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Mexico Registers 4,249 Drug-Related Killings in 4 Months...14% drop from last year!!

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posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Since Peña Nieto took office Dec. 1, Mexico has seen one of its largest single massacres, when 17 musicians were kidnapped, slaughtered and dumped in an abandoned well in Nuevo Leon state in January. About 100 people were killed during just-finished spring break, including several shot in bars in Mexico's second-largest city, Guadalajara. An American was among the victims. END QUOTE:

I did another thread about the progress the Cartels are making in setting up distribution networks in the USA which should be an eye opener for anyone who thinks where that road leads.
CHICAGO (AP) -- Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States - an emboldened presence that experts believe is meant to tighten their grip on the world's most lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits. END QUOTE

As many already know the majority of the Mexican population is disarmed either through Mexican laws or their economic circumstances and can not defend themselves.

The new government is trying to say "See since you voted us in things are much better"......Even though the numbers posted are not necessarily correct..... every year (month?) they seem to find a mass grave where numerous bodies are found; surprise!.

I feel so sorry for any country that becomes a Narco State.

Mexico certainly does not have the monopoly on that especially if you look further south of their border with the deaths and mayhem the organized traffickers cause. Most of the South American continent and all states therein have been touched by the corruption and deaths.

What is the answer? Legalized drugs? Arm the people letting all military trained vets carry concealed?

Many stories about military and government officials being on the take from some cartel....

I am not Mexican and it is their country so maybe it is not any of my business except I know to many good Mexicans who fear for their life.

I think about America being disarmed and the Cartels moving north with plans for another Narco state of distribution. Hopefully no one wants to see that happen..

You think it can't happen here...650 Mexican marines and two armed armored personnel carriers were used to overcome less than 20 Zetas in Matamoras 3 years ago..They did not get all of them for 4 were reported to have escaped and headed for Houston, Tx. The only reason the operation was launched to begin with (according to my sources) the Military commander for the region was paid more protection money by the Gulf Cartel than the Zetas were paying; that month he got a double payment....Just business, nothing personal?

Mexicans in some areas are breaking the Mexican laws and arming themselves to fight the thugs who have taken over their village...I say good for them but they will probably end up fighting the thugs and getting arrested by the government....What a mess........

edit on 14-4-2013 by 727Sky because: paragraph

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The whole drug war is a confusing mess. I know on ATS you cannot discuss narcotics. But I say legalize drugs. We're not stopping people taking drugs. All we're doing is making more valuable. Which cause people to risk their lives to make fast cash. It is even easier for kids to get illegal narcotics than cigarettes from the store. I can go on with my pointless rant. But I do not see the logic in keeping drugs illegal.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Phoenix267

Its nice to see things are improving down there PHEW!:What a relief! @@:

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:55 AM
I saw this and when I first saw the number I thought immediately the numbers must be going up... But then it says a reduction,

Dear lord...

4,000 killings in a positive light?

That is as bad as a warzone.

There were less deaths than that in Iraq some periods during the occupation. It's amazing this isn't a larger issue on the international scene. Although, just like Darfur, Kosovo, Lebanon and all the other atrocities that come up, they don't become issues until they're winding down and either:

A) Some political gain can be made off addressing the problem.

B) The problem sorts itself out and someone wants to throw a quick action plan together to try and take credit for it.

C) Hippies.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by 727Sky

CHICAGO (AP) -- Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States - an emboldened presence that experts believe is meant to tighten their grip on the world's most lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits.

I feel so sorry for any country that becomes a Narco State.

(Bold emphasis added)


posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by 727Sky

You think it can't happen here...650 Mexican marines and two armed armored personnel carriers were used to overcome less than 20 Zetas in Matamoras 3 years ago..They did not get all of them for 4 were reported to have escaped and headed for Houston, Tx. The only reason the operation was launched to begin with (according to my sources) the Military commander for the region was paid more protection money by the Gulf Cartel than the Zetas were paying; that month he got a double payment....Just business, nothing personal?

What a mess........

Any idea who the Zetas are? They are rogue ex-police and special forces personnel trained by CIA schools and instructors. Essentially, they swoop in to take over territories after police and military raids have taken out a "cartel" leader, after that group has been weakened and splintered by competing factions to take over leadership. CIA advisors down here advising Drug War tactics. Seem a bit... convenient?

Of course we know there are no rogue operations by foreign governments down here supplying arms or special favors to any of these drug operations. That just wouldn't be kosher, no?

Presidente Peña Nieto has promised to keep the War on Drugs going. The helicopters, military equipment, and special aid ($$) is enough incentive to keep up the good fight, however, he has stated he will change strategy to lessen the violence that became so prevalent under Presidente Calderón. There remains spillover activity and residual matters to be settled before this can return to pre-Calderón levels but reports agree border towns such as Juarez and Tijuana already are much quieter than they have been in years. In my own "hotbed" state of Michoacán I still have yet to actually and pesonally see any "cartel" activity though vouch for it being quieter now - I read and watch the news so I "know" it must have been as bad as they say it was.

Previous strategies aimed at eliminating cartel bosses and kingpins will always bring about more violence as lieutenants struggle to take over leadership, or when other gangs use those weakened times to their advantage to be able to muscle-in - which creates even more violence spilling over as the existing forces attempt to repel such a takeover.

I realize it could be difficult for Americans to grasp these concepts since there are no organized drug trafficking organizations in operation there - that are known of, hence no kingpins - that are known of - to be taken out, only victimized citizens and their docile neighborhood dope suppliers and the occasional rogue government CIA drug-dumping operations when unauthorized war funding is desperately needed, as in the Iran/Contra Affair - as the US is the most lucrative drug market existing in our world, so understandably the globalists controlling quasi-govenmental factions know the American people will cheerfully tolerate those kind of desperate measures when done in desperate times. Fortunately there is no known drug violence in the US and the inner city streets remain safe but for the encroaching demon gangs from down south. Sheeesh.

Thank you for paying your taxes to fund foreign aid given to fight the War on Drugs which is desperately needed to help control the illicit drug traffic around the world. If only there were a way to adequately reward those brave souls who keep the Drug War machine oiled and fighting the good fight, and for the fierce soldiers guarding those poppy fields around the world. May success be with all those folks as it were with the British during the Opium Wars with China. If only there were some way to reward them all....

edit on 15-4-2013 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Yes I know a little about the Zetas and the 200 trained at Ft. Bragg but none personally. I did know a girl whose cousin was a major in the Mexican Military that was offered $10,000 a month to work out the Zetas's security plans and mode of operation approx 14 years ago..She said he was a great guy growing up and attending family meetings but that kind of money turned him to a life of crime..

The DEA G2 that crashed with 4 tons of coke several years ago, the poppy fields, the corruption yes I have read things and talked to several Mexican nationals but I certainly am no expert and have the total picture of what is really going on.

4,249 deaths in 4 months and the Mexican government believes their policies are working....OK stuff takes times...My fear is the same thing will one day be happening here in the USA ....Of all the Cartels the Zetas seem to be the meanest to the Mexican population. Before they were kicked out of Matamoras the town and business almost went under...Gulf is there now and if my contacts are to be believed it is business as usual.

edit on 15-4-2013 by 727Sky because: spelling

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

What is apparent is that the Zetas are usurpers, gaining power and territory by making their way in when government drug war forces weaken other groups. Their connections, motives, and backgrounds are somewhat questionable when one bears in mind just who and what is actually behind the global illicit drug trade. We are all being played by this scam. It is like the old Chinese finger trap that snares you in tighter the harder one tries to fight it. The only way out is to relax and quit fighting it. Mega-zillions are being made, none of it legitimate, and we are paying the freight to make it all happen.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 12:08 PM
There is a big part of me that totally agrees with you: Salute

Even if our thinking is totally flawed the current system is corrupt and needs a Redo.

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