernalis

the supposed play on words is a poor defence. shrug. as for racism , i've certainly seen it flow in all directions, and completely disagree that i am picking a choosing where i observe or react to it etc ..but to suggest there is genocide against "the white race" as the poster in question did is quite ridiculous and rightly fell on deaf ears imo. hence my response to him, and further response elsewhere - he seems to have paid the price for it regardless as clearly someone else found it objectionable and reacted too. i've no idea if you wish to debate that or "white genocide", but i have no further interest in that.

as for the article from the OP- it's the daily mail which as you may know, is an infamous scandal-sheet and even worse than "the sun" - it is britains worst tabloid. there will be more to the story though ofc at first it looks bad, but it would appear that these pass-users were bound by an employee code, which the paying passengers were not. perhaps they should have read the T&C's regarding using their travel passes or their staff handbook, perhaps the member of staff who instructed them to change attire should have explained matters more thoroughly.

so meh, it's a storm in a tea-cup so far and more info is needed for deeper analysis. as said earlier, not reading the daily mail is the simple answer.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by skalla
reply to post by Infernalis

the supposed play on words is a poor defence. shrug. as for racism , i've certainly seen it flow in all directions, and completely disagree that i am picking a choosing where i observe or react to it etc ..but to suggest there is genocide against "the white race" as the poster in question did is quite ridiculous and rightly fell on deaf ears imo. hence my response to him, and further response elsewhere - he seems to have paid the price for it regardless as clearly someone else found it objectionable and reacted too. i've no idea if you wish to debate that or "white genocide", but i have no further interest in that.

as for the article from the OP- it's the daily mail which as you may know, is an infamous scandal-sheet and even worse than "the sun" - it is britains worst tabloid. there will be more to the story though ofc at first it looks bad, but it would appear that these pass-users were bound by an employee code, which the paying passengers were not. perhaps they should have read the T&C's regarding using their travel passes or their staff handbook, perhaps the member of staff who instructed them to change attire should have explained matters more thoroughly.

so meh, it's a storm in a tea-cup so far and more info is needed for deeper analysis. as said earlier, not reading the daily mail is the simple answer.

Fair enough on the riot. We must agree to disagree on the genocide. Sounds extreme but with the history of the Kalergi's work, the caliber of initial investors, the award ceremonies and attendee's, the way things have gone in white countries, especially the UK as well as the high level of propaganda supporting the ideology, I don't doubt it has been a goal. I watch allot of genuine threads disappear constantly, and it seems anything related to those words get shut down pronto, which is a sore spot. But anyway, since your not interested I'll drop that. Personally I try and explore both sides of every argument and keep my mind open. Meh to daily mail, meh to this thread. My apologies for getting feisty with you, and for the insults. Things are scarcely what they seem, and even further from our initial reaction to them.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 08:47 PM
imho...The left (in the US at least) never celebrates racial progress but instead emphasizes continued (minor) problems, magnifying out of all proportion minor incidents (the airline employee who playfully announced 'eeny meeny miney moe'--how on earth was that racist?). It serves their purpose to create and maintain this racism-continues-unabated myth to give them moral superiority, cow conservatives, and motivate non-whites to vote (Democrat in the US).
Black poverty is mostly the result of undereducated teenage girls having babies with no husband/provider. Instead of trying to solve this problem the US left (academic, political, media) continues to blame some vague societal / institutional racism.
Individuals (of any race) make individual choices and have to accept their individual consequences.
edit on 8-5-2013 by works4dhs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by MrRobertson

Your whole crap about anti racism is anti white is from white supremacists sites. Another member spread was spreading this BS and was banned...let's hope the same happens to you.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
reply to post by MrRobertson

Your whole crap about anti racism is anti white is from white supremacists sites. Another member spread was spreading this BS and was banned...let's hope the same happens to you.

Why should you hope this? Did he advocate some kind of hatred? Lots of worse stuff are being said in this site with no bans being issued.

That being said, you could at least try and counter what he says (which I believe is true btw) instead of being a child and going "THIS IS RAYCIS U SHOULD BE BANNED".
Racism is a broad term. If you're going to speak about genetic difference between Africans and Russiand you are by definition being 'racist' - should you be banned for that? No.
What he says is not far from that analogy, and his points are pretty much validated by real life.
edit on 8-5-2013 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

Actually It is a pretty stupid saying..."Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" so basically he is saying the only racists in the world are white. But what can you expect from the white power movement...brain power is limited..

Anti-Racist is codeword for Anti-White

A stupid, dogmatic phrase (coming from a xenophobic, racist rant by a Republican politician named Bob Whittaker), usually copy and paste spammed on YouTube by White Nationalist trolls who don't have any arguments.
Non-retarded person: Dude, why does it matter that people who aren't the same skin color as you live in your country?
White Nationalist: Because races should be separate and not allowed to degrade the other's integrity. Why can't you anti-Whites get that? Anti-Racist is codeword for Anti-White.

Since we are on the subject are you and whatever his name is...saying America is a white only country. Because you know that is complete BS. What countries exactly designate themselves as white countries?

Don't even know why I reply to people like you can almost literally feel the IQ points being sucked out...

edit on 8-5-2013 by kerazeesicko because: I CAN

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Infernalis

i really would not expect more from you if you believe in a white genocide.

i dug more on this last night and the whole whine is spammed and pasted over the net, it is part of some white nationalist campaign... it deserves a thread of it's own - if you want to discuss it more i may start one on it later unless i am beaten to it by someone else - ofc it may get 404'd, but such a piece of brainless crap may rightly expect that.. while i agree that we should be free to discuss things the site owners may not want to attract the kind of idiots who believe that kind of rubbish

so i guess i kinda got re-interested in it now that there is a new angle, we'll see if a thread happens on this...
edit on 9-5-2013 by skalla because: tyop

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by skalla

Typical of the daily mail to leave the fact that they were staff travellers hidden away at the end. Anything to get a bit of race baiting going. The Daily mail is worse than the Sun, because they are so manipulative in their reporting. They report cases of racism, while peddling racist content in their daily rag and website. Baboozling their fickle readership into frenzy on the comments page.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:21 AM
Non-issue. If you're gonna fly on the airline's dime, you gotta follow their dress code. Otherwise, pay for a ticket and wear whatever you want. It's this kind of sensationalist "victim" crap that keeps people caught up in it. The article is clearly written with the intent to whip people up. And people keep falling for it.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 02:22 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Actually this is not racism at all.
These guys were on employee free flight passes. As employees, or guests of employees, they are expected to follow a dress code. The other two gentlemen were paying customers, and don't have to follow the same dress code. Its a private business, and has a say in how its employees and their guests, present themselves to the flying public. The same dress code applies evenly to other pass riders regardless of race. If they fight this in court, they are going to lose on that factor alone.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 5/9/2013 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Actually It is a pretty stupid saying..."Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" so basically he is saying the only racists in the world are white.

No, he is saying that in this modern age, being a racist automatically aligns with being white. Or, you can be extremely racist but you will not be considered one unless you are white.
All you did was just reinforced that notion really.

And do you seriously think you are stating a fact because you're quoting from I mean really? Next thing you know would be a legitimate source aswell.

If your comment would be slightly less white-power-phobic you'd claim that this sentence is used mainly by white people, which is true. It's just as likely that anti feminism would come from men mostly.
And if you take some time to think about it, implying that sentence would only come from "white power" movements or supporters is, pretty racist. But you will not be able to see through that.

By the time you read all that you probably have a few more insults in mind. Keep it coming.
edit on 9-5-2013 by IsraeliGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 08:13 AM
"Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White" is a direct lift from the pathetic whine that mods snipped from mrrobertson on page one, it can be seen quoted in two following replies on the same page.

or indeed here, where it is called..
The White Mantra
and is part of a concerted white power media compaign... there is even a page where the half brained are able to share where they have posted it:
White power eejits talk about where they posted their "Mantra"

it has spread around many sites and can be seen in replies to news articles as well as forums and social media where the smugness of those posting it is matched only by their ability to drool senselessly as they search for their mouse to enact a copy and paste.

while it's an insidious piece of rubbish that insists it "knows" what everyone thinks and sets up suppositions about what is going on in the world and how and why others react in certain ways to "race", disguising it's own race-hate as reason; it's also pretty hilarious that such people require a mantra to know what to think and how to express it. half brained is possibly too kind.

it's quite useful in that it immediately outs anyone using it as a white supremecist who is unable to express them selves in any original terms, or indeed form their own opinion without being spoon-fed... i challenged mrrobertson on this in another thread and he was unable or unwilling to explain finer point of it's meaning and was banned within a few hours. oh noes

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